Thursday, June 30, 2016

Italicum, the M5s brakes on changes and attacks Renzi: “A cheater two-bit” – The Republic

Rome – Luigi Di Maio freezes the assumptions of an agreement to change the Italicum that distance for 5 stars: the electoral law is not a priority for the Movement. Even harder the post appeared on the blog of Beppe Grillo: Renzi “now wants to change the cards on the table because it is afraid of losing. A cheater two-bit and with his tail between his legs.” Senator Zanda (Pd): “I would be very cautious, would be the first time you change an electoral law that has never been tested”

The M5s. What Di Maio is an assist for those who do not want to change the norm (as Matthew Renzi), a disappointment for people like Pier Luigi Bersani and Pd minority thought to have an edge in grillini to dismantle the law. And the confirmation, implied, that the Italicum not sorry to grillini. “They talked for three-month referendum, Olympics and party directions. And so they lost the elections in Rome and Turin. Not content, the day after the defeat, have begun to talk about changes to the electoral law, namely how to divide the armchairs in the upcoming “elections, writes the deputy chairman of the Chamber and member of the Executive Board on Facebook. “The room costs us 100,000 Euro per hour (you read that right) and the Democratic Party wants to spend this money to change the italicum. Let them but when they will want to come back to earth, we will show you what are the priorities for Italy.”

the Grillo’s blog. Renzi “now wants to change the cards on the table because it is afraid of losing. a cheater by two soldiers, and their tails between the legs. ” So the M5s on Beppe Grillo’s blog in a post in which he comments: you can not “change the electoral law to try to prevent the inevitable. You can not stop the wind with his hands. When will the government M5s the electoral law will be anchored in the Constitution to prevent the parties can change it when it suits them. “

” you make the rules, and when they go to partitum not the best the change, engaging the Chamber that it costs 100,000 euro to day minding their own business and not the interests of tens of millions of Italians who live in poverty or companies closing hundreds every day, “write the 5 Star reminiscent:” I have fought against M5S spokesman Italicum, presented an electoral law written on the Net and sought dialogue with the Democratic party for a law which was to guarantee the citizens, not the party. Renzi thought only to her. Now she wants to change the cards on the table because it is afraid of losing. “

“the local elections were won by the ideas and proposals of M5s, the present political force in the municipalities to vote and the one that took the most votes of all the first round,” said the movement continues: “the response was before the absolute silence, then a new decree in favor of the banks and now the change of cards on the table. Rather than act to the citizen’s income, the halving of the salaries of parliamentarians or the abolition of the Democratic Party Equitalia now only thinks about how to block change through two moves: the amendment of the electoral law, not to enter preferences but because the Italicum provides for the ballot and Renzi are afraid of being beaten with a 70-30 success as in Rome “and” the postponement of the constitutional referendum, because the unelected prime minister has customized the referendum only to realize after the vote of 19 June that Italians are eager to send him home. “

phrases that come after the decision to reopen the debate on the law. Italian Left has obtained, surprisingly, to talk about it in the classroom to the Chamber in September.

The message is clear: the 5 Star talk about anything else. “As a country – says Di Maio – which has 10 million citizens living below the poverty line, 11 million citizens who have given up caring for economic difficulties, which is in second place among European countries for corruption and where each day they fail around 380 companies. ” Therefore, concludes Di Maio, “if you want the 5 star Movement government of the country, we will do 4 things with absolute priority: a law on citizen’s income; the tax relief measures for businesses, including the abolition of Equitalia, anti-corruption standards , including those for reducing bureaucracy; a national energy plan to revitalize the work of the world green energy and lower energy bills for Italian families. the choice is yours. ”

