The hospital of Amandola has been declared unfit for use for structural problems and has been completely evacuated. More tests carried out yesterday by engineers of the University of Pavia have encountered injuries and problems, and classified the whole of the structure such as “And”.
earthquake swarm
And in the meantime continue the seismic swarm that is flailing in the Centre of Italy. Are 23.300 shock registered by August 24 by the National Seismic Network of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Ingv). Of these, over 3,300 have occurred from the 30th of October. At 11.00 am today, 5 November, the earthquakes of magnitude between 3 and 4 were about 663, 41, of magnitude between 4 and 5 and 5 and those of a magnitude greater than or equal to 5, according to the reports of the Ingv. Only from midnight today, the shock so far recorded a magnitude of more than 2 between the regions of Marche, Lazio and Umbria have been 101. According to the surveys of the Ingv, the strongest was a magnitude of 3.6 of 9.17 with the epicenter near Accumoli and Cittareale.
The promises of the government
But the minister Dario Franceschini launches a signal of encouragement to the affected population: “The reconstruction of the centre of Italy hit by the earthquake to know the same redemption that had Pompeii”. And adds the minister of the Environment Gian Luca Galletti: “The Government there has been from the first moment, there is today and there will be up to the reconstruction of these villages, this is the goal”.
November 5, 2016 (change the 5 November 2016 | 15:18)
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