
(AGI) – Milan, June 9 – Roberto Maroni appeals to the prefects’ cause suspend allocation of quotas of immigrants in the Lombard and receives a sharp reply: “we are only liable to the minister”.
“I ask you to suspend assignments in the municipalities of Lombardy waiting for the government individuals temporary accommodation solutions more ‘equitable, shared and appropriate, to ensure real conditions of legality’ and security “wrote the president of the Lombardy Region in a letter sent to the Prefects of the region. The governor had announced its decision to cut resources to municipalities that they would continue to welcome refugees and immigrants. Maroni says he is ready to “move forward” on its line despite the clash with the government, and the controversy aroused by his stance. “We have different opinions and that’s fine but I received a lot of insults and I’m not used to insult but ‘obviously I put the finger on the problem and someone has had this hysterical reaction to the left.” “I read that Chiamparino said that wrong – continues Maroni – want to ‘say that he’ s ready to welcome all immigrants, say it to the Piedmont.” Maroni has reaffirmed to be “ready for a confrontation but – he added – the government has never involved.” Prefects, we respond to the minister, not to Maroni “The prefects of Lombardy certainly not respond to the governor, with all due respect to Maroni: and ‘a matter for the State and prefects shall abide by the directives coming from the Ministry of Interior and the government “responds Claudio Palomba, President of Sinpref, union association of prefectural officials, commenting with Agi letter of Maroni. “It ‘a courtesy letter, policy – pressed Palomba – if they are called to welcome a number of migrants prefects can not hold back.” “Our – reiterates Palomba – and ‘a clear position and clear, our relationship legal and functional can not’ be with the individual directors: in the presence of an item, we are required to provide accommodation, certain activities in a ‘logic mediation and with the help of the mayors. ” “The difficulties’? There are, and ‘inevitable in the presence of certain numbers – says the president of Sinpref – and we had already’ reported a month and a half but we are facing, and facing. Faced with the urgency, there ‘those who think to requisition structures like barracks but I personally am quite contrary because’ is not just a problem of reception but also of integration. And where and ‘possible and’ better reconcile the two aspects “” There ‘s also a Another aspect which take into account – said Palomba – in a time when there ‘who comes to remove the prefectures from the territories: a problem of this type and of this size can’ only be addressed by someone who can hold a position absolute impartiality ‘, colorings stranger to political and partisan interests “. (AGI).
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