History Article
This entry was posted on July 29, 2014 at 20:15.
The last change is the July 30, 2014 at 08:07.
“We’re going forward, we do not blackmail from anyone.” The prime minister chooses Matteo Renzi Facebook to intervene again on reforms. And it does so at the end of a hectic day that saw the failure of mediation proposal Vannino Chiti to stop the filibuster. But that also saw the pact between majority rule and Forza Italy and Sel weblog reject an amendment that had, among other things, the election of both Houses “to direct and universal suffrage.” Triggering the rule of “kangaroo”: via 1400 amendments, including the opposition protests and the exultation of the Democratic Party. Now ensures that: the Senate is elective definitively rejected.
Renzi attacks: “The dramatized today show that some senators lose time for fear of losing the seat.” This is echoed by the Minister Woods: “The Italians do not deserve the scenes that had to be seen today. Italians have asked us to change and we will do it. “ Touched brawl Pd-M5s in the corridors of the Senate
Rissa touched the Senate at the end of the session on the Reform of the Democratic senators and M5s in the corridors and rooms of the Palazzo Madama. The contenders were, however, separated from other colleagues and by the ushers. Already during the session there were strong tensions for the activities of the senators of the M5s against members of the Democratic Party, so that the parent Luigi Zanda had protested to the president
The tones of both parties have gradually grown and when the senators of the two sides have come to get closer physically, along the corridor of busts, he touched the brawl, avoided thanks to the intervention of other MPs of the same two parties and some salespeople who have hindered. Grease apply “kangaroo”: via 1400 amendments , stop at the Senate elective
That the covenant of the Nazarene cared seen immediately in afternoon: the first secret vote went the first paragraph of the amendment 1:32, tagged, Sel, who asked to insert, Article 56 of the constitution, after the words’ the Chamber of Deputies is elected by direct universal suffrage, “the phrase ‘in respect of gender balance and ensuring the representation of linguistic minorities. ” I have not been 162, so the 124, 8 abstentions: the pact gave out.
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