Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi gestures as he talks during a news conference at Chigi Palace in Rome, Italy October 12, 2016. REUTERS/Tony Gentile | Tony Gentile / Reuters
"it Was clear even before, and we, in fact, we have always fought against the austerity. But the victory of Donald Trump in the Usa does not give escape: the penalty is no longer sustainable. It is about citizens ‘ trust in the european institutions. It is urgent to give a wake up call to Europe on safety and on the young". Sandro Gozi has just finished to give battle to the general Affairs Council of the Eu. On behalf of the premier, Matteo Renzi, the secretary of state for European Affairs, has expressed the Italian reserves on the revision of the multiannual Eu budget, in fact, blocking the approval, which requires unanimity. And another round of crusade renziana against this Eu. Less than three weeks from the referendum, the polls give reason (convinced two voters out of three, says Pagnoncelli), the premier goes on. And tomorrow in Brussels is expected a taste of the same lunch anti-european.
Tomorrow, the reserve Italian on the multi-annual budget – which, according to the latest proposal of the presidency of slovakia is still too poor in resources "for young people, tackling youth unemployment, or Erasmus, successful programs such as Horizon 2020, and then the immigration…", it lists Gozi – the falls, in 'conciliation'. According to the 'burocratese' european question of the attempt to find an agreement between the Parliament and the Council, with the Commission to mediate. Italy should act the same part, carried on today by Gozi. The task is entrusted to Daniele Viotti mep Dem, the only Italian present in the delegation of the Budget Committee of the european Parliament, which will be heard on the budget locked today. But Viotti will not be alone: with him there will be the French socialists, the Spanish, the Portuguese. In other words, an alliance of anti-austerity that actually starts to give concrete signs of life in Brussels.
Today, the news of the move, the Italian came more or less in real time at the meeting of the socialist group in the Committee on the Budget. And – needless to say – was highly praised by the participants, especially the French, the Spanish and the Portuguese. Not only. Viotti tomorrow may find allies in the Epp, as also among the Popular you are structuring a frond anti-austerity, composed by meps of the south of Europe. Basically, bet the Dem in Brussels, the Council will approve the revised budget in the next parliamentary session in Strasbourg next week. And maybe not even in December. But there is, to say that the presidency of the Slovak wants to go forward the same at least on the annual budget, for which you can proceed to the majority.
In the evening to Mix it up on the Italian Renzi explains: “The reserve of today is the prelude of the veto that we will be able to express on the european budget. The current one has been decided by the government Monti in 2012. And these are the negative numbers for Italy that puts in the safe collective 20 bn euros and takes 12. We are active contributors to the 8 billion that go to Hungary, Slovakia, etc., according to a model inspired by the solidarity. Now, if the europeans continue to make smart immigration, if they think they will be unselfish and supportive only when there is to take the money, then when there is to discuss about the budget we are ready to put the veto. Today is a reserve, we are not in conditions to be able to block but we did this to signal our disagreement on a few items”.
this is called effect Trump. The tycoon has put in crisis the traditional parties in the Usa. In Europe, those of the traditional parties is still in the saddle, trying to run for cover. It’s now or never. That is especially true for Renzi, now in the last stages in the referendum campaign that could cost him his career as premier.
The move set in place today in Brussels falls to the brush. Today, Renzi is in Sicily. From Catania commented: “The Eu wanted to leave the sicilians to take charge of immigration, to save thousands of lives to take charge of the solutions and of the complexity of the story. And then fill with money the european Countries that do not accept not only an agreement which they have signed, but with our money up the walls”. Tomorrow the European Commission will express its opinion on the laws of the member States ‘ budget. On Italy the judgement should be ok with a reserve exhibit in January, after the referendum then. He also talked about the dinner last night between the leader of the Socialists and democrats, Gianni Pittella, the Epp Manfred Weber, the president of the Commission Juncker and vice president Timmermans. Juncker would have anticipated a pass to the partial, which does not satisfy all the government but gives breath to the last sprint the referendum. An d then there is to say that the Commission will adopt a document for expulsion progressive from austerity: that brings water to the mill of the premier.
"Juncker has launched a real turning point, says Pittella – For the first time after decades, the commission urges the member States, Germany in primis, to adopt fiscal policies expansionary. Another that austerity".
that, Essentially, the America’s intimate the 'time out' from this side of the Atlantic. Europe tries to get a move on to stay on his feet. And Renzi, in this does its part, mobilizing all of his in Rome and Brussels, each with a task to carry out. This week then will be able to enjoy one last help from Barack Obama. The outgoing president, has arrived today in Athens and tomorrow evening will be in Berlin for a summit meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel and the closest european allies, including even the same Renzi. "Trump and Sanders, candidates for non-conventional, have had success", recognizes Obama from Greece, the epicentre of the european crisis for the public finances and the migration emergency. Obama’s message for Europe: "The austerity feeds the subject to considerable debate".
it is the effect Trump that falls on the Eu, but, paradoxically, also carries the signature of president Obama.
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