








the turning point” humble “Renzi to recover lost votes
” it is not protest but desire for change, we collaborate with all “
Matteo Renzi at Palazzo Chigi with Massimo Bottura, elected the best chef in the world
Matteo Renzi has decided: the next chance if the play, changing its public image. Trying to appear more “human”, more “emotional”, more “excited.” And at the same time less arrogant. Because, says Renzi, “is about these messages that you won or lost the election.” Recommended by those who believe “too intrusive” his image, Renzi if he repeated it for two months: Matthew must appear more smiling, less aggressive. Easy to say, difficult to do. But now, after the “wake up” administrative – flop in Rome, Naples and Turin, the 19 ballots won by Five Star, municipalities lost in Tuscany – the prime minister has decided to go to the facts and gave a first essay the new style during a brief press conference: for about twenty minutes, “another Renzi” went on stage.
After a long election night and the silence of the Prime Minister waiting for all his first official comment on the vote and instead Renzi has appeared at four o’clock in the hall of the Palazzo Chigi Gonfalons, one that houses the ” speach “international leader, flanked by Massimo Bottura, the chef who has won the award for the best restaurant in the world, according to ‘the world’s 50 best restaurants’. The two, for a quarter of an hour, they talked about grain, farmhouses and raw materials. A seemingly surreal touch, but Renzi nothing is accidental: with Bottura has created the “right” atmosphere for the next outburst.
What is taking place in the name of “doing good” and Renzi statesman, able to recognize the victories of others: “We confirm that the vote has a strong territorial significance reasons but there is a national element : a clear and indisputable victory in the municipalities of 5 stars against us. ” And instead of the usual aggressiveness, here Renzi distribute the olive branch: “The day after the election you have to work for Italians: first of partisan divisions there are values. So from Virginia Rays, the last mayor, I address to all the best wishes of good work. ” An ecumenical suddenly Renzi: “The government will help the auditors to do good of their fellow citizens.” And in an escalation from “statesman” he concluded: “Who wants the institutional collaboration can count on the total commitment of the government.”
considerations that should be covered in the physiology of relations between mayors and governments, so much so that even during the Cold War the Democrats boycotted the red common, in fact Renzi realize it and adds: “It is almost trivial that I say. ” D ‘on the other hand that which is dear to show Renzi is good and right and thus here is to add: “Thank you also to the candidates for mayor, also not of my party, who have run and do not have it done.”
Even the voting policy is fascinating reading: “It is a protest vote, but of change not only in the towns in which he won M5S. Who has played better won the anxiety of change, “” the elections are won on the anxiety to change the territories rather than on protest, anger or populist attitudes. ” Renzi says he wants to tackle the analysis of the vote in the direction of the Democratic Party next Friday but lets out a joke that makes you understand what he’s head for his own “narrative”, as they call experts communication “Towards face a another issue: how we are going to give a strong message from the point of view of feeling, emotion, humanity. ” The new trinity of Matteo Renzi. Will it last?
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beppe Minello, joy tortello
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