More directed against Renzi of course, is the attack of Alessandro Di Battista, another member of the Executive Board: “Until M5s victories in Rome and Turin Italicum was the world’s best law (for us it sucks) . Now Renzi ready to change it. scoundrels! “, wrote on Twitter. A worrying sign for the Democratic Party because it gives body to the true fear of the Nazarene Largo: today any possibility of change is used by grillini as an element of propaganda against the government and against the prime minister. “

the Democratic Party. cautious group leaders of the Democratic Party: “I would be very cautious,” says the president of the Luigi Zanda senators, because “it would be the first time you edit a electoral law that has never been proven. Improvements can always be there but you have to put on the plate also all the consequences. “Fellow Deputies, Ettore Rosato, curbs the enthusiasm: what will be discussed in September” is only a motion … The Sel initiative is respectable but it is not a tool to change the electoral law. Among other things the unconstitutionality, the subject of the motion, is a problem for us there. With the Italicum we have built a solid system, which guarantees the governability and representation and that solves those problems that even today we can see again in Spain. That said, we never denied dialogue. “In short, for Rosato” the country’s priorities are others. “

And Left Italian challenge them , “now let’s see who is serious.” And while inside Forza Italy are discussing the words of Confalonieri inviting Berlusconi to collaborate with the government on reforms, came the rumors of Republic that attach to the Minister Angelino Alfano plans to open a government crisis after the referendum in the absence of a revision dell’Italicum providing for the introduction of the coalition prize.


Regeni case, the Senate blocks the F-16 spare parts Egypt – Il Sole 24 Ore


The mission decree passed in the Senate with a stop in Egypt to sending parts to F16 aircraft. It is the so-called amendment Regeni: a signal, in short, against the truth still hidden on the death of the Italian researcher at Cairo five months ago. “This is not an act of hostility towards Egypt, a country that continues to be our ally and that we also recognize the strategic value at this time in the most complex situation regarding the fight against terrorism,” said Gian Carlo Sangalli ( Pd), rapporteur of the draft bill. But then he added that Italy ‘title and rights, as it did when he recalled the ambassador, to continue to keep pressure on public opinion and even Egypt on this matter so that we can get to an important clarification ».

The mission decree passed with 158 votes in favor, 30 votes against and 12 abstentions. The amendment Regeni – the government is back to the Assembly decisions – in turn has had the yes of Palazzo Madama classroom with 159 votes in favor, 55 against and 17 abstentions. In detail, the amendment presented by the commissions gathered Foreign Affairs and Defence and that absorbs a proposed Italian Left modification provides for the free stop sending of spare parts of F-16 fighter jets to Al-Sisi government. The debate on this issue has been very lively. Paolo Romani (Fi) protests: “We are writing one of the worst pages of this courtroom. If I understand it, on the case Regeni the Italian Government has given a strong signal, recalling the ambassador. And now we are told that this Parliament, without the knowledge of the government that gets back to the classroom – said the Romans – needs to give an additional hidden signal. I’ll bring this amendment Egyptian ambassador – announces the Romans – and I will read it to him. ” The Chairman of the Committee Defense Nicola Latorre (Pd) highlighted that “it is the first time that Parliament has the opportunity to demonstrate, with the adoption of an initiative, the need to speed up the truth. The act that we are adopting wants urging the realization of this goal, without in any way compromising today any kind of relationship. ” Then Latorre reiterated: “We demand the truth, without wishing in any way to compromise, at least at this stage, diplomatic relations. However, it is clear that if this situation is not clarified and the signals that come to us do not go in the direction of the emergence of the truth will be necessary – noted the President of the Defence Committee – other initiatives of both the Government and Parliament. “

The decree, for a total budget that exceeds 1.2 billion, confirming that the international commitments, from those in a Mediterranean marked by the crisis of migrants to those in the Middle East studded by Isis presence.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Clash in Europe on banks: alt Merkel Renzi, who download the blame on predecessors – Other Daily

 Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi talks to  German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) during an EU  summit in Brussels, Belgium, 17 December 2015.  ANSA / PRESS OFFICE / CHIGI'SPALACE / TIBERIO  Barchielli / ENZO ZUCCHI +++ ANSA PROVIDES ACCESS  TO THIS HANDOUT PHOTO TO BE USED Solely TO  ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON THE  FACTS OR EVENTS depicted IN THIS IMAGE, NO  ARCHIVING, NO LICENSING +++

beyond the smiles and kisses on the cheeks exchanged at every meeting between Angela Merkel and Matteo Renzi today there was an exchange of stockpiled between the German chancellor and the head of the Italian government in terms of flexibility, with particular reference to the banks. “I believe – said Merkel – that some flexibility has been granted to certain countries to promote growth. Looking especially to Italy, I can say that we have adopted different solutions, but we can not renegotiate every two years, the banking sector rules. We can not now change the rules every two years on the banks. At EU level we have just worked to have rules on recapitalization. ” The current framework banking Union, Merkel stressed, “offers the opportunity to address the requirements of each member state.”

