No agreement between the groups after the compromise of the “dissident” Pd Chiti. Even
Sel says no. And cricket threat the Aventine: “We will leave the Parliament”
“trap” does not work. But even the last mediation attempt fails. Is complicated – and a lot – the path of reform in the Senate. It could be a day of peace, in the Senate, in the Democratic Party and indeed the waters have become quieter. Chiti opened Renzi: “I will say yes, but the voting slip in September,” was his offering to the premier. But M5S, and especially Sel League have rejected the offer. Then it starts over again and begin voting in plenary.
The House rejects the Senate, with the first secret ballot, a part of the amendment of Sel on the protection of linguistic minorities. It is the first secret ballot by the Assembly addressed to the Senate. Then the House rejected, by open vote, another part of the amendment relating to the cutting of parliamentarians. The pact between the majority and Forza Italy has therefore stood the test of facts to the first secret vote of the House. This morning, when the House resumed the debate on the revision of the Constitution, goes to the microphone Vannino Chiti, a recognized leader of the dissidents of the Democratic Party. Lists a number of proposals that are equivalent to an outstretched hand: focusing the debate on some specific topics, including the mode of election of the Senate, the number of deputies and immunity, and reduce the amendments to “ten” and then refer the first week of September, the final vote on the reform bill. His party is not very hard to officially give the green light to the idea. But by Force Italy forward immediately the first distinction. Say yes to the suggested times, but makes it clear that they can not betouched and agreement between Renzi and Berlusconi. Suggesting that among these also have to put the Italicum. Prompt response M5S, League and Sel The first to respond, a thousand miles away from Rome, Beppe Grillo. The M5S is ready to leave if the Parliament were to pass a reform that includes the unelected Senate, explains: “We will remain still until you can try to prevent the coup with the elimination of the Senate elective. Then, if these breakers of the Constitution will not let us choose, we’ll go. ” We want real answers from anyone here Renzi or go on holiday, warns the leader of the League in the Senate Gian Marco Hundred. Sel, for its part, takes a couple of hours before formally alongside the stalwarts. “To say” remove the amendments and then discuss “is a condition inadmissible,” explains Nicola Fraoianni, expressing appreciation for the initiative of Chiti but explains why it is impossible to deal “with those who insult.” The reference is to the “owls, brakemen and rosiconi” that populate the political lexicon of the President of the Council. Meanwhile fails a second personal mediation of the President of the Senate. Pietro Grasso stops before the work of the House to allow everyone to gather his thoughts. Then he proposes to continue the discussion on reform from the less controversial points. At the end of cashing in yet another no. This time the government. It is the day of the vetoes. 

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