Thursday, July 31, 2014

Chaos in the Senate, Renzi: “It is the remake of the 101.” It opens sull’Italicum – Il Sole 24 Ore

Chaos in the Senate, Renzi: "It is the remake of the 101." It opens sull'Italicum – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on July 31, 2014 at 18:26.
The last change is the July 31, 2014 at 21:12.

bitter taste in the mouth for a “page not positive” in the Senate and then the confirmation: Italicum change of the electoral threshold and preferences. Matteo Renzi is a raging river to the direction of the Democratic Party. He thanked the senators engaged on reforms, from Sergio Zavoli, and reply to the opponents, including internal (“No authoritarian ‘) rejecting the sender attacks on the secrecy of the covenant of the Nazarene:” It is a parliamentary act. ” It admits that the recovery of the European economy is not what was expected: “You have to work harder and better.”

Franks shooters? “Yes, but more than our other”
“We are putting an end to years of perfect bicameralism that even in the preparatory work of the Constituent Assembly was seen as a problem and a limit,” insists Renzi about the Senate reform. Governance wrought on the amendment of the League, the President of the Council recognizes that there has been “a positive page”: “It is not a remake of the 101., But leaves a bad taste in the mouth because we recognize those who disagree with the right to do so in freedom and frankness. ” But he added, “if I had to bet, I would say that the snipers were most others who are not ours.”

Reformation history for a worthy federalism
“It’s a hugely important and historic reform” continues Renzi. It explains: “We do not want the evil of the Regions, we want the maximum good. Today they have elected another champion, after Errani, whose name is Sergio Chiamparino. We are making sure that there is a federalism worthy of the name. ” In its reply back obstructionist opposition. And he warns Sel: “I with a majority of those who accuse me of raping the Constitution does

not’d do: they’re in place, we will win the regional without them.”

No authoritarian drift
The style adopted so far, Renzi, is profoundly different from those who speak of “authoritarian.” “I’ve never seen authoritarian propose a referendum at the end. I’ve never seen controversies like the ones we’ve seen, I find it really amazing that if you make a match you must be streamed and instead constitutionalists are done by secret ballot, by hooded. ” Nevertheless, in accordance with the decisions of the President of the Senate, “we’re going to deal with all.”

Italicum: Renzi asks the mandate to change the law
The President of the Council urges officially by the management the mandate to change the Italicum, which from September will start the process in the Senate Committee on Constitutional Affairs: “We are trying to raise the threshold to get the majority of the premium and the introduction of preferences.” Renzi does not close the door to even single-member constituencies but, he warns, “we must work together to contractors pact, adding a greater commitment on the issue of the kind that has been respected by us.” Then belies the many who deplore the secrecy of the covenant of the Nazarene with Berlusconi. “It is a parliamentary act,” he says, claiming the agreement with Forza Italy but also the opening to the M5S (“Even if they change position every day”) and the League. The reason is the same: “If all you do is set a value, after years of reform blows of the majority.”



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