Monday, July 28, 2014

Reforms, Renzi senators: “It all depends on you, node preferences … – TGCOM

Reforms, Renzi senators: "It all depends on you, node preferences … – TGCOM

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    Reform, Renzi senators: “It all depends on you, open preferences node”

– On the election law, “we agreed about the fundamental points: the clarity of the winner, the majority premium proportionate principle of alternation “but” the discussion of the Senate be able to tackle the nodes are still open: preferences, thresholds, like that. ” So Matteo Renzi in a letter to senators asking commitment to reform the Senate. “From your estate – he adds – depends a lot on the future of Italy.’s Not waste this responsibility.”

“Humiliating pass time on topics absurd” – “There are those who want to block everything. And there are those who want to change, starting with himself,” said the prime minister claiming that with their support of the senators and the majority would ensure confidence in the government. “I know – he continues – see that the Senate forced him to miss time without being able to discuss in a civil manner but through amendments joke is sad. E ‘humiliating, I suppose, spend your precious time to discuss absurd arguments, such as changing the name of the House of Deputies Guild of Deputies. “

” Do not throw away precious days “ -” The days that we have before us can not be thrown away, “it said in a letter to senators then the Most adding that “the day will come when finally some ‘defenders’ of the dignity of the institutions will become how much it hurts the prestige of Parliament to show citizens how to show today.”

“No turning authoritarian “ – Renzi then rejects accusations of authoritarianism revolts against him. “The constitutional amendment to which you are discussing exceeds the perfect bicameralism, simplifies the legislative process, balances

the relationship State-Regions, abolishes the CNEL, draws a state more effectively and easily. A revolution of common sense in line with the main European constitutional experiences . You can agree or disagree with this reform: define authoritarian means, however, argue with reality, “sottilnea.

Matthew renzi
Reform of the Senate


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