Monday, October 10, 2016

Pd, Matteo Renzi: “I Offer a solution on the Italicum to remove the alibi of the minority” – TGCOM

Change the electoral law “in certain times”, immediately after the vote on the constitutional referendum. It is the latest offering of Matteo Renzi to the minority Pd. To “remove the excuses” of those who want to vote No to the reform in the name of “conjunction” with the electoral law. But without the “lock the Country in the name of the unity of the Pd”. The premier welcomes the proposal of the minority for the election of senators and in the Italicum questioning the run-off, prize to the list and list the blocked. And relies now to a delegation from the Dem, in the minority, the task to see “the cards” of the other parties. The left of the party captures the “step forward” but says that it is not enough to withdraw the No to the referendum.

“I Try to offer a solution, in the respect of all. I have political responsibility to tackle the issue of the so-called conjunction between constitutional reform and the electoral law”, said the secretary in one of the key steps in the direction. “If it was so important to the constitutional reform, my task is to look for further reasons, a point of agreement. If everyone imagine you use the electoral law as an alibi, the we, in order not to lose the opportunity of the constitutional reform,” he added.

“we Respect those who change your mind and want to vote no in the ballot boxes. For me, the electoral law is not a key point, but being the constitutional reform is the most important for the Country and my task is to find the reasons for a meeting point. I do this not because I think that the electoral law is a mistake”, said the premier Renzi.

“I Propose a delegation formed by the deputy secretary of the Pd as the coordinator, group leaders, the president, and a member of the minority: we are fully available to work, I only ask for the delegation to hear all the other parties, and also the 5-star: we use these weeks and months to remove all the alibi”, comferma Renzi, as the opening of the minority shareholders.

Cuperlo: No alibi, the conjunction does not work – “Not just a proposal of a method. It is not an excuse that is what you, Matthew, you described: it is a combination that does not work that of the combined between this constitutional reform and Italicum”. This is the answer to Gianni Cuperlo, intervening in the direction Pd after the report of the premier’s secretary, Matteo Renzi, on the discussion and opening on Italicum and referendum.

Cuperlo adds: “If a real deal on the electoral law there were to be, the 4 December I can not vote for the reform that I voted on 3 times in the Parliament but Matthew, I say to you ‘you’re clear’ because if that will be so, after a minute, I will talk to the resignation of the president of the Chamber”.

Hope: on the Italicum proposal Renzi insufficient - The opening of Matteo Renzi to change the Italicum, and the creation of a “commission” responsible for within the Pd are not enough to robert Hope, of the minority dem. “I up to the last moment I don’t want to subtract any time you want to make a committee? Well. But we need an initiative on Pd and a government push. The proposal that you have done today is not enough,” he said, in fact, Hope in the Direction of Pd, turning to Renzi.

replica Renzi – “when I went for the first time in the Senate, I said that the task of my government is that it was the last one to ask for the confidence of the senators. Here is the face and the credibility of a political class that had been taken in slapping the Country on the occasion of the re-election of Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinale”. So Matteo Renzi, in his response to the Direction of the Poi. “If the political finally proves to be able to anticipate the future and knowing how to build, it is credible. If the policy remains the one that hangs around, ‘I prefer that the culture of no, of dislike..if this happens, I think that Italy lost the chance to be the leader in Europe and in the world,” added Renzi


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