Rome – Last lap full of confrontation and barricades with the intention to get to give a hard time directly in the classroom. Opposition and minority Democratic Party, in fact, threaten the Aventine in front “to clear will of the Democratic Party to reset the discussion”, to replace the rebels in dem Commission for Constitutional Affairs and not allow changes to the text dell’Italicum. More: the protest is added the stance of civic Choosing who is also seriously considering the exit from the same committee of two members who are on, however, the government majority.
And if the past few days the premier- Secretary of the Democratic Party had been peremptory in saying to ‘his’ deputies that the future government was played on the approval of electoral reform as it was fired from the classroom of the Senate – not waste any time and without further changes – Today the rebels of his party the answer by saying that the legislature will be at risk if the reform of the government were to really get to put confidence.
This morning all’Italicum were 135 amendments tabled in committee in the House where reform election law began its final process before landing in the classroom. And would the 11 proposed amendments signed by MPs of the Democratic Party: about forty those not admitted, in the field there are only 97. The voting tomorrow at 14.30. But what is animating the political discussion is that the Bureau of the Committee, scheduled for tonight at 20:30, will replace the leaders of the minority dem “who do not wish to vote nor articles nor the mandate to the rapporteur” electoral reform . To say it is the deputy Andrea Giorgis of the opposition within the party led by Prime Minister.
“We’ll be replaced in empire – he observed – because no one has asked to be replaced. We nine sure: I, Alfredo D’Attorre , Marilena Fabbri , Roberta Agostini , Enzo Lattuca , Gianni Cuperlo , Pier Luigi Bersani , Barbara Pollastrini , Rosy Bindi “and Marco Meloni . “There have already been calls. In committee – continues – I will not go. At this point, the battle will be on the benches of the House. The situation is moving.” More sedate ones Barbara Pollastrini that about his replacement in the committee said: “I’m sorry. The tears hurt at all. I respect the decision made. Knowing her counterparts Bureau I imagine that they have lived with joy the procedure of substitutions that concerns me. I submitted two amendments in committee, with the spirit of improving the text and have the law declared on time. ” And from the party, Lorenzo Guerini , confirms: “The members of the committees are appointed by the Bureau of the group and therefore can be replaced.”
A decision, that of proceed with the turnover , taken last week by the shareholders of the group. But now the question turns on the minds. Substance, intervenes Stefano Fassina case against that choice “a serious matter” and the bubble as “a result of the unavailability of the President of the Council, Matteo Renzi , to recognize the corrections necessary to ensure that the package “Italicum-reform of the Senate” does not lead to a presidential system without actually balances “that would lead to a” regression “of the quality of democracy. As for the suggestion that the government put the question of confidence sull’Italicum, dissident parliamentarian said: “I would vote no confidence even if I share the law 100%. On the electoral law trust is invotabile. It is the beginning.”
Not unabated, therefore, the tension between Renzi and the minority wing of his party, further indented inside: yesterday the Prime Minister accused the left dem not to be democratic, while Cuperlo said that a possible vote of confidence on electoral reform would lead to the early termination of the term: “It would be a serious act,” he reiterated. Timing, it must be said that all the steps carried out today on the amendments (eligible or not), from Tuesday to Thursday (or Friday) are provided for the voting, so as to bring the text in the classroom next Monday, April 27th. In a tense atmosphere tries to calm things down the President of the Democratic Party Matthew Orfini that says: “I think that will not help put the trust on the electoral law, because the Democratic Party will be united in the classroom, if the Democratic Party joined do not have confidence and I hope and believe that it will be. The minority has a large space in this party, many of their ideas were accepted. On the electoral law, 85% of the proposals of the minority have become part founding of the law. “
Parliamentary groups , including the various internal cores to the Democratic Party, had agreed to make the switch to committee so bloodless, postponing the real battle on the benches of the House. Hence the commitment of all groups, including minority dem, to present only essential amendments. The issues on the table are now clear to the political forces: the minority preferences also asks for the list headers and the possibility OF AFFILIATION in the second round. The first proposal is also supported by Sel, and M5s League, and the second by Forza Italy, Sel, League and, in the majority, from Sc and Pi. So there is to see if the votes of the opposition and the left dem come to merge.
Always Cuperlo this morning said: “We will be replaced? It seems so, but beyond the committee, the discussion” sull’Italicum “must continue. We will present some limited but significant amendments in the classroom and we’ll see what happens. The parliament is sovereign.”
From the 5 Star Movement, is Fabiana Dadone , grillino leader in the House, to ‘bacchettare’ minority dem: “They could oppose the replacement,” wrote on Facebook.
A method to bypass the comparison in committee and bring the discussion on the changes directly on the benches of the House that seems to be getting a line follow other. Civic choice would be ready to leave work today while on Twitter Emanuele Fiano, dem MP, has announced that the M5s decided to withdraw its proposals for change.
To confirm the fact we think, on Twitter, Danilo Toninelli , spokesman pentastellato the House:” If Renzi expels minority – announces – we let the commission “.
But Sel and Forza Italy, explains Stephen Vendola Quaranta, are considering whether to adopt the same strategy.
Since Pd answer is Ettore Rosato , vicar deputy leader in the House: the replacements – he says – “is not a stretch to go on the line but the cohesion of group and the dialogue that there has always been and will continue to be there. “It seems to me that members of the M5s are very confused. They got the prize list and not apparentamento “in the electoral law.” Their position is merely instrumental. “To make matters worse we think another parliamentary dem, Andrea Marcucci , which relies on a social comment on the role of elected representatives who sit on the committee: “No – he writes – free thinkers”.
Another element is the secret vote that could weigh on the approval of electoral reform even if the government orientasse to put the issue of trust. A Montecitorio – unlike the Senate where there is a single vote – the ‘Regulation ‘states that after the passage of confidence on the measures, the court proceeds to vote on the entire text. The election law falls on those matters that may be applied for, and be granted, the secret ballot. It could be claimed just In this second and final step in the classroom.
The secret ballot so it may become the real test of the government Renzi with the real risk, given the warnings, to be beaten a few steps from the finish. One hypothesis that could undermine even the same term at least forced a passage from the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella . Rumors of the palace, however, do not hide that the prime minister could get away this time with the help of Forza Italy. That relations between Silvio Berlusconi and Denis Verdini in recent weeks are not idyllic is well known, with Senator blue closer to the formation of a new group ready to provide support external to the premier. A design that you might already realize by voting sull’Italicum. So many do not deny the possibility that the votes lost by the Democratic Party in the silence of the urn can be recovered thanks to those from loyalists Verdini. The question is whether it will be enough, as the minority dem currently seems to be able to count on about 50-60 deputies firm in their positions.
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