Friday, January 30, 2015

Quirinale, the third black smoke. Forza Italy towards not voting at the fourth … – The Messenger

Quirinale, the third black smoke. Forza Italy towards not voting at the fourth … – The Messenger

Third black smoke in the House met for the election of the President of the Republic. The counting is still in progress but it is now impossible to overcome altitude 673

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi always points on Sergio Mattarella and appeals to Ncd and Forza Italy to vote for him. The name of Mattarella back together the Democratic Party, but does shout conquest Sel Silvio Berlusconi to the betrayal of the covenant of the Nazarene.

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi after the third vote left the House after a meeting with the leaders of the Democratic Party to make the point, it was explained, on the numbers of the first voting for the President of the Republic. The reporters who asked if the new head of state will be elected on the fourth ballot, the prime minister is limited to make a joke: “The fourth vote? I’m sorry, I have not the fourth, “he said. Before leaving Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has had a long meeting with Giorgio Napolitano in the corridors of government in the House.

In the second ballot no candidate has reached the two-thirds majority ( 673 votes). Blank ballots were 531. As yesterday to have taken more than one preference was Ferdinando Imposimato (123), voted by the Movement 5 stars. Following Victor Felts (51), supported by FDI-An and the League, Luciana Castellina (34), rated by Sel, and Emma Bonino (23, from the PSI). The Democratic Party, as happened to the first call, voted white card, as Forza Italy. Saturday the wait fourth ballot, one that could be decisive when to elect the head of state will do 505 votes.

Whitewater meanwhile inside Forza Italy. A Montecitorio meeting to decide the line on the hill with a view of the fourth ballot on Saturday. The idea of ​​voting white card as decided yesterday by Berlusconi began to create many doubts within the party and to fuel suspicions that then in the secret of the urn the team orders is not observed. That’s why at this time have intensified contacts between the former premier, returned to Arcore yesterday, and loyal blue to assume a ‘Plan B’ that is, the non-participation in the vote.

How I said yesterday I have nothing against Mattarella, but not a shared name, Renzi was wrong method that politically we can not support this application, reiterates Berlusconi over the phone with the top blues House and Senate met in Montecitorio. The former head of the Government, to tell some present, would express once again the indication of vote white card (still would be considered a gesture of respect), but the invitation extended by the staff blue is to consider other solutions, one of all those not taking part in the vote.

President, was the argument made by the top Fi, with white board give you the opportunity to fittiani and all those who want get in trouble to vote Mattarella to show that you have no control of the party. One consideration that this would then lead the Knight to delegate the leaders of what is technically the best route to go. The decision will be taken in a new meeting scheduled this evening after the third ballot. For now, therefore, the former head of the government to take time, we evaluate what to do, he told his executives. Inside Fi voices scenarios multiply and some people think that in the end the former prime minister can totally change the cards on the table and maybe give the green light to support the candidacy proposed by Renzi.

The head of Frondeurs Forza Italy Raffaele Lease brought together MPs close to him to take stock of the situation and decide what to do. “I read Aventine assumptions on which members of my party WOULD reflecting. It would be yet another own goal. All you can do, and every hypothesis can be legitimately discussed – said Lease – white board vote, vote another candidate. But do not take part in an act meaningless in terms of the appropriateness and reasonableness. ” “And talking – says Raffaele Lease – is someone like me, asks for a clear-cut alternative to the left; a sharp and clear no to this electoral law; a sharp and clear no to these unsatisfactory constitutional reforms. But now that the very people who attacked us only because “dared” to present the amendments on “sacred texts” of the Nazarene think you physically place Forza Italy out of Parliament when it elects the n ew head of state seems to me another sign of confusion policy, of the absence of strategy, oscillation between governismo at all costs and margins at all costs. Two equal and opposite errors. “

Agitation for Ncd. A group, which is defined consisting of electors of the New center is pressing within the area so popular leader Angelino Alfano change line on the attitude to be taken in future elections to elect the head of state. According to reports, between parliamentarians alfaniani would be catching on the idea of ​​asking the summit area popular, also in view of the assembly to be held this evening at the end of the third ballot, leaving the choice of the white board in favor of support open Mattarella. In the alternative, there would be a request to leave a free vote. In grouping that combines Ncd and Union of the center already during the early hours of today became more pronounced tendency to link themselves from Forza Italy and participate in the choice in favor of Mattarella, seen as an authoritative personality, moderate, out of the policy but who in the past has earned his authority even internationally.

