It ‘s the day of the’ final verdict ‘, one in which you know the number and names of all the candidates in the so-called regional unpresentable, “will be a package not insignificant”, leaked the vice president of the Anti-Mafia Commission, Claudio Fava. But Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is certain that “no unpresentable will be elected.” Meanwhile it remains havoc on each candidate’s Democratic Party in the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca, on which hangs the judgment of the ordinary justice system to which the Supreme Court has given the competence of law enforcement Severino that could result in his suspension for 18 months. Yesterday Minister Maria Elena Boschi assured that the decision of the Supreme Court does not change anything. Words crirticate Movement five-star.
The commission – At 24:45 there will be a short meeting of the Bureau of Anti-Mafia Commission, which will be followed, at 13, the sitting Plenary, where, in all likelihood, will be discussed a report on them to “list unpresentable” with an overall assessment of the incident, of what he represented, and, one might think, where it will be made some reflections on the difficulties which, with this campaign election for the regional, showed struggling policy. At the end, a press conference in which the President Bindi illustrate the results of the audit conducted on the electoral roll.
Renzi, No one will be elected, are expression small civic lists – “Never seen debate so self-referential and far from reality “as the one on the candidates” unpresentable “. “Because I’m willing to bet that as everyone knows but nobody dares to say none of them – no one! – Will be elected. They are almost all small expressions of civic lists”. Matteo Renzi writes in Enews.
Berlusconi unpresentable? Are better left – “I am not among those who cry foul for unpresentable in the lists, but in any case there are many more to the left than in the center. I am a garantista, serving a final judgment to define a guilty person “.
The crux of the law Severino
M5s, ignoble words Woods – “Minister Woods said in an ignoble that De Luca is eligible, so do not know the law Severino “says Vice President of the Chamber, Luigi Di Maio (M5S), on the sidelines of an initiative in Naples in support of the presidential candidate of the Campania M5S, Valeria Ciarambino.
Alfano, Severino suspension should be applied – “There is a law” and “the law will be applied. I do not have nor do I deserve early diagnosis.” Says Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, in an interview with the Morning on the case De Luca and the suspension provided for by law Severino.
Appeal to vote aimed at teens of the Senate President, Pietro Grasso : “Some of you – said the first project to reward students’ lessons Constitution – Sunday will be called for the first time to cast their vote in local elections: do not leave it to others to decide for you. “
Campaign at the final stages
(Cristina Ferrulli) Bookmakers give foreign poised the result of three regions (Liguria, Campania, Umbria) 7 calls on Sunday to vote. Matteo Renzi, however, to prove that the outcome will not affect the government, is focused on the problems of Italy shows that the most controversy. And today, before the plant in Melfi Fca and then to Olbia to inaugurate the construction site of the Mater Olbia, he defends his reforms. But among the list of “unpresentable” that tomorrow will announce the Anti-Mafia commission and the case of De Luca, the risk, as evidenced by Maria Elena Boschi, is that on Sunday to win the turnout and not politics. The leader of the Democratic Party will come back to dive in the election campaign and to Ancona, with a final campaign rally, in his Florence.
And the case De Luca, the premier warns: “The law Severino was applied twice and Either politicians were put back in the role. It is normal for De Luca says ‘if I win I will have the same treatment’. De Luca is eligible candidabile and after which the bells are to decide. De Luca was a mayor extraordinary ” .
Today, alongside Elkann and Marchionne, in Melfi, ensures that the jobs act will come “employment contracts more and more solid and stable.” And with an assist to Marchionne for having raised the fortunes of Fiat, he pulls a paw to Maurizio Landini: “The work does not defend himself on talk show Tuesday night but creating factories”. In defense of the “legality” of the Democratic Party from charges of lists unclean and risk chaos in case of victory of Vincenzo De Luca, the Prime Minister sends to the Napoli faithful Maria Elena Boschi. And the line of Reforms Minister is clear: “The judgment of the Supreme Court does not change anything, De Luca is eligible candidabile and” guarantees Woods.
That, however, without going into detail, ensures: if Mayor of Salerno wins the election, the government “will respect the law as always.” A reply to those who, like Silvio Berlusconi, the intention to insinuate Renzi to make a personal intervention on the law to save Severino De Luca. “It can interfere with a change to the law Severino, which has decided not to do when you and ‘Treaty of Silvio Berlusconi,” says Cav that, while predicting “surprises” on the outcome of the regional, confirms its “step back” coming from the leadership of the center. Matteo Salvini leadership that intends to take, starting from its first electoral test in the regional elections marked by an aggressive campaign against immigrants and Roma with the announcement, in the wake of the serious incident in Rome, to “raze all the camps” . The last stone to a few hours after the close of the campaign tomorrow will be pulled from the Anti-Mafia commission that, in plenary, will draw up and make public the names of the candidates “unpresentable”. An “improper delay” for M5S that will still have a trail controversy over the vote. And Raffaele Cantone, also defining “authoritative” the Anti-Mafia commission, expressed “some concern” that “the political face assessments about who is presentable and unpresentable people” because “the choice is up to the citizens.”