Friday, July 31, 2015
Renzi: “Azzollini? Parliament is not the rubber-stamping of the Prosecutor “- The Messenger
Reform Rai. “Law reform Rai was approved at first reading, with some accident yesterday and the negative vote on an amendment, however, did not affect the conclusion of the Senate ». “We’ll see if and how to correct the text in the House ‘, states Renzi talking about the article in the reform of RAI which involved the delegation to the government on the fee which has been deleted in the Senate.
Minority Pd. “A part of the Democratic Party wanted to give a political message taking advantage of absence” on the reform of RAI “but our goal is not to give messages but change the country . That message does not bother us. ” “We have the numbers in the Senate. The minority Democratic Party wanted to give a political signal, but we go forward more determined than before. ”
Public Administration. “There was the conclusion of the bill in committee today on the PA was the third and final reading. Next week the Senate will fire the final text. “
The recovery and Country. “The employment data continues to have positive and negative aspects, outstanding in April and then in May that is negative in June, that does not affect the plus sign but obviously shows that there is still much to do.” It is “quite understandable because employment is the last thing starts again after a period of crisis.” The economic data show that “the picture is still very far from what we want to become, but the direction is the right one,” he adds. “There is little sign of a re-start but there is still much to be done.”
Chaos Fiumicino. ‘We are checking if the latest events are intentional or random: you saw what happened but it is not for me to say. ” “It is possible that things happen that have happened in this period is in progress occurs at all levels to ensure accountability and possible perpetrators.” “The Fiumicino airport is a vital hub for the country’s future. We will have to make more effort as all public to better address what needs to be addressed with a strategic vision for the coming years. We need to invest a lot in the airport facilities. “
Mail. “We received yesterday with the minister Padoan engineer Cairo. Data Poste ‘that will be released today, “are very positive. We made a real operation of the spending review, because with the change of the universal service, cutting-edge in Europe, we get a saving of 100 million a year to the taxpayer. “
Case Azzollini. “The Democratic Party leader has seen the cards on Azzollini: he is convinced that it is a very complicated matter on which there may be a prima persecutionis and left freedom of conscience. I can not say how I voted because I have not read the papers. But consider the vote a sign of maturity, I believe in good faith and to the intelligence of the Democratic senators. ” “We are not rubber-stamping of the Prosecutor of Trani”, then he stated the premier. “Having great respect for the Constitution, we say that the judiciary is respected respect the powers of the judges. And also the other. “
Friday, July 31, 2015, 13:56 – Last Updated: 16:37
Mattarella reforms focal point legislature –
The reforms are one of the “hot spots” of this legislature and must be performed. In Italy there is the risk of “a man in command” ’cause will remain “the system of checks and balance” between the various powers. But just “overflows its borders”: we must stop this whole trend Italian of trying to steal “functions that belong to others.” Six months after his election Sergio Mattarella prepares for summer break, confirming in full the guidelines of his presidency: strict respect of the rules, awareness of the limitations and rational confidence in the future. The President of the Republic chose the traditional ceremony of the “fan” in the press for a parliamentary reference to “strict compliance with the rules, defense of democracy, which must be respected all.”
A unease expressed the Head of State, perhaps tied to too many supply teachers that the “bad-policy” encourages, making now commissariare now surrogando the legislative process to the judgments of the courts. But the ceremony at the Quirinal has allowed the president to “reveal” a little ‘giving way to respond gracefully even to those who, in recent months, “they pulled at his jacket.” Asking, for example, to name only the most recent case, not to sign the law on the reform of the school. It asks that the sense of limits applies primarily to the Quirinale: “you can not think that the president can intercept or block political choices that compete to Parliament or to the government. Laws such as: President of the Republic does not have a power of veto, as it is known can only ask Parliament to review and only where it finds a clear violation of the Constitution, a clear conflict with the Constitution. ” then no danger of authoritarian tendencies: “anyone, let alone the President of the Republic, which has no powers of political choice, is a man in command in our country. It is not possible in a democracy,” assured the president. Hoping that the political forces have understood this fundamental point for Colle, Mattarella focused on reforms by renewing the invitation made to the political (“players”) to help “with their correctness”.