Meeting Renzi-Alfano Renzi Alfano also met with the House. The Prime Minister has asked Ncd to rethink the decision to vote white board on the fourth ballot, arguing the inconsistency not to vote Mattarella. L anoint interview also between the Secretary to the Prime Luca Lotti and Interior Minister in the hallway in front of the government hall, adjacent to the House. The interview lasted about ten minutes with bright colors.

“The sights of someone Ncd to make the mayor of Milan with Forza Italy is affecting the poor Alfano “tweeted the deputy and member of the Secretariat Pd Ernesto Carbone, who with a hashtag,” #attentialupi, explains that the reference is to the Minister Maurizio Lupi, that would be influencing Angelino Alfano to convince him not to vote Mattarella, as Forza Italy . “In the nervous stress will also say stupid things,” was the reply of Wolves.

The summit in cetrodestra Pinwheel of meetings in the center in view of the fourth ballot for the election of the President of the Republic. At Palazzo Giustiniani there was a meeting between Denis Verdini, Gianni Letta, Pier Ferdinando Casini, Lorenzo Cesa, and Angelino Alfano.

Brunetta. “Renzi so far is based on two majorities: his majority government with Alfano, who is flesh of our flesh, and the majority on constitutional reforms with Berlusconi, putting in a corner the minority of his party but is a minority very heavy. Now said he made “no” to Berlusconi, broke the institutional pact with Berlusconi, broke in fact even the pact with Alfano, Alfano is furious because like Berlusconi. So actually two majorities, most institutional and government majority are gone. ” So Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in the House The Phone Call on Channel 5. “Without us Renzi does not have the votes in the Senate and then the final outcome is an election,” he added.

Lots. “Sorry that Brunetta evochui elections. But the good Brunetta you put your heart at rest. We will vote in 2018, after the reforms, “replies the Secretary to the Prime Minister, Luca Lotti, in response to the claims of the leader of Forza Italy in the House.

Fassina. “The election of Mattarella can be a stabilizing factor in the political framework in a context in which the chairman of the board, after the passage of the Presidency of the Republic, also recognizes the importance of internal positions that have constructive goals on the ground reforms, “says the leader of the minority Democratic Party, Stefano Fassina. “I remain impressed – adds speaking to reporters in Transatlantic – from positions of Forza Italy because until recently everyone said that the covenant of the Nazarene did not cover the presidency then suddenly insisted on this complete package. I seem to be in great difficulty, not cyclical, seek justifications quite fragile and I – he concludes – that the election of Mattarella will be a stabilizing factor. “

Assembly M5S. It will be held tonight at 21 the meeting of the joint parliamentary M5S. On the table in the line for the fourth vote, when an absolute majority is sufficient to elect the next head of state. What he learns the Adnkronos, the line on which link the vertices 5 Stars is to support the name of Ferdinand Imposimato also called the fourth. But we must evaluate whether and when to proceed with the vote on the Net lightning. If Renzi not make it to the fourth ballot, the online consultation would jump, and the M5S would close the game with the candidate supported since the first vote. Several MPs, however, would prefer to proceed with consultation lightning already tonight, leaving it to the base. For this, you will see tonight the 5 Stars to reason together. Although, it turns out, it is said that on the line to keep the assembly will vote with one vote.
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             Friday, January 30, 2015, 07:57 – Last Updated: 18:25


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