RENZI RECEIVES SCHULZ. In the meeting the EU’s future, so the prime minister to the president of the European Parliament: “Migration is everyone’s problem and we must all work. We do not want to open controversy or tormenting, but it must be clear that we need to start “
Schulz receives Renzi at Palazzo Chigi
the President of the Council Matteo Renzi receives President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz.
The meeting on Friday, from 10:30, at Palazzo Chigi. It is crucial to talk about the tragedy of the geopolitical and economic balances, the level of support in the renewal of the European risiko charges.
Renzi after meeting . “The terrorism problem is far from solved, we have to find one for a potential killer. At the same time the oil price changes to a large part of the world, changing the economics. A very different scenario from the past, with the addition of the migration of millions of people and, if it is true that we Italians have always worked for the resolution, Schulz will give place. We can say that it is everyone’s problem and we must all work for a solution that take them back home or allow them not to go.
Europe is called upon to a great challenge. We are convinced Europeans, Schulz knows too well for his personal history. Europe is the institution which has put an end to war even in places of Schulz. But we are equally convinced that it is necessary to change the social and economic direction. Main banks and more unemployment and sociability. More social and less financial. We are convinced that you have to show the most beautiful face like that of researchers from Italy who participated in a historic discovery. Europe is investment in the future.
I told Martin the Ventotene project, School for European Training. We do not want to open controversy in Europe, but it must be clear that you have to leave, we will not bring discomfort but proposals. Recover the idealism and passion serving. Willingness to lend a hand and heart with Schulz to which we are grateful. We do not ask but we offer the flexibility willingness to lend a hand. If economic policy has not brought the results we must think about. We have to move because otherwise the populist forces will go forward and the disconnect with the citizens will increase. I’m happy meeting. They range in Europe when it comes down in the alleys of our cities full of history, Brussels is the capital of one of the many cities full of history. “
Schulz before the meeting. “Renzi is neither spoiler nor prophet, is a head of government who speaks clearly, with clear ideas and a strong political instincts. Europe needs a forward momentum because the status quo is not sustainable. Sometimes, to advance, rather than small steps you need a boost.
Renzi asks Europe greater ambition? I can only agree. I think that the penalty alone does not lead anywhere. Existing rules have been created and strengthened to ensure mutual trust between members of the euro zone when, during the crisis, confidence was evaporating. But within the economic framework necessary to lay down a common policy that is able to counteract the economic cycles, boost investments and give more weight and strength to the euro area.
If we had the means and the tools that were available to the United States would have had to use them as did Obama. But the tools were missing and we had to create them on the way: Banking Union – yet to be completed – the single resolution mechanism have been made important steps forward. But we can not settle. Certainly finances should be in order because the growth is sustainable and not doped. But the deficit-to-GDP ratio is made of the numerator and denominator. The European Union must ensure that the denominator, that is, the gross domestic product, will grow: for too long has looked only at the numerator. “
Europe does not exist . The Editorial of Dir Salvatore Todaro
Europe does not exist, the euro does. The Sense of What We, Stefania Barcella
Italian Post
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