Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Reforms, fracture the Democratic Party and Sel Continue consideration by Parliament – Rai News

Reforms, fracture the Democratic Party and Sel Continue consideration by Parliament – Rai News

A Senate will resume at 9:30 am discussion on the amendments to the bill. During the session, characterized obstructionism implemented by the opposition were rejected five amendments. Rissa touched dem senators and grillini

Seat Night of the Senate came to an end with the vote and the rejection of only five amendments to the reforms, due to obstruction. Work will resume tomorrow at 9:30. At the end of the session was rejected the request of M5s and Sel that the Foreign Minister was referring Mogherini in Parliament on Libya. It ‘was decided instead an upcoming hearing in the Commission. Rissa touched senators of the Democratic Party and the M5s. In the corridors and rooms of the Palazzo Madama. The contenders were, however, separated from other colleagues and by the ushers.

But the day was characterized by the breakdown of talks between Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the opposition on the bill reforms, starring the parent Sel Loredana De Petris, driving a patrol of seven MPs and opposition supporter of the line more takes the path of reforms by rottamatore weblog. And stop the deal, which marks the dawn of a long day, explodes in a break between the more general ‘vendoliani’ and Pd, in a tough call and response between those who ran in 2013 along with elections and today, however, is likely to start on opposite sides of the future Regional.

Party as a ‘confrontation’ over the fate of the Senate and with the presentation of almost 6 thousand amendments to the text by ‘vendoliani’, the clash between Sel and Pd on and extends in a matter of hours, from when the ‘pasionaria’ De Petris, marks in classroom detachment from any mediation where the various souls of the opposition to the text seemed to start this morning after dense contacts yesterday. And the clash, in a matter of hours, it becomes total.

“The location of Sel preclude future
alliances, especially in the territory,” warned the Secretary to the Presidency of the Council Luca Lotti, who then in Transatlantic , tries to explain the reasons for his and the Democratic Party to Dario Stefano, among the softest in the patrol vendoliani in the Senate. “Sel 7 senators who do not yield to blackmail a problem per’Italia? And the new Founding Fathers and Berlusconi are Verdini? # Lottistaisereno,” is the reply, piccata, Nichi Vendola, encasing the immediate reaction of the President the Democratic Party, Matthew Orfini: “Dear Nichi, to break the alliance is who blocks the institutions.”
words that mark slipping towards Sel shores far more distant than a few months ago, the Nazarene in a marked trail, recently, by the passage of the deputies ‘Meliorists’ to the Democratic Party or the LED current, ante, in fact, of a future input between the Democrat. No one among the ranks of Sel, has not forgotten the recent earthquake, caused, according to the same Vendola from a real ‘opa’ launched by Renzi.

From then on, the deterioration of relations was progressive, marked by the clash of economic policy reforms and Italicum, on which vendoliani asking for lower thresholds and equal for parties that run in and out of a coalition. But, is accused of Sel, by Renzi came just words “inadmissible” and no concrete opening. “Since no one has called government”, still protesting this afternoon between the rows vendoliane while a senator admitted as Vendola “it was never regarded as a true partner to Renzi.”

From here the fracture. With inevitable consequences on alliances in those regions where, in the forthcoming local elections, the role of Sel is and will be the subject of debate with the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party, not without resentment. “What a pleasure to go to the party tonight Sel”, twittava, serious and sarcastic, the minority leader dem, Goofy Civati.


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