– civil unions exceed overwhelmingly the first hurdle in the House, that the request not to pass’ examination text. Request that the Senate rejects, in an open vote, with the “no” of 195 senators, and strong of a unreleased axis formed by the Democratic Party, M5S, Sel and Ala . These numbers, however, do not induce dem Matteo Renzi to accelerate approval of the law. In Pd meanwhile produces a new tear on free consciousness.
the rejection of the “stop” sponsored by the League – at the internal clash between the secular wing of the Democratic Party and Cattodem does however counterbalanced by the opposite to the request for the vote of no passage to ‘examination of the articles (in essence a iter stop) advanced from the Northern League’s Roberto Calderoli and rejected by 195 votes against, 101 in favor and one abstention.
The novel Pd-axis, M5s, Ali and Sel – Compact, despite the tensions, the vote of the Democratic Party while outlining an unprecedented majority formed by M5s, by verdiniani ( with only Giuseppe Ruvolo dissenting) and Sel. on the opposite bank, compact also the favorable vote to the non-examination of Ap (with the votes in dissent Bonaiuti Margiotta and three non-voting) while in Fi have 4 absences “not justified “and one, that of Anna Maria Bernini, the vote in dissent.
the No Fat of secret ballot and controversy – the first test, in addition, there is a ‘additional novelty: the “niet” by Pietro Grasso to the secret ballot requested. A decision that the President of the Senate motivates explaining, in fact, that the bill refer to art. 2 of the Constitution and does not affect, then, the rights on marriage and the family covered by Articles 29, 30 and 31 of the Charter. One that is short, fat provides a first line of the votes on the admissibility secrets: the vows there will be, but according to the explanation of the President of the Senate, are unlikely to be many. And, not surprisingly, the grease in plenary decision triggers the wrath of Calderoli, Quagliariello and Giovanardi who speak of “political choice” and not conform to its role of “referee.”
freedom of conscience splits the Democratic Party – on the Democratic Party, to unleash the wrath of Cattodem is the proposal of Luigi Zanda to limit the votes of conscience in 3 amendments: one pro-entrust Stefano Lepri, one on full Gay adoption of Cecilia Guerra and what to Article 22 of Donella Mattesini. A choice that emphasizes Zanda be changed but, they say, already in a Bureau does go on a rampage Lepri, leading to the risk, then returned, a sensational desertion of Cattodem the meeting. Meeting at which, then, Lepri openly calls for the votes according to conscience are nine.
At the end of the assembly does not act but merely to take note of Zanda proposal, with the possibility that in the end we admit the vote of conscience on Cattodem two other amendments, one on the first signature Collina article 3 on the rights and duties of civil unions and the from Zuanna extension of surrogacy offense.
Tuesday the vote in plenary, the paper of “kangaroo” – Tuesday, with the start of voting, on which Andrea Orlando confirms that the government will recover to the House, the cards will eventually discovered and the first to be put on the table, after the stalemate of the covenant-Pd alloy on the cut to the amendments, could be that of “kangaroo” before signing Marcucci, sinking several amendments of the center, as well as that on foster Cattodem of “saving” the system of the bill.
It ‘a weapon that, at the time, the Democratic Party reserves to use in case frani every other attempt at negotiation. But one last card that has the side effect of triggering the Ap trench, at the time also opposed to any negotiated solution on the stepchild adoption. And, not surprisingly, the centrists Sacconi and D’Ascola evening perceive as the closures of the Democratic Party opens “a furrow in the relationship between the two” parties of government.
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