ROME – “It is the government that is completely absent on immigration”. He says the secretary general of the Italian Bishops Conference, Monsignor Nunzio Galantino , Famiglia Cristiana, explaining that “it is not enough to save the migrants at sea to put in place the national consciousness.” Galantino disputes laws “that basically reject immigrants and do not provide for positive integration”.
It raises controversy with Matteo Salvini and Beppe Grillo: “They have heavily criticized the Pope, but have seen that it can be counterproductive to their Pope Francis consensus because it’s very popular. ” Words that did not like the Northern League leader that attacks on Facebook: “I ask you, Catholic friends: this Galantino broke the boxes?”. While Beppe Grillo, blog, attacked the government “prefers rhetoric of acceptance without taking on any guilt.”
rejection of the ‘BOSSI-FINI’. According to the number two of the bishops, “we could learn from Germany and copy its laws. Instead we have always written laws that basically reject immigrants and do not provide for positive integration. Before the Turkish-Napolitano and now the Bossi-Fini”. According Galantino, “practices for asylum are long, an ordeal the application for a residence permit. We park immigrants here and there in Italy. If there was at least one weary of temporary residence permit could work and people do not most would see them loitering around and would not say who eat at the expense of the Italians already in crisis. But no one says that it is the law that requires the non-integration “.
THE NEW PLUNGE AGAINST SALVINI, ZAIA AND CRICKET. A few days after the controversy raised between the League and the Movement 5 stars, from his words on “salesmen from 4 money” that “speculate on the issue of migrants,” the Secretary General of the CEI also responds to Matteo Salvini, the President of Veneto Luca Zaia and Beppe Grillo. The acceptance of immigrants. “Let’s stop once and for all with that request to the Pope to bring immigrants to the Vatican and the bishops of welcoming churches and seminaries,” he says. “It is a mantra that you can no longer hear.
At the Vatican, Pope John Paul II opened one of the first soup kitchens. There are bishops that house immigrants at home and have never filled the pockets of Money, in fact. They do also Salvini, Zaia and Grillo? why a visit to the refugee camps and our Caritas would help you understand. I’m not saying that would change opinion, but would help them to understand. We in some way more to talk about these things we have because we are on the front line and know the reality and the evil words of salvini respond with the facts. We know the names of immigrants, for them instead are just numbers and also wrong. “
Galantino bowl then as “appalling banality” the allegations that the CEI would gain with immigrants: “Why do not you come to see? In our facilities, those credited, the police brings immigrants and then who we have seen we have seen. Each so come and have a look, maybe an employee of ASL appears to control and just. We arrange, pull money out of our pocket and no one earns. I notice that in this case speak of words that burn salesmen and exacerbate tempers. “
The reactions to the words of Galantino . A return comes the reply of Matthew Salvini entrusted to Facebook which does not spare harsh criticism at the CEI secretary: “Mr. Galantino, spokesman of the Bishops, think that Italians should welcome all immigrants anyway. And the League who do not think like him, are ‘boastful tavern’. Immigration without limits or rules is only chaos. For the 4 million unemployed and 9 million poor, no hotels? But Italy is still a Republic or depends on the Vatican? I ask you friends Catholics but this Galantino broke the boxes? “. A post followed by dozens of comments anything but soft to the secretary CEI.
Beppe Grillo , Blog, back on the topic of immigration:” The emergency refugees seems popped up out of nowhere, but beyond the humanitarian issue, which goes addressed, no one openly denounces the causes that date back to the destabilization of North Africa and the Middle East by Western powers “stresses the leader M5S that lists all the wars that, in his opinion, have destabilized the situation leading to the exodus of these days. According to Grillo, the government prefer “the rhetoric of acceptance without taking on any blame for the biblical exodus that is in place and that no one knows where it takes us.”
Speaking of Tg1, Assistant Secretary Pd Debora Serracchiani he has defended the actions of the government: “To all those providing solutions to those judgmental ungenerous, to those who make it easy, we say that this government is dealing with a rational solution difficult and is doing much better than in other parts. “
Attack Galantino also the blue Maurizio Gasparri :” Galantino not yet recovered from the disavowal of the families of the people who packed Piazza San Giovanni in June despite his boycott failed. Keep fit in the political controversy with words not suited to a role that has come unprepared and for which it is judged inappropriate by ninety percent of the Italian bishops. “
It sided with Secretary CEI and the Pope the exponent of the minority dem Robert Hope with a message on Twitter: “Among the humanity of Pope Francis and propaganda Salvini immigration whole life with Pope Francis. We are all human beings. “
The direction of Christian Family has intervened in the debate stating that, after talking with Monsignor Galatino, “the statements attributed to him were reported in exaggerated tones in a confidential interview with our reporter.” “His Excellency – continues the direction of the magazine – was manipulated because the interview was to focus only on the project of the Italian Church to allow 1,400 Iraqi refugees to return children to school. Monsignor Galantino reaffirms that his only real interest is and remains to defend the work of the Pope. We are sorry for the incident and reiterated esteem and affection to Monsignor Galantino, we send him our most sincere apologies. “
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