class=”post-title”> Reform, the Senate rejected an elective. Renzi: “Quit at any cost”
‘was another tense day to Wednesday to Senate where was the vote on the bill Woods on reforms . The Committee on the Rules of the Senate has established, with ten votes in favor and four against, which is legitimate the technique of “kangaroo”, that allows you to drop similar amendments, and in this way they are deprived of well-1400s. The council was convened by President Pietro Grasso after some senators had asked for an explanation, and then challenged the opposition have his decision. He also joked, in the classroom, on the bench when the senator’s Movement 5 Stars Maurizio Buccarella appeared a kangaroo plush, and the president Fat has done remove from committed , saying “The puppets are not allowed in the classroom, I would not want to become a senator … ”
Buccarella replied, asking instead “precise sanctions against the pianists’ . It ‘was rejected, with no 171, 117 you and 8 abstentions, including an amendment of the “Frondeur” Forza Italian Augusto Minzolini , which served to maintain the perfect bicameralism and the Senate elective, as well as has passed an amendment to the opposite sign pointing to abolish the Senate altogether. Meanwhile Prime Minister Matteo Renzi intends to keep going, as he explained in an e-news writing: “ everything will approve the first reading, despite the screams and insults of these hours. Reforms are not the whim of an authoritarian prime minister. But the only way to get out of Italy by the preservation of the swamp, from stagnation. This is the right time, whatever the cost “ .
The prime minister also announced some modification to ‘” Italicum “ Senate: “ Model electoral law of Mayors: a winner-possibly with the ballot-that has the numbers to govern. If the ruler is not his fault, no excuses. L ‘ Italicum goes in this direction. It will be amended by the Senate and become law definitively “. And ‘now clash, meanwhile, between the Democratic Party and Sel vendoliani after they refused to withdraw a portion of the nearly six thousand amendments to the bill
You are Online voting ended Movement 5 Stars on the proposal announced by the leader Beppe Grillo “ in Parliament Square” , or go to the parliamentary grillini on the street, among the people, to protest against the reform of the Senate. The consultation showed a clear success of the proposed Grillo, with 17770 votes out of 21569 voters. The leader of the M5S , however, has explained more about the initiative: “ MPs did not resign, but, on the contrary, when deem necessary their presence in the classroom will vote for and defend the institutions “, and at the same time meet the citizens’ to explain what happens in the palace.”
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