Saturday, June 20, 2015

School means (vote of) confidence – ilgiornaleditalia

Renzi do not give up on school reform and calls her to avoid being … even reject

Behind the blackboard crops up the vote of confidence

it reappeared this possibility, denied earlier by the premier, to save what can be saved

By Igor Traboni

It is becoming yet another Achilles heel of increasingly lame government, this reform della..riforma school . So Matteo Renzi, who on education game you are playing much of what little credibility it still retains in a tweet and a TV interview, try to give a boost to the way of the bill, trying to speed up the work in committee (which in reality should have been already started, while only discuss this issue again next Tuesday), involving the rest of the troops left.

So to be able to close as soon as possible and achieve it – so far Titanic – to unlock the assumptions hundred thousand promises.

Yesterday, the prime minister-secretary, increasingly in this second function party, has thus met parliamentarians pd, present, among others, the Minister of Education Stefania Giannini (as is normal it was, although the former is more montiana aside) and the ubiquitous Reforms Minister Maria Elena Boschi

“On behalf of the government and parliamentary groups is the ‘intention to move forward quickly, on schedule, for making assumptions, “said the leader of the Democratic Party in the House Ettore Rosato, newly appointed and immediately dealing with this grain, after the meeting at Palazzo Chigi. “We will work to improve the text in the Senate, to do everything in the best possible way even asking the cooperation of the opposition because recruitment is a common interest – said Rosato, before adding that” we can measure on be a comparison on the merits, because with three thousand amendments assumptions can not be done but there is only the will to scuttle the measure. ”

And so, it turns out, will work until the last breath, or almost, the speakers to present Tuesday in committee in the Senate a package of changes to the bill that the school can meet a bit ‘all. But if the proposal of mediation and dialogue will not be accepted, and the groups will retain then the ‘burden’ of the 3000 amendments, it is not excluded to bring the text of the speakers in plenary and put confidence as early as Thursday or Friday. That vote instead Matteo Renzi had said on several occasions that you want to avoid. When even school reform seemed a feasible thing. And serious.

It is becoming yet another Achilles heel of increasingly lame government, this reform della..riforma school. So Matteo Renzi, who on education game you are playing much of what little credibility it still retains in a tweet and a TV interview, try to give a boost to the way of the bill, trying to speed up the work in committee (which in reality should have been already started, while only discuss this issue again next Tuesday), involving the rest of the troops left.

So to be able to close as soon as possible and achieve it – so far titanic – to unlock hundred thousand assumptions promesse.Ieri Prime-secretary, increasingly in this second function party, has thus met MPs pd, present, among others, the Minister of Education Stefania Giannini (as it was normal, even though the former montiana is increasingly on the sidelines) and the ubiquitous Reforms Minister Maria Elena Boschi “On behalf of the Government and parliamentary groups there is the intention to move forward quickly, on schedule, for making assumptions, “said the leader of the Democratic Party in the House Ettore Rosato, newly appointed and immediately dealing with this grain at the end of ‘ meeting at Palazzo Chigi.

“We will work to improve the text in the Senate, to do everything in the best possible way even asking the cooperation of the opposition because recruitment is a common interest – said Rosato, then adding that “the measure there can be a comparison on the merits, because with three thousand amendments assumptions can not be done but there is only the will to scuttle the measure.” And so, it turns out, they will work until the last breath, or almost, the speakers to present Tuesday in committee in the Senate a package of changes to the bill that the school can meet a bit ‘all.

But if the proposal of mediation and dialogue will not be accepted, and the groups will retain then the ‘burden’ of the 3000 amendments, it is not excluded to bring the text of the speakers in plenary and put confidence as early as Thursday or Friday . That vote instead Matteo Renzi had said on several occasions that you want to avoid. When even school reform seemed a feasible thing. And serious.


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