Here’s the range presented to President Video
The path to reform is “one of the central points of this legislature,” explained the Italian press gathered at the hall of the Parties of the Quirinale. Path where Mattarella not enter but which calls for a conclusion virtuous. He explains the basic reasons: the reforms have “two objectives, efficiency and participation.” It needs essentially a “rise of the democratic process in the collaborative relationship between different levels of government.” But also, and perhaps above all, to ensure that a government can give its legislative program and a Parliament that is able to legislate. “There is the need – said in a speech Mattarella entirely” off the cuff “- to ensure our constitutional efficacy of action, because democracy deteriorates when there is no participation or when it decreases, but when the process decision is inconclusive or lacking in efficiency. “
So far the most political. But the president could not go back on what is one of his greatest concerns: the rampant dishonesty that crushes Italy. “It will not tire of repeating it: the fight against corruption and the fight against organized crime is a top priority” and the example must start from the public, politics must be dissolved as soon as a “gel system” which produces “high costs of character economic and social. ” In the thought of Mattarella occurs then, increasingly, an extreme attention to an increasingly “in trouble”, close the pincer of national egoism and populism. “We can not hide the feeling of a weakening of the bonds of solidarity in the Union.” For this we need a new “governance” Eurozone “to complement the common rules also common institutions – without limiting ourselves to the Central Bank – and visions, appropriate and democratic.” But not everything is bad and Mattarella choose to close with a message of “trust” to Italians. “There are signs of recovery and we must develop them and encourage them. We can not abandon an entire generation of young people, we can not abandon the South.” No need to look back; “We must not make the mistake of Lot’s wife becoming a pillar of salt because it looks back. We have to look ahead, plan for the future.”
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Senate ‘save’ Azzollini. Pd in the storm, Serracchiani “we apologize” – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy
08:51 July 30, 2015
(AGI) – Rome, July 30 – The senator should not be arrested: Antonio Azzollini, exponent NDC, will remain ‘in place for decision of his colleagues who yesterday said no to the request of the Prosecutor of Trani. The bone of contention: the role he would play in the matter of the crack of a nursing home in Bisceglie, Divine Providence. This
the vote, which took place when it was a few minutes at noon, 189 opposed to the request ‘ stop, 97 in favor, 17 abstentions. The Senate rejected, in answer to the secret ballot and after the freedom ‘of consciousness given by his Democratic Party senators. Two circumstances – especially the latter – which have not gone unnoticed. The decision of dem and ‘been interpreted since the morning as a very veiled invitation to change their behavior than what was announced the day after the arrival in Rome of documents of Trani. Then the Democratic Party had said it favored the request. Today, in the secret of the urn, and ‘lawful imagine many have spoken to no, especially given the fact that the group Ncd in the Senate has the numerical strength far from 189 senators.
“Frankly I believe that we must also somewhat ‘excuse,’ cause I think we did a very good figure, “said the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Deborah Serracchiani:” There ‘was a decision made by a committee, the members of that commission indicated what was in their opinion the way forward, I think that in this House we were to follow that path. That said, I believe that senators, on a theme as’ complex, have made a deep reflection, studying the cards, deemed in conscience to vote. I think epro ‘that sometimes there will be photo opportunities’ on which to reflect in more’ is always done, “concluded Serracchiani.
Fi, League and grillini immediately stressed what they see as a favor to Renzi Alfano, more and more ‘essential in a Senate where the majority appears anemic even after assurances of Denis Verdini that this morning presented its new parliamentary group, called Ala.
“The law is not’ equal for all. Azzollini saved by the Democratic Party, “he writes on twitter Beppe Grillo.” Renzi and the Democratic Party have dropped his pants to save their seats, that penalty. Who pays wrong, but if it serves the left does not pay, “echoed Matteo Salvini from facebook. Renato Brunetta concludes:” Let pain and shame for the commercialization of something as sacred as freedom ‘of conscience, exercised by the Democratic Party not to garantismo but to save their own government “. (AGI).
