Renzi on drills: “Bufala say that we vote on renewables. Refrain is legitimate “
You started the countdown to Sunday’s referendum on the augers and the prime minister, Matteo Renzi, launches the latest appeal not to vote by writing on Enews: “I repeat nauseam, with apologies to those who have heard these considerations, the buffalo drills . There is no referendum on drills. There is no single auger questioned: only choose either to continue to extract coal and gas to the reservoir depletion without wasting what we are already using or stop half the concession expires. ” And he insists: “ say that we vote on renewable , on a new development model, on the alternative to fossil fuels. In fact close plants that work , wasting eleven thousand jobs and increasing the import of gas from Arab countries or Russia . ”
“ Every choice is legitimate – adds -. As masterfully he explained Giorgio Napolitano today in an interview, though a referendum requires a quorum the position of one who refrains is constitutionally legitimate as the other. In the case of a referendum quorum support the arguments of those who do not want to vote has the exact same dignity of those who say yes or no. ”
On the Napolitano sided Democratic Party, or at least that part which implemented the indication given by the direction of the Nazarene: abstain. Today Lorenzo Guerini and Debora Serracchiani, deputy secretaries dem, say Napolitano “for our Constitution, the referendum exists a legitimate right to abstain. Who judges the wrong fact this referendum may vote No or more easily abstain, preventing a quorum. It provides for the Italian Constitution “.
Then Renzi presses. “On renewable energy Italy is strong, better than the UK, France and Germany. But renewables alone are not enough, for the moment. If we close our platforms we will have to buy more gas and oil from the Arabs or Russians, wasting existing resources. It seems to me wiser to finish removing what is already there, without laying off workers in the sector and without wasting the energy that we have, “he says the president of the Council goes on to observe:” good to have information, then. Recognizing full rights of expression to the positions of the yes and those of no or abstention. ”
THE WHO counteroffensive INVITES THE VOTE
Immediate counter-offensive of those who are doing invitation to vote a real battle. Alfredo D’Attorre Italian Left will judge the statements of Napolitano “unwise invitations abstention” especially because “after influential institutional personalities in recent days have highlighted the importance of participation in vote and value of Article 48 of the Constitution. ”
Although the 5stelle after the Gianroberto Casaleggio funerals take the plunge, “Napolitano calling for abstention is one more reason to go vote . # # Referendum17aprile iovotosì #Trivellopoli “writes on twitter Alessandro Di Battista and colleague pentastellato directory, Luigi di Maio on Facebook attacks:” Former President Napolitano invited to abstain. This shows that we saw right there on his account: real men of the institutions invited to participate. Always!”.
The appeals against abstention in fact came from all institutions. The President of the Consulta, Paolo Grossi , was lapidary just six days before the vote: “You must vote. Every citizen is free to do so in the way that feels right, but I think that we should participate in the vote, because it means to be full citizens. It is part of the identity card of the good citizen. ” Even the chairmen of the House and Senate , Laura Boldrini and Pietro Grasso, announced that they will vote because, said Boldrini, only with the participation “has fully citizens.” The Head of State , Sergio Mattarella, is Silent but transpires from environments del Colle that, as guarantor of the Constitution, will go to the polls , even if you do not come from the Quirinale confirmations. A truism since the President in his speech during the celebration of Women’s Day had argued: “The turnout has a wound that no one can afford to overlook.”
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