A Gela and Augusta triumph 5 Stars The pd Crisafulli defeated in Enna … – BBC
Midi , June 15, 2015 – 16:25
PALERMO – A defeated Enna surprise the former senator of the Democratic Party Vladimiro Crisafulli. The saying that made him famous: “A Enna I win with the majority, proportionally and even with the draw,” this time it has not found. Crisafulli unloved by the national leadership of the democrat who called unpresentable, he ran with the Democratic coalition Enna, whose symbol was very similar to that of the Democratic Party. In Gela, the city governor Crocetta, grillini succeed in the task with the victory of Domenico Messina. Giancarlo Cancelleri had called “our Champions’ the electoral challenge of Gela. These are the results in the most important municipalities are called to choose the mayor in Sicily with the round of balloting. Thirteen in all municipalities to vote. Enna the only provincial capital. The other areas are: Gela, Ribera, Marsala, Tremestieri Etneo, San Giovanni La Punta, Milazzo, Ispica, Carini, Bronte, Augusta, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto and Licata. The election results were published online in late due to a computer block that affected sites of the Sicilian Region. The turnout was 49, 86% sixteen points less than in the first round.
So the new mayor of Enna is Maurizio Dipietro supported by Forza Italy and civic lists that with 51.89% defeated in the runoff the former senator Vladimiro Crisafulli stuck at 48.11%.
Crocetta:” Congratulations to the new mayor, compared results “
A Gela, a town of the regional president, Rosario Crocetta , the new mayor is Domenico Messina , 50, engineer, technician of the Telecom Italian, born in Favara, a candidate for the Movement 5 Stars. Crocetta, with his megaphone, supported the defeated candidate, the incumbent mayor, Angelo Fasulo , also supported by the Democratic Party and various civic lists of the center. “I congratulate the new mayor of Gela, with which the region will work, the results are respected. We knew we lose, but we fought; for any incumbent mayor would be difficult, Gela suffering the deepest crisis since the war, “said Crocetta. He added: “The center-left has lost. Has won a large part of Sicily and also in Gela where, despite having lost the mayor, is the coalition with a majority in the city council, ready to contribute to a real change. “
Cancelleri: “Gela free!”
“Gela free! Crocetta now face the one thing that will be worth remembering: resign! “, Commented the victory the leader and spokesman of the Ars M5S Giancarlo Cancelleri on his Facebook profile. “We are very happy with the result – said Cancelleri – especially after a tough election campaign with verbal confrontations and too many poisons against us. The citizens, however, wanted to reward those who was the bearer of a political proposal for change. We are trying to make a difference in all municipalities that administer, putting the citizen at the center of our policy, “he added. Compared to the small representation of five councilors obtained from the list M5S in council, Cancelleri said: “We will be a minority in the council but for us it is a challenge. In fact, those who accuse us of not knowing dialogue prove, just in Gela, that is not so because we will be open to those who want really good city. ” Then he wanted to thank Lucio Greek, but exponent Ncd candidate for mayor of a coalition of civic lists, who has publicly called on his supporters to vote the ballot for Messina.
In addition to Gela, also won the M5s Augusta, town of over 36,000 inhabitants in the province of Syracuse. The new mayor is Cettina Di Pietro , that the ballot has got 75.06%, against 24.96% for Domenico Paci (civic lists). “The starry sky is above Augusta,” said the new mayor. And Beppe Grillo wrote on Twitter: “We did Filotto.”
Bronte wins Calanna
“A Bronte celebrate the victory of Graziano Calanna : a result product of the competence and energy put into the field by the candidate, and the innovative project and convincing the Democratic Party and the center-united. ” Says Anthony Barbagallo regional parliamentarian of the Democratic Party, commenting on the outcome of the vote in the town of Bronte (Catania). The incumbent mayor, no candidate is former Sen. Pino Firrarello , strongman Ncd in Sicily and father of Agriculture Undersecretary Giuseppe Castiglione, finished in the storm for “Mafia capital” and the management of expensive Mineo. The center-leaning Salvatore Gullotta . “To my friend Graziano Calanna I extend a warm congratulations and sincere good job, I am sure – said Barbagallo – that will be a great mayor and will spend every best energy for Bronte and for the territory.”
A Ispica Muraglie (Pd) Mayor
Pierenzo Muraglie (Pd) is the new mayor of Ispica (Ragusa). It states with 57.7% of the vote. The challenger Paul Monaca stops at 42.3%.
Marsala, triumph Pd
Alberto Di Girolamo (Pd), 67, former head of cardiology at the hospital St. Anthony Abbot of Trapani, is the new mayor of Marsala, the fifth largest city in Sicily by population (about 85,000). Di Girolamo on the ballot has defeated former national deputy UDC and former regional minister Dc M aximum Grillo . In support of the latter was a centrist coalition with pieces of both right and left. These were the “dissidents” of the Democratic Party led by Luigi Giacalone and former regional deputy Antonio Parrinello. Representatives of the former center-local (former councilors of Forza Italy and Ncd) also in the line that led to victory Alberto Di Girolamo.
Barcelona Pozza di Gotto Forza Italy
” The candidate of Forza Italy, Roberto Matera , wins in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto with a result close to 60% margin on extraordinary center. ” This was stated by Senator Vincenzo Gibiino, coordinator of Forza Italia in Sicily, turning “congratulations to the new mayor, historic man of the center, and the provincial commissioner blue Formica Saints, for their important work.”
Tremestieri Etneo
A Tremestieri Etneo wins by a handful of votes Santi Rando (50,74%). Sebastiano Di Stefano stuck at 49.26%. “I express great satisfaction with the victory of Rando . The vote is a message of unity to the rebirth of the country after years of absence and inactivity of local government. ” And ‘the comment dell’eurodeputato Giovanni La Via (Ap / EPP), chairman of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament. “I am on the side of the new mayor to say also in Tremestieri Etneo – adds La Via – the same project that we launched a few months ago in the city of Catania and in several other towns in the province of Etna. A political process based on dialogue, which aims to listen and value the territory, with a greater commitment and great willingness to work as a team to serve the citizens. “
The other common
A Ribera (Agrigento) won the incumbent mayor Carmelo Peace (Ncd, Sicily Democratic and civic lists). It is stated with just under 52 percent of Nene Mangiacavallo supported by three civic lists. A Milazzo (Messina) winning Giovanni Formica (Pd) with 62.17%. Off Carmelo Pino stuck at 37.83%. A San Giovanni La Punta , in the province of Catania, won the center-left candidate Antonino Bellia with 53.64% of the vote; 46.36% for Santo Found . Licata is to center with Angelo Cambiano , which gets the 54,96% of the votes. Off the center-left candidate and Ncd Joseph Galanti (45,04%). Finally, it’s Giovì Monteleone Mayor of Carini (Palermo): 60% against 40% of Gianfranco Lo Piccolo .
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