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
From tension to relief as the long day of Senator Azzollini – La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
ROME – The semi-sleepless night, went to “think for itself,” the National Hotel, a short walk from the palace that would take away his freedom. Then, the vote of the Senate, with the ‘no’ authorization arrest overturns everything, transforming the tension relief. The long day of Antonio Azzollini ends well, with shining eyes and repeated the words of satisfaction as a ‘mantra’ reporters around him in the Senate. Immediately after the Assembly vote, Azzollini is in fact in ‘his’ Budget Committee, perhaps to try to answer phone calls of congratulations that soon would come. It does not have the time. Reporters around him, tempestandolo questions. And he, but moved cautiously, says that yes, “satisfied” and that in his opinion the element “decisive” for which the vote of the Board of immunity was overturned was “the knowledge of the acts.” Acts which, as explained by the senator in Parliament, contain “difficult reconstructions can be deemed even logical”, where against him “there is only” a prima persecutionis integrated enough. “And then there’s that supposed sentence – stamped Senator as “slander” – pointing to the Sisters of Divine Providence, referring to those two texts against which Azzollini not rule out an act legally, if they deem his lawyers.
But on the day of ‘ no ‘to his arrest for the senator, there is above all the relief. “I had dinner with seared tuna and asparagus, then I slept little, but quiet. I’m used to doing my duty “, is the fresco Azzollini makes his eve, infarcendolo with various digressions, like the one on the book he is reading these days, a volume of Andrea Carobene titled” Diary of a monaco XXI Century, physical and painstaking. “Or as the admission that, since the order for arrest came in the Senate, he always carries with him the original dossier of the acts. Few, however, political considerations, from those who led the Democratic Party to vote as freedom of conscience, resulting in 189 no and 17 abstentions in the House. “I did not expect, but I had confidence in my arguments,” says the senator before going to lunch with the leader Renato Schifani, among the ‘creators’ – is emphasized in environments centrists – the strategy that led to the ‘no’ to a stop on which, in recent weeks, even among alfaniani tensions were recorded.
While the letter of yesterday’s Democratic Party leader Luigi Zanda, who asked to vote their conscience, Azzollini merely says that “did well”, but does not ensure that it will call to thank him. They are other, calls that come in droves. “The many friends of Molfetta” says Azzollini before leaving with a touch of pride. Return chairman of the Budget? “I’m staying resigned” but, in September, “the groups decide,” is his goodbye.
Azzollini, an error that threatens the identity of the Democratic Party – Reuters
Azzollini, an error that threatens the identity of the Democratic Party
The Senate vote that rejects the position of the Government is an incomprehensible choice
The senator Ncd, Antonio Azzollini
Another choice difficult to understand, another tumble: this time on the ground and more delicate , what once it would have been called the “moral issue.” The vote by which the Senate said no to the request for the arrest of Senator Azzollini sparked a sort of revolt in the Democratic Party base – and among the leaders internal minority – which accuses the leaders of the party had changed the position taken in Council for permission (yes arrest) in a Pilate “freedom of conscience”, the effects of which are now under the eyes of all.
Whatever the reasons for the change of course – save the government majority or underestimation of the climate through the country – it turned out to be wrong and difficult to understand, for a party – on other occasions – asked and obtained the resignation of the ministers not even investigated. The assistant secretary said the incident Serracchiani speaking of “lost opportunity.” The point is that occasion behind occasion (case-Crocetta from the story of Mafia Capital) what is likely to be lost is the identity of the Democratic Party. With many thanks from the League and M5S.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Renzi: Italian country no longer tax – TGCOM
- Tgcom24 & gt;
- Politics & gt;
- Renzi: “Italy is not the country of taxes” and announces: “In 10 years time I’ll do another”
Video Tgcom24 – policy
Premier promises a reduction in the tax burden of 50 billion Euros in the next five years
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– “Italy has set in motion and continue to do so”, even with a “package” of measures tax reduction that “proceeds at fixed intervals and on time, fueled by the stability that has returned home.” He said Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the Ambassadors Conference at the Foreign Ministry stressing that Italy is no longer the country of taxes. “In five years – stressed – there will be a reduction in the tax burden of 50 billion euro .”
