Volleyball Series Women’s against violence on women.
the champions of The League Women’s Volleyball Series, during the 6-match scheduled for Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 November, go to the field to support Women Run The Show (http://wrts.telefonorosa.it/). The initiative, promoted by Samsung Electronics Italy in cooperation with telefono Rosa, and with the Patronage of the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, to promote the psychological recovery of women who have a history of social disadvantage and family and facilitate their reintegration in the community and in the world of work.
During the 7th day of the first round, the athletes of Volleyball League Women, of which Samsung is the Title Sponsor (Samsung Gear Volleyball Cup), they will be wearing special mesh Women Run The Show to express their solidarity to all women victims of violence and raise the awareness of the fans and all of the Italians vis-à-vis a phenomenon that in our Country is more and more widespread: there are over 6 million women who have undergone in the course of his life some form of violence, a number that represents approximately 31% of women in Italy between 16 and 70 years.
Testimonial of the project, Women Run The Show Antonella Bellutti, the two-times olympic champion – in the pursuit in Atlanta 1996 and in the points race at Sydney 2000 – that will be present at the match between Sudtirol Bolzano and Metalleghe Montichiari on Saturday evening, scheduled to take place in Bolzano, his hometown. the "We are particularly delighted that the athletes and the entire women’s Volleyball League have embraced this initiative in which we strongly believe and we hope that, through sport, the passion of the italians, the message can reach so many women, men, young and less young people, supporting in this way the progress of the individual and society", said Mario Levratto, Head of Marketing and External Relations for Samsung Electronics Italia. the "it Is a source of pride to offer our contribution to Samsung and Phone Pink in a project against violence on women. Our athletes are first of all women who communicate positive values and in this sense I believe that they are witnesses ideal to convey messages of hope, personal strength and confidence in their own ability to build a future even better. In the course of the weekend we will work on all fields of Serie A1 for support and to ask for solidarity and support to women victims of violence, raising the awareness of all of our fans and sports fans in relation to this right the battle of civilization" said Mauro Fabris, president of Volleyball League Women. the "Women Run The Show is an extraordinary project, where the key words are strength, courage, get up, make the team. All concepts that match wonderfully with the discipline of volleyball. For us it is an honor to be the protagonists, thanks to Samsung Electronics Italy, on the fields of the League Women’s Volleyball Italian that is, we say it with conviction, a true excellence of Italian sport and fema le sport. To have at our side the amazing athletes and the whole movement is a great emotion, but also a message: the violence against women can and must get out. For this you need the contribution of everyone, each in his own role, but all with the same passion and determination. The Sport has always represented for us a vehicle your most precious positive messages and information and the world of the volleyball, once again, demonstrates his great sensitivity. For this, we are proud that to us, in the field of bozen-Bolzano, there will be the bi-olympic champion Antonella Bellutti, our Ambassador, to whom we will entrust the task of bearing witness to our gratitude," said Gabriella Results Moscatelli, President of telefono Rosa.
With Women Run The Show Samsung Electronics Italy in cooperation with telefono Rosa helps women who have suffered violence and supports them in their psychological recovery and reintegration in the community and in the world of work. This process takes place through a path to the custom made training and motivational courses, professional certificates, which allowed the first women involved to recover their self-esteem and economic independence.
it was made of a commercial directed by the Italian director Maria Sole Tognazzi, and to raise the awareness of all in respect of this serious phenomenon and to involve other companies that, with their support, can help a growing number of women. Samsung is in fact the forerunner of this initiative, but does not want to be alone: with telefono Rosa, wants to involve other companies, prestigious, and other women in difficulty, creating a network of effective and united, and to support individual progress and social. For more information on the initiative and to see the spot and the documentary visit the website: http://wrts.telefonorosa.it
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