According to the report Migrantes last year have moved abroad more than 100 thousand compatriots. The increase of migrants is 3.7%

ROME – Even for the millennials it is now time to emigrate from Italy. The data in the report ‘Italians in the world 2016′ prepared by the Migrantes Foundation and presented today, are breaking in the young people who were just born or teenagers at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Today between 18 and 32 years are the protagonists of the new migratory flows. But unlike the previous generation, claiming that it is not an escape but “a choice to cultivate ambitions and nurture curiosity.”
Of course, the range master, who must be between the age of 34 years is the one that is most prone to emigration. Collects in fact, well over a third of italians resident abroad and that is where you record your peak departures in 2015. And to follow, in the list of those who have emigrated in the last year, there is the strip just the top, which comes to 49 years: sommandole, it turns out that the people of age less than 50 years old make up half of the italians who have taken residence over the border from January to December 2015. "The serious problem of today is the inability to prevent the depletion of the young and prepared to please other Countries," says the Fondazione Migrantes in the foreword of the report.
AN ITALIAN 12-TO LIVE ABROAD - In total, the count of compatriots residing abroad has reached to 31 December 2015 share 4.811.163 (in ten years, the mobility of Italian has increased by 54.9%), as compared to the previous year is higher by 3.7 percent. Means that little more than one Italian out of 12 emigrated. And 50 per cent of this diaspora has southern origins: there are common as Licata and Favara, both in Sicily, where more than 40 percent of the citizens now residing abroad. In the last year, 107.529 italians have left the Country, ten thousand more than the year before. Then increases the percentage of those who go, never to return: the migration balance between those who rimpatria and who part, which had remained almost constant in the first decade of the millennium, is undergoing a sharp turn in the negative.
IN the UNITED KINGDOM FOR the STUDY – Among the destinations preferred by most young people is the United Kingdom, a favourite destination for those who want to study. But the land of England before the Brexit preserved a attractiveness also for the other age groups, coming in at third place in the count of annual growth and in seventh place overall in the ranking of the members of the registry of italians resident abroad, preceded by Germany, Switzerland, France, Brazil and Belgium. To prevail, however, is the Argentina, which appears to have hosted in 2015 783mila Italian with a record increase of ventinovemila units, compared to the previous year. Soaring to which she is head only Brazil, where – expanding the time horizon – it turns out that in ten years the italians have increased by 151 percent counting 373mila residents. And always in the span of a decade is impressive, also of Spain, which has seen an increase in the presence of italic of more than two and a half times, even if in absolute terms it is 143mila citizens.
In this sense, however, the millennials mark a new: "their mobility – is to detect the relationship Migrantes – is in progress and may change continuously because it is not based upon a migration project is already determined, but on the job opportunities that are always new". The millennials, underscores the foundation that is at the head of the Italian bishops, "try to put yourself to the test, they want new and better working conditions, seek to know and find out." They are, in short, the "first-generation mobile". And 43 percent of them stated that they would use this status as a "unique opportunity of implementation".
DOUBLE MIGRANTS – If the millennials are the image of the emigrant is single, the other new face of emigration from Italy is composed by the fathers of the family that the report Migrantes defines "double migrants": they are those who have arrived in Italy from other Countries, have stopped at least ten years, acquiring citizenship, and now, however, they decide to leave to seek their fortune elsewhere. This is in particular of persons originating in Bangladesh. And their favourite destination is still the United Kingdom.
- Topics:
- italians abroad
- Migrantes
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