The Prime Minister is then entered in the detail “Ten billion in 2015 from the bonus 80 € to the poorest of the population; in 2015, 5 billion from the elimination of component work Irap ; in 2016 the ‘ abolition of Tasi and IMU , worth about 5 billion; in 2017 we will reduce the cost to business from combined IRES and IRAP to bring the cost of taxation profit to 24%; and in 2018 we will intervene on brackets income tax and pensions “.
Ten years from now I’ll do another “- Renzi was then given a” date “:” In Italy we should begin to consider the political civil servant that sooner or later leave. I’ll do another ten years. “Then he jokingly added:” But not subitissimo … “.
Although no longer at Palazzo Chigi, Renzi sees a rosy future for the country” Whatever happens the political discussion, I think that Italy has an extraordinary future: between 20 to 30 years we will be a leader in Europe and the world, “he said.
” I’m hoping for a seat at ‘ UN “- In the short term, meanwhile, hope to Renzi is to get a seat at the United Nations:” I hope that next year we can celebrate the important result of the election to the UN Security Council to 2017-2018. It would be a very positive result, but not there yet, “he told the ambassadors.
- tag:
- Matteo Renzi
- Foreign Ministry
- Ambassadors Conference
- Revenue
- UN Security Council
Marino arrived, Senator anti notav Esposito Transport Department – BBC
Milan , July 28, 2015 – 10:07
Loose in the night between Monday and Tuesday the knot tied the alderman for Transport new junta Marino. According to sources of the Democratic Party reported by the agency Ansa, will Senator dem, known for his stance against the No Tav, Stefano Esposito to take the place of the outgoing Guido Improta in the new team that will be officially announced today in the early afternoon . Meanwhile, the deputy Marco Cause announced that it has accepted the post of deputy mayor and councilor for the Budget: “We will open soon a table inter-institutional common-government to address the problems of the capital.” It Luigina Of Liegro the “Miss X” to the junta of the Capitol. The mayor, a Senatorial Palace, called her into his office and offered her to join his “team” of city government. Yet to be specified powers that can get up the Di Liegro, which could have the tourism. Luigina Of Liegro is the nephew of Monsignor Di Liegro, founder of Caritas, has already been councilor of the Lazio Region and had just entered the city council following the resignation in pd after the second wave of Mafia Capital.
Marino phoned just now to Esposito and convened for the first arrived at 14.30. Meanwhile, the new commissioner, reached by telephone, said his new assignment: “The choice was made to three: Marino Orfini and Renzi. They chose me because maybe you had to give a significant political signal. my name should be seen in tandem with Cause. I am vice president of the transport committee and I was in committee in Ostia. It could have an impact. Always I deal with Transport and needed a strong figure. ” Esposito is therefore to hold the delicate box of Transportation in a dramatic moment for metro and bus to Rome, after the mayor Marino asked Improta to step parts, announcing among other things, the elimination of Atac summits. Besides Improta and Cause, should enter also reached Marco Rossi Doria (Suburbs). “The first goal is to reduce the disruption in public transport, do not pay for citizens’ ANSA said Esposito. And then: “For me it is an honor to put myself at the service of the capital of my country asked me to deal with a difficult situation, but now I am used to challenges. The many problems that we have are very clear to me, but I prefer to evaluate on the field the different emergencies. ” Esposito gives “ninety days of time” to set the first steps. “I think it’s enough time to get to the actual things. I propose to everyone involved in this match a deal: all step back and make themselves available. I do not start with prejudices, but it’s time that everyone do their part in the interest of the citizens. ” Monday on Twitter Dem senator intervened on the issue of the junta Marino ironically: “Ifrenatobrunetta asks resignationignaziomarino means that we must go forward #noneazzeccaunaorfini.” July 28, 2015 | 10:07 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Board Marino, the new commissioners
Cause, the man of the budget at the time of Veltroni
14:30 the first sight
Metro and buses, travelers’ tales
Disservice in the center with 40, 70 and 64
The case Improta
“The first objective of reducing the trouble”
Duel of Rome, blitz Renzi to Unity party | Photos | Videos – BBC
case marine
Milan , July 28, 2015 – 07:28
The blitz of half past ten in the evening, when Matteo Renzi presents surprise the Unity Day, on the northern outskirts of the capital, is very similar to the move of the “thaw” in the Capitol. A game of table football with Luca Lotti alongside and against Matthew Orfini and the local leader Luciano Nobili (is the new edition, analog, Playstation night of regional Renzi-Lots win 10-8), a tour of the stands, the greetings, selfie and banter with the militants.
