Fabio Di Lello and Roberta Smargiassi
“I wasn’t out to kill him. I was coming back from training camp, down in Cupello, and who are you meeting? Italo, with his usual look of defiance”.
Are the 15.45 yesterday, Fabio Di Lello is standing in the interview room of the prison of the Vast. Sweatshirt and sweatpants blue beard faded to two days, gaze lost in the void. It is now two days since she killed with three gun shots by the Italo D Elisa, the guy who seven months ago to the edge of a Point he crossed the bike and the fate of his wife Roberta.
in Front of him, now there is his lawyer, John Cerella, together with an assistant. Two prison guards have just accompanied in the visiting room, and are gone: it is a small room of a dozen square meters, a table and a few chairs next to it, no microphone, a guard who controls from far away. Fabio now wants to talk about.
“I came from the training of the boys (before the arrest, Fabio Di Lello helped the technician of the youth of Cupello, one of the teams in which he played the young me, I see it in front of the bike, it was in the direction opposite to mine. We crossed the look, he had that usual look of defiance. Are months that I see it in his eyes: I couldn’t “.
Is started – in the version by Fabio Di Lello has made to his lawyer on the eve of the interrogation of warranty, what will support today in front of the public ministry – the last quarter of an hour of life of Italo D Elisa, the young worker 22-year-old after the accident had been marginalized by the whole Audience. “I’ve seen that entered via Perth, and as soon as I could I made a u-turn to run”, continues Fabio. “He stopped at the bar, I saw the bike parked in front of the DrinkWater café, I parked my car near there, and have come down. I didn’t even know I because I wanted to confront him, talk to him. Certainly not kill him, lawyer. I had the gun in the car but I took it, I went down and I went straight to the bar”.
Is the last coffee, for Italo. As it exits the glass door is located in front of Fabio. The security cameras capture the scene. The story of the man entrusts to his lawyer is compatible with what you see in the video, at least for the dynamics. The emotions, the looks, those are his version, and Italo can not answer.
“He was coming back towards the bike – says Di Lello – and I was immediately seen. And he knows that he has done? He provoked me, as always, with that look of challenge. That the point there I saw the most: I got back in the car, I took the gun and before ripartisse bike I shot him and I killed him. I’m sorry, I know that I was wrong: I ruined your life.”
Not a word, and Italo left on the floor in a pool of blood, with the phone still brandished in his hand to call who knows who, or for an ultimate WhatsApp that will never send. “It is too early, is still upset”, says lawyer Cerella. But he had no words of hatred, ensures. The hate that had hatched in month after month from the incident that had brought him, via Roberta, was exploded after Christmas that the sites of local information had relaunched version of the defense on that damn intersection of the first of July, when Fabio passed with its Point on the right turn lane that had the green light and then before going back onto his lane to 62 miles per hour – as shown in the black box mounted on the drive – after you have passed the car stationary at a red traffic light. The motor, Roberta, that was just a hundred meters from the house and had the green, flying in the air. Tremendous impact. Roberta ended up against the pole of the traff ic light, and died a few hours later.
The hate had grown day after day, but it was overflowing when the counterparty – the lawyer of an Italian Sister Of the King, – put him in the discussion of the reconstruction in the left “supporting a false denial by the assessor of the court”, they say now the lawyers of De Luca. Roberta had “the helmet loosed”, he said Of the King: his death was, according to the theory of the defense, the sole responsibility of the behaviour of Italo, but also that the helmet is not tight.
“it Was the 23rd of December, the most difficult moment for a man who no longer has his wife – says the lawyer Cerella – and stood in my studio all the relatives of Roberta, including also Fabio of course.” They were enraged, says: “But as a lawyer, will not go not to finish that will reason them, eh? For months, he said, ” Fabio – that boy challenges me every time I meet him. Does that look to be a braggart, goes into the bike, and then come back just for ripassarmi in front: and now you are going to see that in the end will do away with it!”.
- Topics:
- large
- the tragedy of the vast
- Starring:
- fabio di lello
- italo d elisa
- roberta smargiassi