Simone Di Stefano, candidate for mayor of CasaPound, pulls his ears to Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, which calls for the creation of an identity movement like the Front National, and is convinced that “the performance of applications was more painful the end of the junta Marino. “
What to do?
Let us go forward, with the hope of overcoming the barrier and placing our fighter in the Capitol and in the municipalities. We are willing to talk with anyone as long as we respect. We had hoped for a break between Salvini, Meloni and Berlusconi. But unfortunately there is no escape from the logic of research that is destructive of the moderate vote.
How to get out of this impasse?
Salvini and Melons must create a new entity as the Fn and other movements that are emerging in Europe. It is probably a bluff, do not understand them.
the personalities emerge?
Of course, Meloni makes distinctions on television: “Those of CasaPound are ugly and bad.” But also say “Storace we do not speak” or “has never been a fascist.” Well casserole dish comes from MSI, a party founded by veterans of CSR. At least a little ‘respect. Unfortunately it was unfortunate because it started to do politics in ’92, when I opened the door I Garbatella section. Had arrived two years later, he was able to enter directly in Forza Italy.
Storace proposes a table among the candidates, also cited CasaPound. What do you think?
The request is received to Alfio Marchini, a bit ‘too much for us. Certainly there was need for dialogue instead they shut all the doors: first by Salvini, with whom we have organized is the event in Milan and Rome, who forgets how we have been crucial to elect Borghezio in Europe but has excluded us from consultation with Us Salvini; then by Meloni who he was on stage with me to the Piazza del Popolo. It makes no sense to put everything together.
What is your proposal?
To reaffirm the role of the Italians on foreign nationals, from the rankings. A battle carried out by Meloni who unfortunately has already administered the government in Rome and as a minister. Close all detention centers, which are legalized scams, where there are not refugees but the guys who pretend to Termini station and then cost us 35 euro per day, pocketed by cooperatives; and the camps: closed the regular ones, cleared irregular ones. With Italian Roma who will have to find an accommodation, and others expelled.
The Romans ask security …
It must empower citizens. The mayor interfaces with the body of the traffic police, where there are many people of good will, but investigations have shown that there are also some bad apples. We propose the establishment of a group of volunteers in every district in which the mayor can interface, direct control with the territory. Another requirement is the house. Storace also resumed Mutuo Sociale. We have to restart the housing that builders as Alfio Marchini have stifled this city.
We want to build two new neighborhoods, we also have projects in Garbatella style with formula of the Mutual Social: the first in Rome North, near Saxa Rubra between Rai and the Gra; the second to the Magliana where it should rise the Stadium of Rome, but it should be built to Greyhound, occupied by Acrobax community center, not at Tor di Valle where the fans are expected to arrive by train Roma-Lido.
Other mourners keys, public transport and waste. What do you propose?
The DWT is improved, but not enough to take it every day. We need to be strengthened lines especially at peak times. But transport must be a resource: cutting the pharaonic salaries; strengthening the controls with the administration; revolutionizing the advertising system. Waste? In curbside collection something is not working, there are Italian patents that allow to differentiate in another way. And then it must empty Malagrotta, creating energy without sending it at a high cost in Germany, where we do just that.
It shares the Commissioner’s Online truncate of Affittopoli?
Yes, I agree to put the assets in the system but we must start from the parties. For example, the Ater recently cleared of occupants in Monteverde, we have defended the elderly, people in need and families with children. But there is a headquarters of the Democratic Party, which pays no rent, and maybe that is also in arrears. And the municipality must strike before the great, by the parties to the associations, as happens in the social centers that organize seratine for putting up the money instead of enhancing the social spaces. Then we can talk of old who lived in the Piazza Navona in the town hall.
Simone Di Stefano , in CasaPound, ears pulls Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni , which calls for the creation of an identity movement like Front National , and is convinced that “the performance of applications it was more painful to the end of the junta Marino. “
What to do?
Let us go forward, with the hope of overcoming the barrier and placing our fighter on Capitol Hill and in the municipalities. We are willing to talk with anyone as long as we respect. We had hoped for a break between Salvini, Meloni and Berlusconi. But unfortunately there is no escape from the logic of research that is destructive of the moderate vote.
How to get out of this impasse?
Salvini and Melons must create a new subject as the Fn and other movements that are emerging in Europe. It is probably a bluff, do not understand them.
the personalities emerge?
Of course, Meloni makes distinctions on television: “Those are ugly CasaPound and bad. ” But also say “Storace we do not speak” or “has never been a fascist.” Well casserole dish comes from MSI, a party founded by veterans of CSR. At least a little ‘respect. Unfortunately it was unfortunate because it started to do politics in ’92, when I opened the door I Garbatella section. Had arrived two years later, he was able to enter directly in Forza Italy.
Storace proposes a table among the candidates, also cited CasaPound. What do you think?
The request is received to Alfio Marchini, a bit ‘too much for us. Certainly there was need for dialogue instead they shut all the doors: first by Salvini, with whom we have organized is the event in Milan and Rome, who forgets how we have been crucial to elect Borghezio in Europe but has excluded us from consultation with Us Salvini; then by Meloni who he was on stage with me to the Piazza del Popolo. It makes no sense to put everything together.
What is your proposal?
To reaffirm the role of the Italians on foreign nationals, from the rankings. A battle carried out by Meloni who unfortunately has already administered the government in Rome and as a minister. Close all detention centers, which are legalized scams, where there are not refugees but the guys who pretend to Termini station and then cost us 35 euro per day, pocketed by cooperatives; and the camps: closed the regular ones, cleared irregular ones. With Italian Roma who will have to find an accommodation, and others expelled.
The Romans ask security …
It must empower citizens. The mayor interfaces with the body of the traffic police, where there are many people of good will, but investigations have shown that there are also some bad apples. We propose the establishment of a group of volunteers in every district in which the mayor can interface, direct control with the territory. Another requirement is the house. Storace also resumed Mutuo Sociale. We have to restart the housing that builders as Alfio Marchini have stifled this city.
We want to build two new neighborhoods, we also projects, for Garbatella style with the formula of the Mutual Social: the first in Rome North, near Saxa Rubra between Rai and the Gra; the second to the Magliana where it should rise the Stadium of Rome, but it should be built to Greyhound, occupied by Acrobax community center, not at Tor di Valle where the fans are expected to arrive by train Roma-Lido.
Other mourners keys, public transport and waste. What do you propose?
The DWT is improved, but not enough to take it every day. We need to be strengthened lines especially at peak times. But transport must be a resource: cutting the pharaonic salaries; strengthening the controls with the administration; revolutionizing the advertising system. Waste? In curbside collection something is not working, there are Italian patents that allow to differentiate in another way. And then it must empty Malagrotta, creating energy without sending it at a high cost in Germany, where we do just that.
It shares the Commissioner’s Online truncate of Affittopoli?
Yes, I agree to put the assets in the system but we must start from the parties. For example, the Ater recently cleared of occupants in Monteverde, we have defended the elderly, people in need and families with children. But there is a headquarters of the Democratic Party, which pays no rent, and maybe that is also in arrears. And the municipality must strike before the great, by the parties to the associations, as happens in the social centers that organize seratine for putting up the money instead of enhancing the social spaces. Then we can talk of old who lived in the Piazza Navona in the town hall.