Thursday, July 31, 2014

The move of the kangaroo route Articles joke –

The move of the kangaroo route Articles joke –

Elena G. Polidori

ROME IN THE NAME of “kangaroo”. L? Plenary of the Senate rejects an amendment of Ncd, which proposed to repeal the entire Senate (and Sel calls on behalf of his vote against the Democratic Party) and the effect of the rule? Jumpy? of the Regulation, all the proposed amendments to subsequent or similar are …

Elena G. Polidori

ROME IN THE NAME of “kangaroo”. L? Plenary of the Senate rejects an amendment of Ncd, which proposed to repeal the entire Senate (and Sel calls on behalf of his vote against the Democratic Party) and the effect of the rule? Jumpy? of the Regulation, all the proposed amendments to subsequent or similar have been torn down. A little? as it did when it was voted the? another amendment, the petitioner Augusto Minzolini, which proposed the Senate elective. Again, the attempt to coup scored by dissidents Pd and Forza Italy went to empty and the rejection (171 no, 114 yes and 8 abstentions) has? Cangurato? all subsequent amendments. Few, indeed, only 10, but any amendment in less time is gained for the majority.
Caustic comment Minzolini: “By the numbers, you see that Renzi does not have the two thirds of the votes.”

REGULATION, then, the protagonist of the day yesterday in the Senate, where the end of the tunnel Woods on the bill is still far away. So, you? Kangaroo?. But this makes it (if possible) all the more complicated, increasing tensions boiling senators yesterday morning that if they are called of all colors after the night before had been grazed the brawl between grillini and some senators dem just because of the drastic application of the

method, called by President Pietro Grasso, on a matter as important as constitutional. That’s why the resumption of the debate, minorities have arisen (but not only them, among the most critical interventions may also be noted that the Democratic Party Senator Massimo Mucchetti) and have obtained the suspension of work to allow the Committee on the Rules to come together and give a? interpretation “authentic”: you can use or not? kangaroo? on such delicate matters? At the end Grasso announced that the method is legitimate, but that will still be applied “common sense” with? Objective of avoiding that “this gives a paralysis? Image commendable little of this institution.” Yesterday, meanwhile, were voted (or? Cangurati?, In each case exceeded) about 450 amendments. Always few in number compared to the amount remaining, but still something is done. Among the
? else has begun to really see the real volume of internal dissidence of political parties, with the Democratic Party that has 14 dissidents, 15 Forza Italy, 8 Gal, 3 and 2 Pi Ncd. Declared ineligible, then the so-called “amendments joke” asking to rename the Senate in several ways: it went from “Gilda” to “Diet of the elect” to “national Curia.” Always filibuster rhymes with imagination.


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