
(AGI) – Rome, February 8 – “We will always be willing to give our vote to the proposals of the left that we consider useful for the country, but now we take our role as opposed to 360 degrees, which was frankly failure”. The said Silvio Berlusconi, connected to the phone to the political initiative promoted by Gianfranco Rotondi “We are relieved of a burden and we can go back to work to build a strong and compact center,” said Berlusconi. “We will still have our vote if we believe that the reforms are positive for Italy and Italians, but not acceteremo more ‘all, as we accepted” with regard to the electoral law “double shift and the premium to 40%, a mixture of candidates nominated and preferences and that ‘something that does not stand up. And I want to remember that preferences contain a sea of dangers, with the increase of the exchange votes we put all of our elected pm and again in the hands of th e ‘last taxation and’ the single list, which can ‘be well made for the left but it’ very difficult to achieve for the center, now divided and fragmented.
Finally, the barrage only 3% so ‘you will have ‘then a highly fragmented opposition, unable to be real opposition. “
Berlusconi:” We are not in a democracy “(READ)
The leader of Fi stresses that “we have been in this covenant of the Nazarene, which have been attributed knows’ what hidden intentions, but there was not and there is no ‘no intention hidden but rather’ only consistency you want to make a contribution to the reforms, but ‘there is someone who has not complied with the agreements and the spirit of sharing and’ failed just when you had to vote for the most ‘high-establishment of the Republic and therefore we do not feel more’ than continare “. “I remind you that Choice civic and ‘born and and’ deployed in the area of the center and was intended to kill me – he added – Now that pass elsewhere are considered heroes, and when someone passed us were just allegations” . Then comment on the applause of Deputies to the speech of Sergio Mattarella: “I had a bad impression of our Parliament in the election of the new President of t he Republic: I have seen a thousand people applauding each sentence, all happy and they gave me the ‘impression of belonging to a privileged caste that appplaudiva precisely every sentence and concretized detachment deep with people outside instead told us:’ but ’cause all this effort to elect the new President of the Republic, and we lack the money to arrive later this month? ‘. He and’ manifested the distance between the poltiica, politicians and citizens, something that today we have to take into account, “said Berlusconi. (AGI).
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