A move that displaces all (even the same Orfini, “host”) and loosening the “grip” on the event that everyone was waiting as a watershed in the difficult story of the reshuffle of the junta Marino: the debate scheduled for Monday evening, where everyone expected from Renzi clear words of Rome after that, “Marino and Crocetta or govern or go home” a few days ago.
shadow carousel
Renzi, “blitz” of the party? Unit of Rome: “Verdini in the Democratic Party? Never, “
And instead, in all probability, that meeting is skipped . Officially for security reasons. In fact because, from the political point of view, Renzi does not want to legitimize first hand the new administration Marino (who should be born today) but will not even, at this time, knocking out the mayor. So much so that, after a mention of the national policy (“Verdini never enters the Democratic Party”), while among the militants launching a survey on the mayor of the capital, the prime minister cut short: “Do not reopen the debate.” And then, to a person who asks him “to dismiss Marino,” Renzi replies: “Come on, reggiamo …”.
It’s enough to understand that, despite all the bad feelings inside, Marino can now go forward. Without “renziani” in the bargain (Orfini has asked for a name is Paolo Gentiloni that Lorenza Bonaccorsi getting a clear no: “You made out by Guido Improta Transportation, now I see it for themselves,” the answer) and no more than Sel , after the summit yesterday between Marino, the new secretary Paolo Cento and the Roman leader municipal Gianluca Peciola, it remains outside.
I would have liked vendoliani Francesco Forgione as deputy mayor , Marino has barred the door: “Number two is Mark Cause. And I can not help the team antimafia “replication of the mayor, which team has the magistrate Alfonso Sabella. Sel, now, is up in arms: “The mayor chooses Renzi and monochrome Pd. Too bad, we were available to a high profile. Now we will evaluate the resolutions one by one. ” Most classroom Julius Caesar begins to wobble. And most importantly, the alliance of municipal 2013 goes into the attic.
The mayor, backed by Orfini, go ahead. And, unless sensational twists, he is ready to launch today (it is already preparing the press conference to present) the “Marino-ter.” The last node, on which everything is right Cause, deputy dem, the man chosen to do the deputy mayor and councilor for the Budget. Causes, again yesterday, expecting a nod by Renzi and did know “want to know the framework.” Orfini comforted him (“you’ll see that Renzi will call you …”), and eventually, one way or another, should accept. For other names, the School’s Marco Rossi-Doria, former Secretary of Education and Monti governments Letta. For Transport, circulating the name of a woman: Anna Donati (already in Naples with de Magistris) or Stefania De Serio, piddina, already Atac (transport company Roman).
July 28, 2015 | 07:28
Monday, July 27, 2015
Rome, Matteo Renzi surprise to the Unity Day: around the stands and playing billiards – The Messenger
Rieti, the Sun Festival explodes
war stand beer
Latin Minister Poletti in Terracina, will participate in “Solidarity …
Rieti, the Sun Festival: among the boats
fiumarole stands Porta Arringo
The ranking / …
Greece, Renzi convene Padoan. The Treasury: new aid not be limited to finance
Renzi in Israel is the first head of state to meet Netanyahu later …
Rieti, the Sun Festival: St. Nicholas wins
proof of the prize of the tub
Simon Canettieri
Blitz Matteo Renzi the Unity Day. An encore that surprised everyone: the prime minister is in fact expected for tomorrow, but on the stage of the Conca d’Oro.
This evening, accompanied by Undersecretary Luca Lotti, was the terminus at the party dem. Before a tour of the stands to greet the volunteers, then a game of table football: Renzi and Struggle against Orfini and Luciano Nobili, a former deputy secretary of the Roman Empire. The game is over, for the record, 10-8 for the prime minister.