“No one wants to change the European rules on banks replied” Matteo Renzi. “We have lost the opportunity with governments Berlusconi, Monti and Letta – said with the usual method of the buck – to intervene in a structural way, as did Germany around 2010-2011,” and is “no use crying over spilled milk why can not we do that now that the rules are different. ” Renzi said that “in this situation, if there were problems, we would be in a position to protect the money of depositors and citizens”. “Italy – said – do not ask do not respect the rules. The last one that has not respected in Europe was Germany in 2003, and Berlusconi’s Italy allowed him. “

” We have put the system (bank, ed) in security, we did cleaning, we made the operation banks, which is to avoid the scandals, I hope that the actions of responsibility you do “: this was said Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

” Italy – said Renzi with prudent reverse – has the ambition to lead the path to change EU coming here to bring ideas and proposals, not asking for exceptions, because there are spaces in the rules to do all that is needed in our country. “

Posted by Ennio on June 29 2016. Filed under Comic Books, First floor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

The Italicum back to the House: in the classroom in September motion of It – The Republic

Rome – In September, after the summer break, the Chamber of the House will return to work on election law for almost a year and a half after its final approval and in a context in which grows the “pressing” also in the Democratic Party, for its amendment. The debate will take place on a motion presented by the Italian Left, concerning the possible unconstitutionality of some dell’Italicum parties, and the consequent amendments to the electoral law. “We ask that the Parliament expresses a ruling before the Court on the unconstitutionality – says the parent company Arturo Scotto , the first signatory of the motion – and as at this time the debate on amendments is concealed, we think is right that we speak openly in Classroom “. The Minister for Reforms, Maria Elena Boschi , says that there has been no breakthrough: “The conference of the leaders of the House has not been scheduled the motion, has just approved the calendar of July while it is limited, as per regulation, to indicate the measures for the program of work for the resumption of September. “

SHEET Here’s how the electoral law / INFOGRAPHIC

the motion refers to the judgment of the consultation on porcellum, stressing that even the Italicum recurrence of the same “defects” of the old electoral law. The two issues highlighted in the text are the “unequal discharge of the vote and in violation of direct voting dates from the huge majority premium assigned” and “the lack of provision of suitable mechanisms to allow citizens to impact on the election of representatives” .

as for the former, it says the motion, it “is macroscopically present nell’Italicum especially in relation to the case where no list obtains at least 40% in the first round.” As to the second aspect of the motion looks as nell’Italicum, although the “preferences, however, provide leaders are allowed stuck” with preference “vote relegated to a subordinate role compared to the leaders, only covering the list that will achieve will win the prize.”

the news is still read by Forza Italy as a retreat of the majority sull’Italicum: “After the disappointing result of
administrative, with a majority less and less controllable and in the face of increasingly worrying surveys the outcome of the October referendum, renzi begins to falter. and to back down. that’s how the Italicum reappeared to the room and winks to changes …, “says Francesco Paolo Sisto.

But the Democratic Party leader in the House, Ettore Rosato , tow the conspiracy: “All laws, including the election, you can change if you want. Of course you do not change with a motion … “he says. “Of the motion it was not discussed at the meeting of the group leaders, but the text has been inserted in the September jobs program at the request of Si, in the share of each of the opposition.” To those who question if you think that the five stars will support the motion, the deputy chairman of the Democratic Party replied: “If they were consistent, yes, but consistency and 5 Stars is an oxymoron …”. Then he explains: “The Italian Left motion is a political stimulus that we understand, but we can not accept, notwithstanding the debate on the electoral law. That speaks motion of unconstitutionality, the point that we have already passed when we approved the Italicum.”

