Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vendola: “We will react to break the Democratic Party,” Remember the uphill road of … – TGCOM

Vendola: "We will react to break the Democratic Party," Remember the uphill road of … – TGCOM

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    Vendola: “We will react to break the Democratic Party,” Remember the uphill road to reform

– “It will bring the consequences of breaking the Democratic Party, unilaterally, he practiced through the voice of the Secretary Lots. ” He said the leader of Sel, Nichi Vendola. “We want to understand exactly – he added – if the Democratic Party had chosen a strategic alliance and long-term with the right”. “This of course – he concluded – would change everything. Trarremmo We will subiremmo but also the consequences.”

Meanwhile, the remains uphill way for the reform of the Constitution provides that the new Senate. jumped on Tuesday after the mediation of Vannino Chiti and there was a clash between the Democratic Party and Sel, Senate President Peter Grasso has convened the council of the Regulations after some interventions that asked for an explanation of the so-called “kangaroo”, the standard that allows you to thin out the amendments overcome considering the proposed amendments similar to those already rated.

Nichi Vendola
Matthew renzi
reform draft bill

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