Monday, July 27, 2015, 23:11 – Last Updated: 23:15
Rome, Marino besieged: tomorrow the new administration but bursts grain accounts – The Messenger
Under siege, Marino, waiting for the government breakouts funds from the Jubilee (missing just over four months), think out of the corner fielding visual interventions against the deterioration of the city, that all reproach, from Renzi at the New York Times. Now that Scottish and Improta are gone, the mayor would be thinking the slippage of the Stability Pact. Reason of the clash with the now former commissioners who not surprisingly opposed. And this would be, most of the names to be put in the bargain, the real point of negotiation with Sel, that after the release of the deputy mayor Luigi Nieri officially continues to provide the majority of the external support.
In the chaos accounts there is a second aspect that is mounting in these hours: one of adjustment budget. It ‘was the last act approved by the Scottish, Marino would like to change it between commission and council always for the known reasons: more liquidity to restart, at least from a visual standpoint, a dirty and rough.
No coincidence that yesterday afternoon the mayor in the waltz of meetings conducted at home, he had a long talk with the chief accountant of the Capitol Stephen clipping.
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Monday, July 27, 2015, 07:45 – Last Updated: 07:52
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Scottish: “Too many credit lines without competition, that’s why I left Marino” – The Messenger
Scottish, in his farewell letter addressed to the mayor says Shared continues the practice of direct contracts. It was the system of Buzzi and Carminati. Knows?
“I do not know, but I note that there is a delay in making the races and I asked for lights to the offices.”
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Sunday, July 26, 2015, 10:59 – Last Updated: 13:13
Renzi attacks the unions’ Outrageous in Pompeii “- The Time
Other articles about …
Acora once Matteo Renzi comes out against the unions. Sparked criticism of the Prime Minister to the representatives of workers, however, is neither the Jobs Act neither school reform, but the protests on Friday which paralyzed Pomei and Alitalia.
” Culture is the key to our future – says Renzi answering letters from readers of the Unit – I am uncontrollable rage when I see the scenes yesterday in Pompeii. ” “The meeting in Pompeii, in the manner, in those forms, is simply scandalous. We will continue to work for Pompeii despite the unions. ” The prime minister then explained the concept better on their enews, “See that after all the work done to save the site and therefore jobs in Pompeii – claims – a trade union meeting freezes suddenly thousands of tourists in the sun or see that after the sleepless nights to involve Etihad and avoid bankruptcy of Alitalia, strikes by workers of that company ruining the holidays of thousands of our fellow citizens, it hurts. “
” Let’s be clear – continues Renzi – to avoid the controversy of tomorrow: no one questions the right to strike or union assembly. Rights are sacrosanct. But there is also need common sense and reasonableness, responsibility and respect. At a time like this keep thousands of tourists from all over the world, under the sun for a trade union meeting surprise means to desire the evil of Pompeii. It means doing the evil of Pompeii. I do not have it with the unions. But if this continues we will have to defend the unions themselves. “
As regards relations between the government and workers’ representatives, Renzi says:” We have not ruled out to find agreed solutions with the union: it’s just that we did not succeed. Time will tell if we were right on the Jobs Act or unions to register now an increase in new jobs and stabilization. And I’m happy, “he continues Renzi emphasizes:” Whenever possible we are on the front line alongside the unions, as yesterday with the resolution of the story Whirlpool. But if on some things we disagree we leave to them the right of veto. If we believe we move forward. ”
“Too often – said the prime minister – our country has stalled because of the vetoes.” If the labor reform had arrived when they did Germany and Britain, with Schroeder and Blair, “we would be a country much more competitive now,” says Renzi yet. Instead, “we had to wait for our government in 2015. That’s why we have not allowed the unions to block the project was legitimate not feel the same way but it was a must for us to decide and move on.”
->Luigi Frasca
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Renzi: scandalous decisions of the unions of Pompeii and Alitalia. Tax compliance by lowering taxes crazy – Il Sole 24 Ore
History Article
This article was published on July 25, 2015 at 17:34.
The last change is the July 25, 2015 at 18:22.