No back, say the Five Stars. The speaker is the parent company to pentastellata Room, Laura Castelli : “We have always been against all’Italicum, because it is a law that keeps alive the same unconstitutional defects that led the Consultation to reject the ‘porcellum’: the abnormal majority premium and the blocked list headers that do not allow citizens to choose from. Some say that the Italicum favor the M5S but that does not in any way change our position. “

Meanwhile, the minority dem back to pressure. “Whatever leads to a discussion on the electoral law for those who, like me, he has not voted for, I think it’s a matter of interest,” he says David Zoggia . “The support for the constitutional reform with the yes in the referendum is related to an amendment to the election law but also, on a more political level, the need to recover a tune with the country. I hope that Monday’s direction to address these issues.” And Gianni Cuperlo : “The electoral law does not votatae I repeat that it would be an act of wisdom to see her again. I’ve said it in very difficult times, and I say that not just because it was realized that could benefit five stars. I hope that there is already 1 September by the President of the Council and of the Democratic party’s will take note that a change is necessary and that a sign of openness arrivals already in the direction called for Monday. “


Dl banks / Automatic compensations for savers – Il Sole 24 Ore

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Pavia, kills his partner and shoot the 12 year-old daughter of the woman arrested – The Republic

DORNO – He broke down the door, he chased and killed her assailant, also wounding 12-year old daughter. The last femicide is staged in Dornoch, in the province of Pavia, at the home of Manuela Preceruti, 44, killed at least six bullets while embracing her child, she sought shelter in the bathroom from the man’s fury with which he had entered into a report about a year ago. The murderess is Roberto Garibay, 51 year old nurse of San Matteo, which – as expected – did not accept the end of history.

The crime took place in the apartment where the woman lived in via Monsignor Passerini, which is adjacent to that occupied by man. After the murder, Garini phoned 118 and sent a text message to a friend by writing what he had done, then turned himself in to police in Vigevano (Pavia).

Started on social networks, the relationship between the two was started about a year ago, both came from previous relationships, marriages ended or almost separate him, she still married to her second husband with whom, however, no longer he lived for some time. Then the story had started to become “complicated” (as defined Garini the report on his Facebook profile) and, finally, stormy.

The last argument broke out last night, after 23. Since risked to become violent, the woman was locked in the house, but he has broken through the

door with a spiked club. Then she ran to close in the bathroom with her daughter, but he managed to get there, too, and began to shoot with the caliber 9. At least ten shots departed from his gun, six have reached the woman, one of the 12 year old who She pretended to be dead to save himself. And then, when Garibay has returned to her apartment, she fell from the balcony, reached the courtyard and from there was able to call for help.

province of Pavia
roberto Garini
manuela preceruti


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bud Spencer died, onset in Quo Vadis to couples with Terence Hill: a half-century career of the gentle giant – The Daily

The fist top-down like a hammer on the head of the extras, the big hand that flares open on the face to complain about the misdeeds of Terence Hill , the “ bo bobobo ” sung in the ranks of a choir crowds. Everyone will remember Bud Spencer , Carlo Pedersoli , who died at 86 years, for a gesture or an expression recited in his films, even for a moment, a rapid sequence, in which Swift justice of bad gracefully using the fearful power of hands. Good-natured and quiet, the Italian actor among the most popular in the world explodes when in 1970, now the tenth film, with They Call Me Trinity , directed by E.B. Clucher , inaugurates the “comic” couple with Hill / Mario Girotti .

“We were not comedians, but did laugh “, He has always explained the secret of his, or rather their Pedersoli success. Terence smart, Bud strong. Hill the troublemaker with a smile and blue eyes that the young ladies BLOW, Spencer puts things affixed to the sound of slaps . Do not mess with those two. Even if they joke a lot with everybody and then fill them with beatings. Pedersoli began in solitary when in 1951 he put on helmets and armor , and as a centurion appeared in two poses alongside Peter Ustinov in Quo Vadis ; then one of the sailors chosen Human Torpedoes (1955) trained as in An Officer and a Gentleman; and again: is the guy pretty pissed the woman loved by Deaf A Hero of Our Times (1956). shaving anything, so physical. What allowed him during the 50′s to become breaststroke swimming champion , records under the minute in free style, and water polo. But also ordinary worker while in America shoveled hot asphalt to build the Panamericana .

