Monday, September 26, 2016

The M5S, the ultimatum of Cricket to the Rays: “Go ahead, but just errors” – The Messenger

from our correspondent
PALERMO: “Beppe, David: let me work”. “Virginia, go ahead, but quit this continues the logic of emergency: you have to give signals, just errors”. Hotel Posta, 11 hours, internal room. Coffee and pastries, sicilian for breakfast. At the table the mayor-Rays, just landed, Beppe Grillo, Davide Casaleggio. It is a trilateral (“the term that we have now cleared through customs”, says someone).

The comedian, returned to the political head, have decided the following: asks the “lady” what is the exit strategy for righting the boat. Of councillors to the staff, through the adoption of measures that characterize the movement in the Capital. The son of Gianroberto prefer to listen to and intervenes rarely (“it is Necessary to give a signal on ecology and the environment”). The summit lasts for 40 minutes. The Rays will take notes. Then you overlook Max Bugani, responsible for the system of Rousseau, and the head of the milanese of the M5S even if it was a municipal councillor in Bologna, and Rocco Casalino. The meeting opens up and becomes operational. It speaks of the communication of the day. What will you tell the mayor a little to reporters outside the hotel, and, above all, the discourse that articulates on the stage.

Virginia, writes, opens and closes the iPad. The version that filters by the Municipality of this meeting will be the classic “everything went well: they have talked about projects”. The version wobbles a little when the Rays before getting in the car, in the direction Foro Italico, said that, “the councillors for them to decide Rome” and that she “consult with the municipal councillors and the other councillors”. It seems, and is, a message at the top of the M5S. You can read about the appointment of Salvatore Tutino to the Budget, now blocked, it will be taken in the good or the evil in the Capitol, and not elsewhere. The problem is the general method.

Bugani, in a moment of vent admits: “First of transparency, the M5S has as a principle the consistency with our history. The Rays choose the people he trusts.” But, this is what they think of the Casaleggio associati, should not be choices that are going to tilt the base and the top also now walking in a random order.

in The feast scene and the behind the scenes are well-cut from the stage. Behind-the-scenes tell parliamentarians, “there is a great deal of embarrassment in front of Virginia”. No one you see with her, the speech is not about only Roberta Lombardi, Paola Taverna, and the other orthodox. The photo of the day ” with Cricket there is. Not even a quote if you are not the one that the comedian makes when he talks, joking, journalists who seek the hairs on the legs of the Spokes. But the shot of the peace, or relaxed, do not travel on Twitter nor on Facebook.

Roberto Fico, on the contrary it will send a message of solidarity to the reporters assaulted in the crowd was created around the mayor. Alessandro Di Battista for once not wearing the clothes of the invettivista and speaking of the Capitol, a little like the last Matthew Orfini did with Ignazio Marino, with the secondment of political advisor that we do not want to put the face. “To her charges, and honor.” And on defense (at the time) of the department of Paola Muraro is a net: “If he takes Virginia the responsibility”. Luigi Di Maio, in the backstage, brings together a group of parliamentarians and, looking at the sea, try to dictate the line: “Guys, we need to support it. When I go on a mission abroad, I ask her, Virginia, of Rome. It’s too important.” The Rays is functional to the future of the M5S: is the caption of the reasoning of the vice-president of the Chamber.

There is, however, a fact that can notice all: the weight of the media that the mayor has conquered. The acceptance of the base, the perception in the people in cricket, the defence office, who wreaks havoc in the complottismo more daring. The address of the first town behind the scenes is will be framed, dissected. Several do not like. “It is not programmatic, there are steps on the errors committed”. Virginia greets everyone at 17, he returned to Rome. With lots of applause of the militants, but without the photo with Cricket.


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