Monday, July 28, 2014

Appointments EU, Renzi meets D’Alema Mogherini but remains on track – The Western

Appointments EU, Renzi meets D'Alema Mogherini but remains on track – The Western

The meeting yesterday between Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema and Matteo Renzi shows that Italy and the European socialists do not give up on the appointment of Mr. CFSP, the chair of the High Representative for EU foreign policy. The name of the minister Federica Mogherini not ‘set, despite the distinction and the international criticism especially from countries of Eastern Europe but already circulated the names of former Prime Minister D’Alema, but also to have read a post like that of the European “foreign minister” or president of the EU Council and not ‘new. According to the democrat Gianni Pittella “if someone were to continue this specious manipulation on the alleged incompetence or inexperience” of Mogherini “is the application of D’Alema.” In fact, the

game is’ more complex than expected: the tip of France, for example, the important chair of economics in Berlin and if it were to tear all our other appointments would suffer a repositioning. In any case, perhaps focusing on the application so blatant Mogherini, Renzi has underestimated a bit ‘too the euroequilibri, exposing more than they should.


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