“With Dr. Guido Bertolaso we decided to support the candidacy of the engineer and do our Alfio Marchini . There is a new choice. Marchini was our first option, and had fallen for vetoes by an ally of the coalition “. This was stated by the leader of Forza Italy Silvio Berlusconi in a statement. Meanwhile, Francesco Storace , candidate for the right hand, is considering a step back in favor of Marchini.
Berlusconi: “Bertolaso responsible” – “with the same generosity and spirit of service with which Bertolaso had put aside very important projects to run for mayor – continues the statement – today is for sale to withdraw his candidacy in order to converge on that in the best position to win. twice, has shown great responsibility and love for the city of Rome, we will not forget. Besides Rome and Italy will still need him. ”
“we must take urgent solutions to Rome” – “Today – continues Berlusconi’s party – the situation of Roma is dramatic, and you have to adopt urgent solutions: for us is unbearable witness the state of gradual decline that is leading to the ultimate collapse of Rome. ” And again: “We can not allow the Romans they are to choose between the continuity of the disastrous management of the Democratic Party and the irresponsible Five
Bertolaso: “on the bench for moderate victory” – “I decided to sit down on the bench to allow the forces who identify with the principles of liberalism and Catholicism to unite their efforts and participate in the electoral race aiming to win, and not only to testify. ” So Guido Bertolaso said in a statement its setback in the race for mayor of Rome.
Salvini: “Continue the incredible ballet of Berlusconi” – There are many reactions. Here is the comment of the League’s leader, Matteo Salvini, “Renzi and call Casini and Berlusconi replied. Continue the incredible ballet of Forza Italy that today change candidate.”
Meloni: “Now I expect the convergence of WiFi on Giachetti “ – for his part the president of Brothers of Italy and candidate for mayor of Rome, Giorgia Meloni, said:” We are happy with the simplification of the political in Rome. Now we expect a further simplified with the direct and open convergence of Alfio Marchini and Italy Force on the Democratic Party candidate and Renzi, Roberto Giachetti “. Then, on Twitter, adds: “In Rome is the only candidate of the center. Our voters will no longer have doubts about who to vote for.”
Rays: “Marchini unmasked, not free from political parties” – “Today falls even Marchini mask, saying both ‘free from the parties’, ‘free from the parties’ and instead you take the support of Bertolaso and then Forza Italy”. So Virginia Rays, candidate of the Movement 5 Stars mayor after the decision to withdraw Bertolaso.
Marchini: “We alliances to liberate Rome” – There was immediate replication Marchini the candidate of the 5 Stars: “Free from parties means strong and independent to afford alliances to liberate Rome from all those who have reduced it so and populism which might make her sink down even more.”
Giachetti: “Marchini will have to change slogans” – But the other candidate, Roberto Giachetti of the Democratic Party, marries the Rays line-not without a touch of irony: “I express my deepest sympathy to Marchini that is to review the slogan on his posters, since it says ‘Free from’. parties do not know if we will put a thin patch on … “. Giachetti then announces that it will present his team on May 21 on Facebook. “
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