“In Italy we pay too much tax. It goes on like crazy. ” We read in the premier Enews Matteo Renzi outlining its strategy to party members. “While we fight evasion. If we all pay, we pay less. In the first year of government the fight against tax evasion has resulted in a more flattering 7% of revenue compared to last year (and this is the answer to those who say “Renzi never speaks of escape” for us to talk about the facts , friends!). But lower taxes can be done under three conditions. ” If the “reforms will go ahead – and I believe – we manage to lower the debt, unlock yards, lower taxes. The design is clear, it has to make it happen! And the Democratic Party will never be the party of taxes. ” The prime minister has condemned the damage caused by the assembly union yesterday in Pompeii (called “scandalous”) and by the strike Alitalia.
The damages of the assembly union in Pompeii and the strike Alitalia
“To see that after all the work done to save the site and therefore jobs in Pompeii a trade union meeting freezes suddenly thousands of tourists in the sun or to see that after the sleepless nights to involve Etihad and avoid bankruptcy of Alitalia, strikes by workers of that company ruining the holidays of thousands of our fellow citizens, it hurts, “reads the e-news sent today to subscribers. “Mind you, to avoid the controversy of tomorrow: no one questions the right to strike or union assembly. Rights are sacrosanct. But there is also need common sense and reasonableness, responsibility and respect. At a time like this keep thousands of tourists from all over the world, under the sun for a trade union meeting surprise means to desire the evil of Pompeii. It means doing the evil of Pompeii. I do not have it with the unions. But if this continues we will have to defend the unions themselves. The meeting yesterday in Pompeii, in the manner, in those forms, is simply scandalous. We will continue to work for Pompeii, despite them, “he concludes.
It has to drop the curve debt / GDP
Returning to the three conditions for lower taxes, the first curve is the debt / GDP ratio, which “must come down. In a nutshell: our debt is not dramatic as it is described. We have in fact private wealth which is double the national debt (no one is like us, on this, the world); we have a high percentage of foreign debt; we have a welfare system that in the medium to long term is the most sustainable in Europe; we have a primary surplus constant for years and a public spending that will ‘yet filed but is no longer among the worst in Europe. And yet the debt is still too high. Therefore, it is necessary that the curve of the debt / GDP ratio back down. And this, as we have promised, will begin in 2016. From here the next year, every year, the debt will go down a bit ‘. We do not do it because Europe asks us: we do it because it is right to our children. Otherwise let them up the pieces of a State, as they did with us. And we want to be more serious than those who preceded us. “
Unlock yards: there are second billion of public investment firm
The second condition for lower taxes is the release of the yards. “There are twenty billion public investment firm. Not to mention the money that individuals are scattered in the alleys of the bureaucracy, the precedent of appeals. Maybe even in your town, in your city you have in mind specific examples in this regard (who wants to report me for anything in particular, can do so through the usual email: This is all a gigantic folly. If between now and 2016 we could spend twenty billion locked, immediately throughout the economy, starting with the construction sector dramatically knees, would be affected positively. “
Revenue: in the third year via all taxes on first homes
Third condition, the IRS. “In the first year we returned EUR 80 to 10 million people, thus starting families. In the second year we have eliminated the component work Irap, as they asked us (rightly) entrepreneurs. In the third year we will eliminate all taxes on first homes (Tasi and IMU). In 2017, the fourth year, engrave sull’Ires to lower taxes for businesses. Personal income tax brackets in 2018 will touch and minimum pensions. ” And to those who say: “I can not ever do”, “I want you to come my most sincere thanks. They are the same as saying 80 Euros? You will not make ever. Electoral law? You will not make ever. Jobs Act? You will not make ever. Expo? You will not make ever. EU High Representative? You will not make ever. Quick divorce? You will not make ever. Civil liability of judges? You will not make ever. One hundred thousand assumptions about school? You will not make ever. This chorus now makes us company. It brings us luck. So, thank you. “
Religious schools and Ici, CEI: less freedom Minister Giannini: “Need to Think” – TGCOM
– The CEI challenges the judgment of the Supreme Court, which has recognized the legitimacy of the request of ICI by the municipality of Livorno to schools run by religious organizations. A decision “dangerous”, say the bishops, which severely limits “the guarantee of freedom of education. And the secretary general of the Bishops’ Conference Nunzio Galantino says:” Do not you realize the work they do public schools equal. “
According to Galantino this judgment is dictated by ideological reasons. But you would consider a number of important factors. For example, says Galantino to ADN, which a million and 300 thousand students attend private schools. What this institution for the state allocates 520 million euro but save 6 billion and a half. And then, he adds, not just about Catholic schools.