The film is not the first choice, indeed. It appears because it’s a living. And just to get by, with different promissory notes payable , appears in 1967 the opportunity to God forgives … I do not!. The story of the deal directly with the director Giuseppe Colizzi has never been fully verified, but so Bud becomes the star of a spaghetti western full of blood and some violence. Nothing to do with the gold-bearing vein of the seventies / eighties that, just to name one, made him absolute star among Germans still separated by Berlin Wall . Bud Spencer, like Terence Hill, chewed several languages. Pedersoli at least seven, including German , as the Neapolitan. So on the set of Colizzi works with Girotti for the first time and soon will form the triptych with Ace High (1968) and Boot Hill (1969) . Few squabbles with his companion of a lifetime, far more staid and a little light-hearted roles of the first three Colizzi movie.

EBClucher, aka Enzo Barboni , with the plot of Trinity and Bambino de They Call Me Trinity is however already the parody of a subgenre after less than five years of Sergio Leone , Sergio Corbucci, and Duccio Tessari . Italians, then to follow the German and Spanish, they run in droves to see Bud and Terence to the movies. The sequel … Trinity Is Still My Name (1971) is the blockbuster of that year and in the top 15 films that have grossed more in Italy. Pedersoli e Girotti are a golden couple that makes you smile adults and children. Trivial to write it, but this makes them not only popular, but literally archetypal figures of an entertainment film that does not brutalizing the form in favor of the box office. Bud continues with solo Montaldo for Gott mit uns , in Four Flies on Grey Velvet Dario Argento , Lizzani black Torino, paired with Giuliano Gemma instead of Terence Hill in Even angels eat bean. But alchemy is only together with the future companion Don Matteo . Here, then, between 1972 and 1974 the three films that consecrate the duo fracassone: Martial Law, We’re Mad , and Turn the other cheek. Without taking anything away from the other two, the film directed by Marcello founded, We’re Mad , is the cornerstone of buddie movie FSpencer / Hill, Spencer is a name invented in homage to Spencer Tracy , remember.

this is where the two actors will play the Dune Buggy to beer and sausages placing colored toothpicks on the table to count those who accumulates more . Can not take my eyes off the film so popular, how well written and always contextualized in different scenarios, maybe exotic, stopped a step before the baracconata become pure kitsch. Bud Spencer meanwhile gives way even to the saga, just as successful in terms of box office but not in popularity as a solo films with Hill, the Big Foot cop , where he plays the commissioner Rizzo (three more sequels in a few years produced by Titanus). Between ’77 and ’79 is looking forward to another three memorable successes together with Girotti: Crime Busters, Even and odd , and I am with the hippos. Still Clucher that shuffles the cards between orbi barrel and gambling dens; and then Italo Zingarelli, the historic manufacturer who invented and staked everything on the gold torque at the time the Trinity, became a director for an ecological fable that has a happy ending as the liberation of the animals of the savannah from the hold a poaching ship. Bud the gentle giant saved everything and everyone: from companion endured in spite of himself, the little boy extraterrestrial Cary Guffey Who knows why … Captain all to me and One extraterrestrial sheriff … little extra and very Earth ; or even in fun diptych directed by Michele Lupo, when it becomes idol and protector of the local Italian community of the Tyrrhenian threatened by bullies marines: They called him Bulldozer and Bomber.

Nothing but Terence Hill some good comedic actor like Jerry Cala and Bud Spencer becomes the role of undisputed star happens while he plays a sports ace – Bulldozer rugby, boxing in Bomber – who retired to a life of isolation and away from the spotlight. We are in the early eighties. The career of Bud Spencer could end here with forty titles in the safe. Two more flashes along with Hill. The first is Born with the shirt is a hilarious parody of a spy story to the James Bond ; the second, between Puffin jam, pan-fried beans after Trinity, and an inexhaustible comic vis a story as old as Stevenson, it is He who finds a friend, finds a treasure. At the sound of punches then signals the disastrous reunion with Girotti for Troublemakers in 1994 after nine years away from the two of them together on set. Only that the formula is changed, it seems suddenly aged in rhythm and found, moreover constantly repeated on TV with their “old” film. Bud Spencer makes an appearance in fireworks Pieraccioni, is starring in Singing Behind Screens Olmi (2003), and even manages to devote himself to politics in 2005 supporting not without pride Francesco Storace candidate for president of the Lazio region in the list of Forza Italy . Venial sin in the brilliant career and human dell’omone, 1 meter and 95, 123 pounds, with slits for eyes and that funny snout with his lips in a circle as if to ask “What the hell is going on?”.


