
(AGI) – Rome, December 22 – “Giorgio Napolitano does not fail to point out how it goes” signaled “the question of” improper behavior protagonistici and initiatives of dubious sustainability ‘taken over the years by some magistrates of the prosecution. “So’ the Head of State, to the plenum of the extraordinary CSM, recalled that it had already ‘insisted on this issue in the past. “Politics and Justice – said in his speech – can not and must not be perceived as hostile worlds guided by mutual suspicion.” “The state of tension and conflicts controversy that for years have characterized the relations between politics and the judiciary – added Napolitano – causing a paralyzing conflict between the majority and the opposition in parliament on issues of justice and its reform, have not helped them ‘to quality’ policy, it ‘all ‘image of the judiciary. I re main – said the head of state – firmly convinced, as I got to say more ‘times since the specific intervention on the subject held at the Council in February 2008, that politics and justice can not and should not perceive themselves as’ hostile worlds guided by mutual suspicion. ‘”” In criminal matters affecting the intensity’ of the spread of corruption and crime ‘was organized also emerged in recent days, “said the head of state” E’ fundamental repressive action entrusted to prosecutors and the police “against corruption ..
” regulatory changes “in the context of justice and organization of the administration of justice” to be decided with weighting, avoiding actions disorganized or inspired in exigent circumstances, “he said the president of the Republic.
“The frequent changes of procedural codes – added – often improvised and technically unsat isfactory, accentuate the crisis of justice, since ‘the process needs clear rules and stable.” “The currents have been and must be qualified environment for growth, education and debate, in the direction of an overall improvement of the judicial function, not in the sense of mere defense of corporate bodies,” said Napolitano still, recalling an earlier intervention in which had explained that “among the most ‘delicate, in the interest of the reaffirmation of the same role of the High Council, there is’ one of rigor and measurement, objectivity ‘and impartiality’ with which the Board must exercise its functions : without being, among other things, influenced in their choices by the logic of belonging correntizia “. The President of the Republic also recalled the various references already ‘made on the need “all”, politics and justice, “did prevail sense of proportion and common responsibility& #8217; institutional, because ‘the credibility’ of the institutions and the strength of democratic principles are based on the separation of powers and the full and mutual respect of each of the functions, “concluded the head of state. (AGI).
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