Prime Minister wrote a letter
Milan , July 28, 2014 – 13:15
” I know that at this time see the Senate forced him to miss time without being able to discuss in a civilized manner, but through amendments joke, it’s sad. It’s humiliating, I suppose, spend your time, how precious time to all the representatives of the state, to discuss the absurd arguments, such as changing the name of the Chamber of Deputies in “Gilda” of Deputies. ” This is a passage from the letter that the President of the Council Matteo Renzi sent to the senators of the majority, on the eve of the classroom discussion of the reform of the Senate. A letter from the Prime Minister warns: “The future of the government depends on you.”
Skip the meeting with Berlusconi
Meanwhile blurs the meeting between Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi (who, however, had not yet been fixed) that was to be held in Rome on Tuesday. The lump sum is not due, explain Forza Italy, to political problems between the Knight and the President of the Council. The cause of the postponement of the meeting, explaining blue circles, it is a physical ailment that the “forced” to stay at home to Milan
“Turn authoritarian? You argue with reality »
the eve of the vote in the Senate reform tension is high. For this reason, Matteo Renzi, has sent an open letter to the senators of the majority to close ranks. Define the constitutional reform “an authoritarian turn” means “arguing with reality,” Renzi wrote in the letter. “The constitutional amendment to which you are discussing exceeds the perfect bicameralism, simplifies the legislative process, balances the relationship between State and Regions, abolishes the CNEL, draws a state more effectively and easily. A revolution of common sense “explains” in line with the main European constitutional experiences. You can agree or disagree with this reform: define authoritarian means, however, argue with reality. “
Grillo ” We will guerrillas democratic »
Meanwhile, on the reforms, the leader of the movement Five stars, Beppe Grillo, ready for battle. “We’ll do the democratic guerrillas,” he said, entering the House for the joint meeting of the parliamentary groups of the House and Senate of the M5s. “With the Democratic Party there is a debate on the electoral law, but it is clear that we will not take us around.”
The leader of M5s reiterated the request of its movement to a Senate elective, to halve the number of MPs in the House and to introduce preferential voting. According to Grillo “is unacceptable in a hurry to Renzi on reforms that wants to change the Constitution at all costs in August.”
Sel: “No negotiation, amendments remain»
“There is no negotiation going on, our amendments remain,” said Loredana De Petris, leader of Sel in the Senate, after a party meeting to take stock of the reform bill. To those who have wondered if there is any news on a possible negotiation with the government, the senator replied: “No one is made to feel.”
July 28, 2014 | 13:15
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