Milan , July 31, 2014 – 13:46
The government
More in detail, said Renzi,” the spending review there, whoever’s as commissioner, this or another. The point is that revision will do. ” It was previously spoke on the issue also the Secretary to the Presidency of the Council Graziano Del Rio : “There is no case Cottarelli – he said -. We will continue the commitment of the government. The spending review does not depend on the people who lead it, is a political choice. Behind the story of Cottarelli there are events of various kinds, including its personal. The budget will be in October, but the spending review goes on. ”
The concern of foreign banks
Cottarelli has always supported the policy of cuts as a recipe to save budgets. On his blog, on July 30, the inspector had stigmatized the parliamentary practice to authorize new spending, giving, such as funding, “future operations of the spending review, or, in the absence of these, linear cuts of ministerial expenses.” The rumors circulating about his resignation have worried foreign banks operating in Italy, conscious of the trust estate on the Italian system by international investors. In a statement the Aibe, the association of foreign banks led by Guido Rosa, expressed “grave concern at the risk of a backlash, which results in an abandonment of international operators in the underwriting of government bonds, partly as a result of disturbance on international markets resulting from the possible default of
The League, “Renzi guide to the brink»
reactions policies have not had to wait. The rumors of the alleged resignation “as a serious professional Carlo Cottarelli” prove “the resounding failure of the government’s economic policy Renzi” attacks the senator of Forza Italy, Pierantonio Zanettin . Adding that “the public finances are out of control, no tax cut will be implemented in the coming months will be inevitable and indeed a new maneuver of tears and blood.” The leader of the Northern League in the House, Massimiliano Fedriga , warns that, “Renzi is driving at 100 per hour towards the abyss” and send a letter to the Speaker of the House Boldrini, “so that the interests of parliamentary office budget to expose the bales accounting Renzi. ” Just as hard the opinion of the leader of the Brothers of Italy-National Alliance Fabio Rampelli : “Whoever touches the spending review is intended for destruction. Cottarelli is not a funny guy, but has the advantage of rigor and autonomy. We have no reason to doubt his analysis even if we do not share in toto recipes. But what if the Commissioner is proposing unpopular, what does Renzi, takes us straight to the default. ”
July 31, 2014 | 13:46
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