Monday, June 27, 2016

FI, Berlusconi dismisses the “magic circle” – The Republic

An earthquake in Berlusconi’s world. Forza Italy “dismisses” the magic circle. Via Mariarosaria Rossi, Deborah Bergamini and Alessia Slater, inside the company and loyal men of the old course. So ruled the board who holds the empire of the former Knight, the formal instruments in the coming days. A move designed by Fedele Confalonieri and Marina Berlusconi, Gianni Letta and Nicolo Ghedini, to escape the suffocating embrace leading the Praetorian Arcore, output in view of the “patriarch” of the San Raffaele, meanwhile, slipped between 10 and 14 July.

the first to fall, ruled the “directorate political family”, will Senator Rossi. Treasurer, the sole director, in fact Plenipotentiary of the party in recent years, with pocketed the signatories: the power of life and death over lists. It is precisely this ownership that the treasurer agreed to sell, under the pressure of recent weeks. Will replace not already one of the party leaders who aspire there, but a Fininvest “manager of absolute trust”, whose name will be made public in the coming days. But the same Quadrumvirate holding the empire in this delicate transition keen to let people know that they are not flaws in the management of accounts to blow the treasurer. And in support of this thesis it is emphasized that the 2015 budget just approved by the party – not without internal controversy – closed with “only” 3.5 million deficit (there were 12 million in 2014, when she was not handle it). Mariarosaria Rossi had already resigned over the intervention of the head to the heart, “tired of the siege” had been frozen. Now you will be accepted. But not enough.

The revolution also extends to the management agenda and the Knight communications. A step back will also be asked Bergamini (but denies the clean-up exercise), which has long hold of the delegation for relations with the media. The idea that goes for more accredits Valentino Valentini – a past performer Cape and a present from parliamentary – as the successor of the Tuscan deputy. She would be charged especially the choice of Marchini for Roma, which proved unsuccessful. Finally Alessia Slater. In the long shadow of Rossi and Pascale, it will be removed from the presidential staff and destined to another appointment. Being a journalist, seems to have been also evaluated the possibility of landing at TG5.

The turning imposed by the Directory it should not however be considered as a “favor” to the many sworn enemies of the magic circle, which they considered precious this clean slate. Those at Berlusconi’s side during the difficult riabiltazione (returning home is expected between 10 and 14 July), he swears that the head has lived with huge hassle trying to smooth secession of Giovanni Toti, Paolo Romani, and Maria Stella Gelmini . The inner game, however, is just the beginning.


Brexit, between resignation and siluramenti flakes Labour. “Now Corbyn ‘- Corriere della Sera

For Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish premier, is the battle of life. Edinburgh not give in and raises the possibility of blocking the Brexit, denying the ratification of the vote of 23 June which stipulates the release of the UK from the European Union.

EU Sources: ‘Cameron will not ask Brexit Tuesday “

According to the European Council sources, the Prime Minister (who resigned) David Cameron will not submit the notification of the withdrawal of Britain from the EU, namely the activation of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty at the next European summit on Tuesday in Brussels. The same sources report that “there is no negotiation without a formal notification of the initiation of procedures.” Speaking of time, it is noted, in the interests of the EU and the UK have to start this phase quickly. But it is clear to everyone that the referendum has caused “a deep crisis, not only of the conservative leadership but also in British society.

Scotland trying to block the process

” I will ask MPs to deny the legislative consent, “said Sturgeon to BBC . In the referendum, 68% of Scots voted for the ‘Remain’, the stay in the EU. And Nicola has asked for the immediate start of talks to avoid being forced to follow London outside Europe. From Brussels, however, comes the cold shower. The British press reports of senior European officials statements that are not discounts: across the UK is Out , off. According to a new survey Panelbase for Sunday Times , compared to the results of the 2014 referendum on Scottish Great Britain – 45% Yes, 55% No – the numbers are reversed: now the Yes to secession they would be 52%, compared with 48% of No. “we will do all we can to remain”, promises Sturgeon, who heads the pro-independence Scottish national Party. Scotland will save Europe?

