(© Imagoeconomica) L ‘classroom of the Senate.
The Senate saves Silvio Berlusconi says no to the request of the Court of Milan to be able to use in Ruby-ter process the 11 interceptions between Knight and Olgettina. Rejected by the secret vote – 120 yes, 130 no, 8 abstentions – the proposal of the Council for immunity to authorize the use of audience. Immediately after the brawl explodes in the hemicycle, with senators of the Democratic Party and those of M5s who accuse each other of having done in secret urn play the leader of Forza Italy.
The climate is red-hot and the chairman of the Senate Pietro Grasso suspend the sitting. In asking that MPs decide in anonymity is Forza Italy, but they vote in favor of the four senators Pd request (Marco Filippi, Annamaria Parente, Francesca and Mario Puglisi Morgoni) and one of M5s, Alberto Airola.
COLLECTIVE ONE MISTAKE? All admit – Airola immediately after the vote, dem only late in the afternoon – it was wrong. The chairman of the Senate Democratic Party Luigi Zanda bet on the compactness of his group and raises the ball in the opponent, comparing today’s vote to that of ’93, “when the League saved Craxi.” Things worse Undersecretary Luciano Pizzetti, that the charge of “dirty maneuvers” 5 stars: “They speak of morality but act in the shadows.”
ACCUSATIONS OF 5 STARS. The pentastellati But they are not respond blow for blow. The dem, saving Berlusconi, according to the leader Stefano Lucidi continue to keep alive the covenant of the Nazarene and “prop up the increasingly creaky majority”. While Nicola Morra summarizes the disappointment with a proverb: “It is the first chicken that sings to have laid an egg.” “It’s a mess that never ends,” hound parliamentarians on Grillo’s blog. The press releases of mutual accusations flood the editors and they make a decision on absences, which are actually quite a few. Deserting the vote: 17 of the Democratic Party, 11 of M5s, 3 FI, 1 Wing, 9 Ncd, 7 Mixed, 9 Aut-Psi, 3 Gal and two of the League.
THE REPLY tHE PD: “WANT tO SAVE Giarrusso.” from the democratic Party points out that the absences among the 5 stars have increased compared to the previous vote on the use of wiretaps by Antonio Milo, because in reality it would have been “reached an agreement between FI and M5s “to save the end even Mario Michele Giarrusso, the pentastellato accused of defamation on which absolute immunity of the classroom would have to vote in the morning. Indeed the request to postpone the vote for the impediment of Giarrusso to be in the classroom (is on a mission with the Anti-Mafia) is also rated by FI, but the vote on him would be delayed, however as the session is convened only until 13 and in the afternoon it’s up to vote the budget of the Senate. The entire center meanwhile rejoices and speaks, as does the leader Paolo Romani, the “affirmation of the principles of the Constitution and the right to procedural guarantees.”
SEL ATTACKS THE MAJORITY. While Sel -It is condemned and there is talk, as the parent company Loredana De Petris, to “approach maneuvers of the government and the Democratic party, increasingly difficult, to Berlusconi’s party ‘, as demonstrated by” the failure on the bill torture “for which review it was eventually decided to stay.
tHE lABOR oF tHE JUNTA. the decision was troubled too Giunta. On March 30th President Dario Stefano proposes to say yes to the use of only five plays, but the idea is not accepted. It does not pass even the mediation proposal by Claudio Moscardelli (Pd) to limit the green light to 3 interceptions. So Stefano goes out and appoint new rapporteur Enrico Buemi, whose thesis to say no to the use of all the phone calls is quashed on 26 April.
For a complex mix of standards and practices, the council’s verdict is reversed and since I was refused the idea to deny the use of each hearing, the proposal comes to the classroom is to say yes to the use of all and 11. Proposal also rejected this.
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