And the judges said: “If there are realities of the Catholic Church who do not pay taxes, are reported. But sentences like this are purely ideological. “
The Minister Giannini:” Need to Think “ – The story is then intervened Education Minister Stefania Giannini. The Judges, he explained, they say “there is a different treatment” between public and equal “because they are different institutions.” “I think maybe there’s a reflection to do,” he added after pointing out that in regions such as Veneto, without equal, state and region “would be in huge economic and structural difficulties”.
In Veneto, he explained Giannini, “67% of early childhood education and primary school is covered by private schools.”
On the sidelines of the signing in the Palace of the Region of Valle d’Aosta of a Memorandum of Understanding on educational reform, the Minister stressed that the ruling concerns a “chapter that is not my relevance, therefore I do not comment on the merits “.
He then explained that” our decision does not intervene on certain issues affecting local governments and schools. It operates on another principle, from my point of view, much more fundamental, that of freedom of educational choice, with, for charity, symbolic, say, possibility ‘of recognition to families who either choose or are sometimes forced to choose. ”
More generally, he stressed, “the issue of private schools from my point of view – the law reflects this point of view that is not only mine, is the governing majority – must be addressed in a framework also European reference. Italy did 15 years ago, with a beautiful law signed by Berlinguer that so summarize: ‘The Italian Republic has a national public, state and non-state. It ‘an integrated system of education, a system that the state is committed obviously in different ways, to develop and not to decline’. “
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- tag:
- Supreme Court
- Livorno
- Italian Bishops Conference
Yellow amendment Pagano (Ncd). Ok from commission, rejected from Orlando – ilVelino / AGV NEWS
The House Judiciary Committee approves it, the Keeper of the bowl. Much to herald the need to rewrite it in view of the landing in the House. It is a strange fate amendment Pagano (Ap) to the enabling law on criminal justice, approved by Commission II of the House. The amendment provides for imprisonment from 6 months to 4 years for the private recording or filming secretly another person. The measure, which has triggered reactions of the Movement five-star – convinced that the objective is to imprison journalists who publish intercepts “uncomfortable” – but was disavowed by the Keeper: “It is not the government guidance predict jail for anyone. The journalists have nothing to do, do their job, here you have to punish only those who make private recordings. ” And so the solution should be another amendment, the rapporteur Donatella Ferrante (committee chair), so as to explicitly exclude from the norm the legitimate exercise of professional activities. As in the case of the press, in fact. But there remains the problem of timing, which has greatly exacerbated the climate, already strained after the publication of wiretaps between Matteo Renzi and the general of the Financial Police, Michele Adinolfi. In the coming weeks the government should enact it also changes the rules on the audience.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Renzi warns to cross marine and govern or go home – | Story Filed: 07/24/2015 – 24:58 | Article read 543 times
“You deal to govern, or go home.” is the new thrust of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi turned to Rosario Crocetta and Ignazio Marino, involved, for different reasons, into a deep political crisis in their respective administrations.
“ Just telenovelas – added the prime minister in an interview with TG5 -. You deal of concrete things, the problems of the people, put in place their city, settle health. If you are able to govern govern, go ahead, otherwise they go home. People do not ask if a politician remains in office, but if he answers to his questions . “
Renzi also spoke of reducing taxes, Italians promise in the coming years. A topic that has drawn criticism from minority dem, to which the Prime Minister replied: “ Like it or not we have made a commitment to Italians and we will keep you . I respond to the needs of Italian and not to Fassina, D’Alema and Bersani . It is time once and for all to bring down taxes . “ – News programming recorded at the Court of Palermo n ° 15 del 27/04/2011