Monday, July 28, 2014

Toti (FI) “pact Nazarene exists, Mr Berlusconi will not be ‘condidato … – AGI – Italian News Agency

Toti (FI) "pact Nazarene exists, Mr Berlusconi will not be 'condidato … – AGI – Italian News Agency


Toti FI pact Nazarene Berlusconi does not exist condidato will premier 08:23 July 27, 2014

(AGI) – Rome, July 27 – “The covenant of the Nazarene exists and iol’ho seen. I like many other leaders of Forza Italy,” says John Toti, political adviser to the party in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina, during the cultural festival ‘Ponza D’Autore’. “It ‘a simple sheet of paper which provides some schematic stages of the reform process. It’ a simple thing in its banality ‘, a note

written in pen on the things to do in the electoral law – continues Toti – so the start was the Spanish model, and about the Senate consisted of three clauses: non-elective ‘, not the hand, and the end of bicameralism, or the double passing of laws, “says MEP blue. When asked if there were any signatures in the document Renzi and Berlusconi, Toti replied that there was no signature. – “It ‘obvious that can not’ be the new candidate for prime minister Silvio Berlusconi in the next election,” said Toti. “How will ‘choose the new candidate for prime minister? Probably with the instrument of the primaries, which is not necessarily, however,’ are the best tool.
Only in Italy where the parties are particularly delegitimized – because of them, ’cause they gave bad examples – the primaries are seen as the panacea, “says the political adviser of Forza Italy. “I am not opposed to preferences, would not be afraid to run in the primaries, but they are a tool to be used with caution in order to select the new ruling class. During the first Republic was indeed the flying public spending and public debt which now exceeds 135%, “said Toti. “Renzi promised five major reforms in a hundred days, it was ridiculous to propose that, in fact, has not made a single one. Has now corrected the shooting and said that will ‘within a thousand days and that’ more ‘reasonable, but it ‘the game to the table of 10. This press watchdog, which with Berlusconi did not discount – but even with D’Alema and Prodi – with Renzi has a different attitude. ” (AGI).

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