Murder Yara Gambirasio: the reasons for the life sentence to a Maximum of Bossetti – The Tyrrhenian sea
BERGAMO. “A murder of unprecedented severity. There were sexual advances, and the rejection of the girl, Bossetti is exploded.” These, in substance, the reasons – is collected in the 158 pages of the judgment with which the judges of the Court of assizes of Bergamo were sentenced to life imprisonment, on the 1st of July last , Massimo Bossetti for the murder of Yara Gambirasio, 13 years old, disappeared from Brembate di Sopra on the 26th November 2010 and was found murdered in Chignolo d’isola, a few miles from home, exactly three months after.
The judges of Bergamo have written that the Yara was a “murder of unheard-of gravity”, “matured in the context of advances of a sexual nature, unlikely to be rejected by the girl, who can unleash the defendant a reaction of violence and sadism that had never given the test to then”.
Murder Yara, from the disappearance to the judgment Bossetti five and a half years from the death of Yara Gambirasio, the Court of Assizes of Bergamo emits the verdict of first instance against Massimo Giuseppe Bossetti, accused of the murder of thirteen-year-old. Here are the stages of this dramatic event that has shaken Italy
The aggravating circumstance of abuse and cruelty. The judges explain that the aggravating circumstance of tortures and cruelty “reveals the evil hearts of the accused. “The inhuman in terms of objective and primarily physical, the cruelty in subjective terms, and the moral satisfaction of the instinct to cause pain and the absence of feelings of compassion and piety”.
Case Yara, the lawyers after the appeal of Bossetti: “he Has spoken with the heart” “Are statements that come from the heart, I believe that his sincerity got through to everyone.” These are the words of Claudio Salvagni, lawyer of Massimo Giuseppe Bossetti, the only accused in the murder of Yara Gambirasio had taken place in 2010, and for which today, in the court at Bergamo, there is the judgment. Salvagli moved during the intervention, the mason of Mapello and, in part, as he answered to journalists. For the lawyer of the family Gambirasio, Enrico Pelillo, those of Bossetti were “only suggestions to influence the jury”(Alberto Marzocchi)
The Dna of the Unknown 1. Also clarify one of the points objected to by the defence that the procedure adopted to identify the Dna of an Unknown man 1: “it is absolutely reliable, the genetic profile nuclear Unknown 1, that investigations have determined to be the Maximum Bossetti, as it is characterised to a large number of Str markers, and verified using a plurality of analysis carried out in accordance with the standards developed by the international scientific community”.
Yara, the defense mentions Wikileaks: spying software used by Ros Wikileaks has made his surprise entrance in the trial of Massimo Giuseppe Bossetti, who was accused for the death of Yara Gambirasio. According to the lawyers of the mason of Mapello, among the documents disclosed by the non-profit organization that has given rise to the scandal of the confidential data is made public, there would also purchase invoices to the company Hacking Team from the Ministry of the Interior of a software for spying used by the Ros. In the classroom have been read email exchanges between executives of the company, about the successes achieved in the investigation of the murder of Yara Gambirasio, thanks to the computer program by their product. In one of the emails cited by the defense, there would be reference to the cost of production of artificial dna. “We are not investigators – said the lawyer Salvagni – but these documents are a cause of concern, demonstrate that you have used a software able to manipulate by remote computers,” Silvia Valenti
“this is the presence of the genetic profile of the accused to prove his guilt: this figure, which is devoid of any ambiguity and insuscettibile reading, it is not contradicted or placed in doubt by the evidence acquired in the opposite sign, and in fact is indirectly confirmed by additional elements, of the value of a merely circumstantial, compatible with that given, and between them.”
Bossetti, the witness: “I saw it in the car with Yara”. Family lawyers: “Trust in the middle” Three hours of confrontation in the courtroom between the lawyers of the defence, the civil parties and the Pm Letizia Ruggeri, with the heads Alma Azzolin, the woman who said that she saw Massimo Giuseppe Bossetti in the car in a parking lot with Yara Gambirasio. During the hearing, the woman recognized the person of the accused, which until then had only seen in photographs and on television. According to the lawyer of the mother of Yara, the witness is trusted only mid: “there are other elements in the investigation who say that the two knew each other. While we believe credible recognition of Bossetti, it is not just that of the victim, Mrs. Azzolin was able to see only in a picture” Videos of Silvia Valenti
absolution for blasphemy. Against the acquittal of the bricklayer, instead, from the accusation of slander against an ex-work colleague, it is likely that the pm Letizia Ruggeri – who led the investigations, and has represented the charge – the present appeal.
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