It has been deposited at the Court of Naples action for the annulment of the decree of the President of the Council which has been ordered suspended from office by the newly elected President of the Regional Council of Campania Vincenzo De Luca. It shall inform the Parliamentary Assembly of the Democratic Party, and lawyer De Luca, Fulvio Bonavitacola.
“It ‘was presented this morning at the Court of Naples, my appeal against the decree of suspension that I was concerned. We are absolutely serene and confident – the dry comment of De Luca – Meanwhile, we continue to work on key issues related to regional policy. We are fully committed sull’emergenze environmental and employment. We will have to face in the coming days, to deadlines related to EU funds, to roofs of health spending, the local public transport for which we must avoid any interruption. “
” Our work continues – said the governor “suspended” – looking, as always, to the interests of our communities, and assuming our responsibilities to the people of Campania. “
As confirmed by the counsel to De Luca, the application lodged also refers explicitly to two measures adverse to the law Severino. It is of the order of 27 January issued by the Court of Appeal of Bari with which it has established the temporary cessation of the effects of the law Severino due to legitimate questions of constitutionality, as well as the recent order of 25 June issued the first section of the Civil Court of Naples in favor of the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris. “The law Severino – emphasizes the lawyer – was thus already the subject of questions of constitutionality.”
“We are very calm on the outcome of the appeal.” Comments the ‘lawyer Lorenzo Lentini who presented at the court of Naples recourse. “We hope a short time in the decision of the judges – he added – we ask for a temporary injunction pending the ruling of the Constitutional Court, which on 20 October will have to take on the issue of legitimacy of the law Severino”.
Meanwhile, the new week begins with a demonstration in front of the Regional Council, organized by the Movement Five Stars. The first regional council, convened for today, has been returned from senior adviser Rosetta D’Amelio after suspension signed by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and notified to the neo governor.
“De Luca resign”, a large white sheet with black lettering was stretched to the business district, in the palace of the island F13, while the regional directors of Five Star entered the headquarters of the Council bringing a pack hollow: “The package that De Luca did the Campania”.
Banners, tricolor flags, but also whistles and slogans and a coffin against the political class and the governor-elect. Together with advisers pentastellati elected, the unemployed organized Bros and a group of associations. Started collecting signatures to demand the resignation of Vincenzo De Luca, president of the Campania Region.
The grillini speak of “council building in self-management.” “The Campania hostage of De Luca and D’Amelio – says Valeria Ciarambino, the Five Star Movement candidate for President of the Campania region in the last election – the ‘sconvocazione’ council is illegitimate. The board shall keep, not get cocky. They just want to buy time. We received the news of sconvocazione the first session of the regional council in an illegally continues Ciarambino – I personally knew via SMS, email and some even sent at all. I believe that are trampling on those who have been elected by the people of Campania to represent him, so we warned D’Amelio. “
Also present Luigi Di Maio, vice president of the Chamber for the Five Star:” You have to go and vote Renzi pay the expenses. ” Even for Di Maio “the Council today must meet.” “If this morning the Regional Council will reunite – insists – would take note of the suspension of De Luca and, according to most of the doctrine, you should go to vote. We have to go to vote and ask those parties who made iron and fire of our institutions not to show up more, to go home. ” “Vincenzo De Luca – goes – wrong candidate, the Region of Campania risks six months of receivership because they had to nominate a person who after thirty years for the mayor of Salerno wanted the toy of the region. This is one of the regions with the most high child poverty in Italy and has no institutions, because the use such as ATMs or as a whim. The account of the regional elections which are to take because of the suspension of De Luca I do pay Renzi, he is the politician ” .
Bros, who joined the Five stars, showed signs against De Luca but also against Caldoro (the former governor) and the former commissioner to work Nappi defining “personaggetti”.
With the cancellation of the first session of the Regional Council It became clear strategy De Luca to be able to take possession of the chair left by Stefano Caldoro. The governor-elect in fact aims to achieve a “suspension of the suspension” and then show up for the first time in the full council the power to appoint the council and then to govern. Some parts of the law, in fact, are being examined by the Constitutional Court and, while waiting for the consultation is expressed (probably in October), De Luca has the right to ask the court to suspend the ordinary suspension. Exactly what he got last week just before the civil section mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris.
Within a week or ten days at most, the judge would then make a decision. Where Member denied the suspension, then the initiative to solve this unprecedented impasse would return to Palazzo Chigi, with two possible perspectives: either a commissioner ad acta, or return to the vote.
The time is short, because in the meantime the regional statute provides that the settlement of the regional council is made within twenty days after the proclamation of elected representatives: by 13 July (the 12th is Sunday) session planned for today will take place in any case. With or without De Luca in office.
Do not rule out “other
legal initiatives” the center-right opposition “against Vincenzo De Luca.” Paul Russo, parliamentary and national coordinator of Forza Italy in Naples, explains that “will be implemented any action against ‘BBC’ that is, liar, cheater and condemned, in the interest of the Campania”. “I have such a right to a regional government that is authoritative and reliable – he says – the Democratic Party and Renzi have not determined”.