Labour and art.18, summit of unions. Today, the Democratic Party leadership. Renzi at … – Rome, 29 September 2014 – Meeting of the river to the Nazarene ( VIDEO – ALL OPERATIONS ) on the Jobs Act. Eventually Matteo Renzi took home the yes direction the Democratic Party to a document amending the delegation work accepting some relief for minorities , but the mediation was sought until the last fails, the minority is divided between 20 votes against and 11 abstentions , compared with 130 yes of renziani . The long debate over four hours, the direction of the Democratic Party on the Jobs Act has seen moments of white-hot with assistance from the Massimo D’Alema and Pierluigi Bersani. And a report from the secretary time to shake up the party.
In reply Renzi has yet polemic with the union, refused to use the ‘method Boffo’ (“If anything funny …”) and made an appeal: “L Star polar dev ‘ be the united vote in Parliament “. After the intervention of the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who this morning has risen to the Quirinale, the CGIL, said in a statement: “WE ARE READY TO EXCHANGES, BUT THE STRIKE REMAINS “.
RENZI THE DIRECTION PD – Renzi has spurred the direction “overcome the taboos of the past ” and has placed two elements method no one uses the club, “if the minority are not the Flinstones, I’m not the Thatcher “, and if it is true you need a compromise, it should not be reach “at all costs”.
The Democratic Party, now backed by its 41 per cent should not fear “the plots of others”, the “powers aristocrats.” Now “we have to go on the attack” by removing the positions of income to the many who have enjoyed. Having said that “if we want to give rights to workers, we do not defend a battle that has no reason to be,” like the one on Article 18
Renzi has opened up to the unions, but he also challenged: “I am willing to reopen the green room of the Palazzo Chigi next week in the CGIL-CISL-UIL, but challenge them on union representation, the minimum wage, bargaining of the second level. ” The Prime Minister also announced the allocation already in the law of stability of funding for social safety nets.
Cuperlo – “You are the secretary of my party and you are not the reincarnation of Mrs. Thatcher , which also would be a reincarnation came very badly., but you should look here and in a parliamentary groups Mediation “ , answers Gianni Cuperlo to Renzi in the direction. Mediation, Cuperlo adds, “I have not found going in this direction, but I hope to find emerged.” The defense of Article 18 “is not the whim of a left stops at the polaroid while the world is digital,” he adds. “Before you, Matthew, you’re a part of the Democratic Party poised to innovate what has to be innovated. In here there are enemies of the government and there are no birds at night. But there is a dominus” in the party.
D’ALEMA – The former chairman of the board called the government’s action Renzi “ all geared to spot and slogan” when, in fact, serve more action ‘ “reflexive” why “to deal with certain issues, you do not need to know things. But, of course, it would be useful to study.” In particular, D’Alema reproached Renzi their willingness to work on the labor market in a recession, “Stiglitz explains that we reform the market when there is growth. But Stiglitz, I realize, is an old wreck of the left. A Nobel Prize . Award that is unlikely to see the young advisers of the Democratic Party … “.
“I – he adds – I could make a long list of unsubstantiated claims. ‘It’ s the first time that action is taken on the cost of labor. ‘But the Prodi government invested 7 billion reduction in the tax wedge. spoken of a ‘taboo, but let’s talk about reform a modified rule two years ago. “
” Article 18 is taboo 44 years that has not existed for two years. There is a residual protection that only refers to cases of serious illegality. Rather we should monitor the effects of a rule and then intervene to clarify the cases. ” “ Pure elimination of restoration – adds D’Alema – it would be the implementation in Italy of the Spanish model. Nor have passed in Great Britain, where Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair” has come about. “I do not see why we have to ask ourselves outside of civilized society, by passing this for a great reform. It takes great imagination, I would recommend great caution.”
Bersani METHOD AND THE BOFFO – “On the brink of the abyss we go there not for Article 18, but the method Boffo … I want to discuss before the ‘take or leave it ‘, “says then Pierluigi Bersani taking the word in the direction of the Democratic Party. “I want to teach like you’re in a party. For newcomers to the company say that it does not work that way. I want to discuss before there is a take it or leave it, before my load of the responsibility of a party or topple the government” .
“There ‘need for quality and productivity our trouble is that we have not because we have too much quality dispersion, too much insecurity. Instead, we, with the labor reform, we increase the fragmentation rather than diminish it. ”
Then the jab: it is not acceptable that those who express an idea is “ deprived of dignity,” the Democratic Party can not use “the method Boffo” . Pier Luigi Bersani speaks to the direction of the Democratic Party and begins demanding respect: “We try to cool off a little ‘head, we have a country to govern with a lot of trouble. Mine that I say is not that the famous 25%, what we want to have the revenge of the conservative etc … Look at that us to the brink we do not go to the article 18 but the method Boffo, if someone says its needs to be able to say without being deprived of the dignity. before me loads of responsibility to topple a party, a government … absolutely do not want this, I do. “
YOUNG TURKS – To no avail, therefore, attempts mediation and the appeal of the President of the Assembly and member of the Young Turks Matthew Orfini who asked not to disperse the strides made in the debate today.
UNIONS DO NOT AGREE – It lasted about 3 hours the meeting between the leaders of the trade unions, but it was decided no joint initiative on the Jobs Act. But the Camusso , after the meeting, said: “It ‘was a useful and interesting discussion that will continue. If you look for a news this division is not there. There is a work we are doing together. ” The Camusso confirmed by the demonstration of 25 October.
RENZI BY NAPOLITANO – President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, received this morning at the Quirinale Matteo Renzi . In the meeting with Napolitano, Prime Minister reported on his participation in the General Assembly of the United Nations and the interview also covered developments in the coming parliamentary activity.