crucial week for the Capitol. Replaced the superassessore to Minenna balance with the former attorney general of the Court of Auditors of Lazio Raffaele De Dominicis, when there are still some boxes to be filled in the team of the mayor (from the new chief of staff), the councilor for Environment Paola Muraro, admitted today in eco-mafia commission had learned in July of essre investigated. But he added: “They are under media attack” and “there is no precedent.” Muraro in the afternoon occurred in Ecomafie commission, with his side Virginia Rays, who reiterated the goal of his junta to “move towards a zero-waste model.” Today’s topic of the hearing, the situation of waste in the capital and the hot topic of the dossier on past Ama management (company 100% controlled by the Capitol), especially that of the now former president Daniele Fortini.
Muraro: I knew in July to be investigated
Bratti Alessandro, President of the Commission on Ecomafie, announced that Paola Muraro “is registered in the register of surveys from April 21, 2016,” making reference on the disclosure by the Prosecutor of Rome, which would investigate the former adviser of Ama and current Deputy Mayor for abuse of office and violation of environmental standards. Bratti called on the Muraro if you would make use of a lawyer, but she responded with an eloquent: “No, I do not intend to.” And Muraro to the question of the President of eco-mafia commission if he was aware of an investigation against him, admitted: “In late July, I learned of a 335 art.256 paragraph 4 ‘. In practice, through the model 335 the commissioner became aware in July of being under investigation for the offense of managing waste without a permit. The mayor Virginia Rays said he became aware of the dossier on Muraro “by the end of July,” but spoke of “general objections” and reiterated that “to date there is no notice of” dependent councilor. He added: “As soon as there will be more information we will take action.”
Muraro investigated, new landmine for ray.” I and the mayor against the powers’
Rays: we not scare us and move forward
“We found some small resistance, but do not scare us, we knew it and we go forward,” he raised the mayor, before the hearing in the eco-mafia commission, in a puubblicato video message on Facebook and on the blog of Beppe Grillo. Less than two months of taking is back in the viewfinder the councilor Paola Muraro, after already heavy resignation of three days ago Marcello Minenna (with responsibility for financial statements, assets and subsidiaries), the chief of staff Carla Raineri and summits Atac and Ama. “Muraro has assured me that she is not got even a notice. Before judging we want to see the cards “had been in the morning the defense of the mayor. “At the moment I can only judge the facts that I know: the city is cleaner and loves it is set in motion. If, however, may emerge of its responsibilities, we would not have doubts on how to move, “said Ray. Yesterday the choice of De Dominicis, former regional prosecutor of the Court of Auditors defined by Rays same person “of the first order and high profile”, with a past of numerous investigations capital in favor of the “legality and transparency.”
Executive afternoon, Pd attacks appoints new commissioner De Dominicis
The appointment of De Dominicis should be ratified during the lightning came convened for 15.3o at the Capitol and then it slipped to 19.30 for the commitments of the mayor Rays struggling with a series of interviews to identify the new head of the Cabinet of the Capitol, after the resignation of Roman Carla Raineri, magistrate of the Court of appeal of Milan. The appointment of De Dominicis was challenged hard by the Democratic Party, because of the neo statements councilor for the Budget, who in an interview, admitted that he had been appointed to the role once played by Marcello Minenna, after a lawyer’s phone call Pieremilio Sammarco , the owner of a study of administrative law and brother of Alessandro, already criminal lawyer lawyer Cesare Previti. Study from which the current mayor of Rome has done its apprenticeship. Senator Andrea Marcucci renziano stressed the sudden mutation that seems to affect the same DNA of the Five Stars “Streaming? Referendum? A true one? Nah, that’s enough warning of a right man, “he tweeted.
Attorney acquire hearing Muraro in Ecomafie
Meanwhile, the prosecutor of Rome has announced its intention to acquire the
councilor intervention environment the Municipality, Paola Muraro, who today will be heard, along with the Mayor Virginia Rays in comission Ecomafie. The prosecutor Alberto Galanti ask you to attach to the investigation file, in which
the commissioner would be investigated for abuse of office and environmental crimes, even the extensive dossier that Muraro announced it would settle.
the office of Muraro: «We are stunned, we will clarify”
from Grillo support sms to Mayor
enrollment news under investigation Muraro, over already under fire for his twelve years in Ama as
consultant, is only the last act of an intricate story. At Muraro is accused of abuse of office crimes and violations of environmental regulations. In particular, the Prosecution would like to see more clearly how to use the tritovagliatore Rocca Cencia, owned by the ras waste Manlio Cerroni, which then led to the clash between the Muraro and President Ama then resigned, Daniele Fortini. “The Movement has never made any concessions to anyone – the warning Luigi Di Maio – especially on the inside.” A chaos came on the eve of the delicate hearing this afternoon in committee Ecomafie the Rays and councilor Muraro. “My assisted is ready to deliver a thick file and answer all the questions that will be asked by the commissioners,” explained the legal assessor confirming the appointment today, at 17, in San Macuto palace. The vertices of the Five Star are committed to flaunt units, despite internal fibrillation. The week is about to start will be crucial for the new appointments and the promised and much-discussed cutting the salaries of the staff of the Rays. Beppe Grillo for now “only” a supportive text messages to the mayor.
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