the ROME – The Classroom of the Room, with 109 votes waste, has approved the request for referral in the Commission of the proposal of the M5S on the half-life of the salaries of parliamentarians. The today’s session, which saw the order of the day as the first point the discussion of the design promoted by the 5-star Movement, which has as the first signatory Roberta Lombardi, opened with the first sparks between the majority and the representatives of the Movement.
Lorenzo Dellai, leader of the Democracy in solidarity – center democrat, has proposed, in fact, to refer in Committee the bill. The request defined as ‘unacceptable’ by the initiator Lombardi and rejected even by Forza Italia, FdI, and the Italian Left. “We would have preferred a more detailed discussion in the commission, without the temptation to become the theme of a spot or a chance to de-legitimise the institutions. But since we know that the proposal must be in proportion to the opposition, we believe it is right to not compress the right of the opposition to discuss their proposals, and we are against the postponement,” said Roberto Occhiuto (FI).
TAB: the Salaries of the political Italian and european to comparison
Protests in the streets. Immediately after the vote of the Classroom, some of the deputies M5s have left the chamber, and are united to about two hundred activists of the Movement gathered in front of the main entrance of the Room to protest, with slogans and banners against the cost of the policy. “Today is the demonstration of a plastic what are these politicians: I’m outraged! I hope that in December we will put an end to this disgust. I hope this is the last time that we will have the displeasure of seeing this scum at work. You do not even have a shred of courage, they don’t even have the courage to vote for our proposal. Shall return in Committee. They are scum, they are dangerous because they are not free,” said the deputy M5s Alessandro Di Battista in piazza Montecitorio.
“We are David against Goliath, he continued, Of the Baptist -, but not molleremo of an inch! Viva the Republic alive, the sovereignty of the people”. The square shouted: “Honesty, honesty” and the Baptist announced: “Until the 4th of December we go forward, we will climb up on the trains to defend those shreds of sovereignty of the people that still resist”. Took the megaphone, Of the Baptist, he lashed out against the decision: “This is democracy? The same people who today have not had the courage to vote are the same as in tv complain of delays. Hypocrites!”. “Any crap renziana is approved,” he added, while the proposal of the Movement 5 Stars to reduce the wage of parliamentarians “has been postponed with a contrivance typical of the partitocracy”.
Furious, Of the Baptist, added: “There is anger, which is huge in us. And we are channeling anger is healthy, that explodes in the democratic channels”.
In the past few days were not missed, controversy and call-and-response between the premier, Matteo Renzi, and Luigi Di Maio: the president of the Council had also made a counter-proposal is linked to the presence in the Classroom and, referring to the vice president of the Chamber and executive board member of the M5s, he said, “he Has only 37% of attendance in the Classroom, give them 37% of the allowance. The 5-star playing a pure, but they are like the others.”
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