Over a hundred letters, arrive within 24 hours San Raffaele hospital, where he will undergo surgery Tuesday to the heart. All addressed to Silvio Berlusconi, to wish him healing. After the announcement of Alberto Zangrillo, medical personnel of the former premier, Berlusconi will have to undergo an open heart surgery for heart valve replacement, the box of the street Olgettina letters is inundated with messages for the leader of Forza Italy. the medical staff has set the surgery date: most likely, Berlusconi will go under the knife in four days. A work will be Ottavio Alfieri, chief of Cardiac Surgery via Olgettina. The operation will last at least four hours under general anesthesia. For one hour, the Berlusconi heart will be stopped, and the blood will be pumped from a machine for extracorporeal circulation. A delicate operation, in short, especially on a 80 year old patient whom Berlusconi today continued the investigations. The San Raffaele Berlusconi received, in the early afternoon, the visit of the eldest daughter Marina: “The mood is good,” said the president of Mondadori. That these days would be recommending to everyone to leave her father as calm as possible, “Enough politics, meetings and negotiations”, repeated for days the eldest child.
So, are several who have tried to meet Prime Minister, but did succeed: after Denis Verdini, who arrived at the San Raffaele Thursday but stayed out of the former premier suites, today it was the turn of Carlo Rossella, who had to be content to leave a gift to Berlusconi a book on botany. In the afternoon they have instead seen the former Knight before his brother Paul – “It ‘a strong man, just and good. So the Lord will give you a hand” – and then the girlfriend Francesca Pascale, came to the 19.
the letter of Franco Zeffirelli
to uphold the Berlusconi’s mood, however, even the many letters – some handwritten, others sent via email – arrive from supporters and supporters, but not only. Among them, some were written and sent to the San Raffaele also by historical voters of the left or the center, but today still hope that the Cav will succeed. Among the letters, so, for example, is that of Natasha, Montenegro for many years in Italy, which said that “since 1991 in my heart is only Forza Italy”, and that it provides: “If you could serve a valve or a piece of my heart sare happy. I’m not afraid and I say this seriously. ” But there are, among the many messages arrived, also some excellent friends of former premier. Like that of the director Franco Zeffirelli, who headed paper is aimed at Berlusconi to get him “the best wishes from your friend ninety-four, which always carries in his heart the affection and graditudine for all the good that you brought into the lives of all of us” .
Berlusconi is hospitalized at the San Raffaele in Milan last Tuesday, following a “heart failure” accused, with wheezing and trouble breathing, while he was in Rome on Sunday, voting for local elections. After the “no day comment” and denials, Thursday afternoon Zangrillo revealed the real state of health of a number of Forza Italy: “He needs an intervention of aortic valve replacement, due to grade severe aortic insufficiency – said the chief of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the San Raffaele – When it came it was in serious condition, and he was aware of it. he almost died. “ The leader of the blues today, however, from a private suite on the sixth floor of the hospital where you hospitalized and where they are allowed only family members and close friends, wanted to reassure fans and supporters. In a message posted on his Facebook proflio: “ I want to thank all those who have sent me displays of affection and expressions cards, they really moved me – Berlusconi wrote – I will not forget the words of friends, the politicians, the employees of a working life of many supporters who have made me feel their closeness with warmth extraordinary. “
Yesterday Zangrillo has advised former prime minister to continue with the policy, but it is the party that Berlusconi addressed the first thought.
“I am serene – wrote – and I face this delicate transition entrusting myself to God and to the extraordinary professionalism of the doctors and staff of the San Raffaele. I am following from here in view of the political events of the ballots, and I ask all women and men of Forza Italy every effort to give priority to the candidates of the center-right wherever they are in the field. ” Forza Italy, yet assures the former premier, “is fully operational in its national and peripheral organisms and is perfectly capable of operating in these days of my enforced absence.”
- Topics:
- miano
- san Raffaele
- force Italy
- Starring:
- Silvio Berlusconi

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