Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Primary Rome, an executive Pd: “Blank ballot inflated to raise turnout” – The Messenger

<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href="/css/modules.css.php?modules=socialbar_top|slider_correlati_articolo|commenti_articolo|dx_videotv_singolo|widget_casa|video_player_piuvisto|video_player|lista_notizie|quickmap"/> “Some of us thought to do good: so between Sunday night and Monday afternoon has virtually inflated blanks and void. To increase attendance, not to see that we were a little over 40 thousand, but much closer to 50 thousand voters. In short, to avoid further aggressive on the flop. Then on Monday afternoon when the presidents of the municipalities have posted on social networks the data of the respective bare we realized the error. Indeed the boomerang. ” The speaker is a national leader of the Democratic Party. Unveiling in The Messenger the mystery of Roman gazebo. A twisted story that should be acknowledged. <P> COMMUNICATION <br/> According to the official statement sent Monday the organizing committee in the late afternoon, would show up in the primaries 47,317 people, but the fact quite unique, of these 3,709 would have chosen, once you paid 2 euro (minimum) subscription, to opt for the void ballots (843) and, above all, for that white (2866). Thus arriving at a given unique for this kind of competition: 7.8 percent of invalid votes. <br/> A phenomenon that at first the Democratic Party has tried to explain as a protest of the militants, but then, before squadernati data from the various mini-mayors, has passed in the cavalry. The doping on turnout is only virtual: there are no blank and spoiled ballot papers placed physically. It ‘s all the result of calculating adjusted with hands in front of the computer by the organizers in the 21 hours of counting who anticipated the official. <br/> </P> <div class = "paywall" readability = "6.4909090909091"> <p> CONTINUE tO READ THE ARTICLE: </p> <ul> <li> Unlimited access to articles <br/> selected by the newspaper </li> <p>                         <Li> The editions of the newspaper every day <br/> on PC, smartphone and tablet </li> <p>                     </Ul> FREE TRIAL </div> <div class = "paywall_login" readability = "7"> If you are already a customer sign in with your credentials: </div> <p> <! - Content paywall modal window -> <! - / modal window content paywall -> </div> <p>              Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 09:29 – Last Updated: 24:37 <br/> © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED </p> <a href="" target="_blank" ><img src="" border="0" style="margin: 1px;" alt="Like" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" ><img src="" border="0" style="margin: 1px;" alt="Tweet" /></a></div> <script type='text/javascript'> var obj0=document.getElementById("iklan12092903685860617153"); 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