Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Renzi: “The reforms are not a whim of mine.” Marathon for … – Adnkronos

Renzi: "The reforms are not a whim of mine." Marathon for … – Adnkronos

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 “# Mentreloro have run out of time, we have not finished patience . Due to the senators who are supporting this reform # lavoltabuona.” Writes the premier Matteo Renzi on Twitter, commenting on the progress of work in the evening in the Senate, where the bill is being considered reforms.

  Cut 1,400 amendments – In the Classroom, these were not placated the controversy on the application of the rule of the ‘kangaroo’ on Tuesday allowed the cutting of 1,400 amendments.

 In the afternoon, was rejected – with 182 against, 92 in favor and 7 abstentions – an amendment which provided for the abolition of the Senate. Antonio Azzollini (Ncd) had initially proposed in the courtroom but said he withdraw it; at that point the League and Sel have done and just M5S said voting in favor.

 In favor also Scilipoti Domenico (FI) who said, among other things, that the classroom in front of Italians was likely to give the image of a “gang of scoundrels.” After the vote, the leader blue Paolo Romani has apologized to the court for “inappropriate expressions” Scilipoti, asking that his response time was deducted from the provision of LAN, as “sitting still” among its banks.

  Green light for ‘kangaroo’ – Meanwhile, the Committee on Rules has said that the ‘kangaroo’ is legitimate. It ‘s the result of a vote – 10 in favor (majority and Forza Italy) and 4 against (the two components M5S, League and Sel) – the

Executive, that “it is the prerogative of the President of the Senate votes regular classroom “. The use of the rule in the examination of the amendments will always be full of “common sense” and only intended to prevent “serial amendments” that differ only slightly from each other, said after the go-ahead Peter Grease .

 The Italicum – Premier Renzi in the afternoon said that the Italicum “will be amended by the Senate and become law definitely.” The Prime Minister then said that “reforms are not the whim of an authoritarian prime minister, but the only way to get out of Italy by the preservation of the swamp, the first being the economic stagnation that is likely to be conceptual.”

  The filibuster – “At this time – he continued – the senators who support the reform and who are undergoing the filibuster of a small part of their colleagues are proving the most extraordinary sense of institutions that can be request. reform will approve the first reading, despite the screams and insults of those hours. “

  Cinquestelle – Meanwhile, Beppe Grillo, on his blog, in response to the controversy on the assumption of Aventine against the bill states that the constitutional reforms of parliamentary M5S” does not resign.”


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