Friday, February 6, 2015

Among cats and sparrows whole truth about the Nazarene – The Time

Among cats and sparrows whole truth about the Nazarene – The Time



The truth, gentlemen. Not metaphysical. But that visible to the naked eye that makes you say, this is a cat, that’s a sparrow. Also applies in politics. So Matteo Renzi worth the observation: this is a man unfair, pathologically affected by moral hazard. It does not keep commitments. He missed his word. It is one that if you can give a damn. Always.

For me, for us Forza Italy, the moral question begins with the observance of agreements. Including that of the Nazarene. And for a reflection of the names, we must say that in the recitation of the Nazarene has consciously played the part of one who ended very badly …

A little ‘history. The covenant of the Nazarene was born on 18 January 2014 at the behest of two contractors, the secretary of the Democratic Party and President of Forza Italy, which equally decided to sit around a table to establish, so agreed and shared, reforms by the architecture of the State: overcoming the equal bicameralism, reform of Title V of the Constitution and the Electoral Act (view the judgment of December 4, 2013 of the Constitutional Court – motivations published January 14, 2014 – which declared illegal the “porcellum») . On top of all: a new president shared. Matteo Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi from opponents, together for the good of the country.

The Covenant of the Nazarene was based on a fundamental premise: equal dignity and any changes to be made only with the consent of both parties. On 14 January 2015, nearly a year after the first meeting, which occurred for the resignation of the president in office, Giorgio Napolitano, came the time to put into practice the first point of the agreement.

So it was not. And Matteo Renzi has played with three alliances (one to govern, with the escapees Alfano; one for the reforms with Forza Italy; one to elect the head of state, with the radical left and the minority of his party) as you do with the shell game. Therefore necessary to turn the page. The Pact is over. We take note of the breaking of the agreements and the betrayal of the good faith of Forza Italy by Matteo Renzi. Although the policy, the good one; pacts, the honest ones, still, do not stop, perhaps with other more reliable interlocutors.

The election of the President of the Republic – worthy person against whom we have no reserve – was the last episode of arrogance that crowns a year of forced exhausting. In this matter, the President of the Council, ostentatiously, has exceeded the limits of decency, exhibiting an arrogance unacceptable in any democracy that wants to follow a path of shared reforms. Favored the arrangement of their workshop Party unity and broad consensus required by the Constitution for the choice of the Head of State. It does not work well between political forces that respect, does not work well among decent people!

On the contrary, the cleverness is the vice flaunted that kept Italy divided for centuries, each to defend their particular, at any price, even that of the lie. We do not. For we do not. The moral issue is not just about classical corruption, which has to do with affarismi and bank accounts, but involves the ” affair ‘of democracy.

There is a very practical and not at the rhetoric that leads us to insist in the state broke the Pact for disloyalty. The path of reforms had a premise that is signed, which was the method. A moral guarantee. Always in large institutional issues will be worth the method of sharing of choices, maybe difficult but necessary.

As with 17-18 changes often pejorative, in favor of one party , always the same, that of Renzi, so as not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, we gave our consent to the proposals of the government. But now Renzi is trying to drown the child of democracy in the dirty water of his ambitions dangerous.

The changes imposed on the initial agreements were always unilateral. Under the take or leave. No more or less as had happened with the case Letta. Where the brutality was the same, only more apparent.

Enrico Berlinguer, in his moments of relief, he used to say “scratch scratch a communist and discover the Pharisee.” The definition fits only partly the case Renzi. The common meaning of the term is that of a “false and hypocritical person who flaunts moral rigor and care only of outward appearances.” Renzi does not care even of those. Goes on his way, oblivious to the day after the exact opposite of what was promised earlier. Unlike Togliatti is never ‘double’, but transparent in its contempt for all the rules of consistency. This is more like Agostino Depretis, the father of transformation Italian, leader of the old Left dell’Italietta prefascist. Theorized overcoming the old distinctions between “right” and “left” on the condition that they converged on his person in the name of “progress”: “An idea comprehensive, popular, old as the motion, as the motion is always new.”

Too bad that the results of that policy proved disastrous. Parliament suffered a real genetic mutation. As they wrote his biographers, he managed to convert the Chamber in a large provincial council – any reference to the current proposal to reform the Senate is illuminating – in which each deputy represented her college and the government only claimed to represent the nation.

In the matter of the Quirinale, Renzi had given assurance on the method of sharing a candidate in clear continuity with the Covenant of the Nazarene. Instead tore his word and our good faith. We told him no, because saying no was the deal signed by the free and responsible morally equal partners.

Renzi has used a majority composed of 148 deputies squatters and other MPs elected under the symbol “Berlusconi President” to occupy the entire employable. Confirming that they are out of the norm of a Western democracy, which is based on the “pacta sunt servanda” and is made of checks and balances.

This design undemocratic, it should be remembered, is Parliament is making through a result of a prize unconstitutional, on the basis of an alleged prevalence of center-left coalition of 0.37 percent (allegedly, of course: the experts ensure that the seats there was a shift of cards from right to left around one million).

All things stand together or fall together. The verification of the significance of the reforms peacemaker was there. Summit and-fulfillment of the Covenant.

What we have done to date was wrong? No. But it made sense, was justified morality and politics, even in the steps that we have always considered wrong, because in the end there was the supreme guarantee of an arbitrator chosen by both. On this whole Forza Italy is united in moral and political judgment. Renzi cheated. Nothing will be as before. In Parliament, first of all. But we are already seeing in the country.

You Renzi has failed politically and morally. Will realize the sovereign people and history.


Renato Brunetta


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