The regulatory framework

A scenario remains hypothetical. In the absence of specific regulations, the same prime minister was limited to defining “hard to imagine” that London can take such a radical decision without the pronouncement of the Representatives of the semi-autonomous entities of the Kingdom, just as Scotland: “If the Scottish Parliament , Holyrood, was called upon to express themselves on the substance, certainly block the Brexit. The United Kingdom, where Scotland has chosen to remain in 2014 no longer exists. “

The Labour frond

in London begins the opposition Labour British showdown after the victory of the Brexit the referendum. The leader Jeremy Corbyn has torpedoed the foreign minister and shadow rising star Hilary Benn, in a climate of growing suspicion and internal frond voices to trigger a change in the party leadership. After criticism for “tepid” and ineffective anti-Brexit campaign by Corbyn, Benn had personally expressed his disappointment at number one of Labour: “We need strong leadership, capable of winning over public support.” Jeremy red, who had already declared his willingness to run again to lead the party to new elections, did not hesitate to ask the head of the protester. Via Benn.

The resignation and allegations to the leader

Ammutinamenti and redefinition of alliances, the progressive camp flakes. It also leaves the responsibility of Health in the government of the opposition shadow, Heidi Alexander: “It is with a heavy heart that this morning I resigned,” the minister announced on Twitter. In his letter of resignation Alexander calls for a “change of party leadership, essential after the shock caused by the vote for Brexit”. Direct Corbyn message: “As respects you as a man of principles, I do not think you have the ability to give the answers that asks for our country and I am convinced that, if we are called to form the next government, change will be critical.” A wheel five other ministers of the shadow government turn their backs Corbyn. Seven defections in one day.

The anti-Johnson conservative front: May and Osborne

the rating of the earthquake that has called for the release of the UK from the European Union has opened the internal crisis with the resignation of the conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, expected by next October. For the succession to the leadership of the Tory party spotlight focused on the “traitor” Boris Johnson, former ally and friend of Dave, a former mayor of London, the campaign aimed to detach from Brussels. But to stop the irresistible Boris make their way other names. The Interior minister Theresa May. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne.

– >

From Cameron Johnson, our report cards


David Cameron / 3


The petition for the referendum

It is over three million signatures the petition on the website of the House of Commons to hold a counter-referendum. Adhesions that increase by the minute, a great mobilization from below that will give hope to the stalwarts “Remain” – even though the Guardian newspaper reports that the petition may have been manipulated: on Parliament’s official Web site can sign petitions only British citizens and foreign residents in the UK, but the data show that hundreds of thousands of signatures coming from other countries, including Iceland, Cayman Islands, Tunisia (with cases like the Vatican City, which officially counts about 800 inhabitants but is left with 39 signatories thousand residents).

June 26, 2016 (edited June 26, 2016 | 22:52)



Sunday, June 26, 2016

How do I feel after Brexit testimony of an Italian in London – Fanpage

Today it is sunny in London. An “event” around here, and it makes you smile given that we are at June 24, whereas in many other countries of the summer has begun long ago. But now here we are no longer in Europe, and June 24, 2016 will be remembered for something else. It will forever be the day when the citizens of the United Kingdom confirmed that they, in Europe, do not they have ever felt for real. This morning, for me it could be a day like many others. Much better, in fact, today there are home from work, and just ahead (or hoping) a beautiful day I had organized an entire day full of outdoor activities to entertain me a bit ‘with my girlfriend. A visit to the museum, a ride in the park, a pizza, a little ‘shopping and a movie theater for the evening. All this after a nice breakfast, and a quick errand.

In Pictures: The United Kingdom says yes to Brexit (@Photo illustration by Christopher Furlong / Getty Images).

Today, perhaps, I am only an immigrant any

It is going out to do the commission that I began experiencing something wrong . Sure, there was the sun, and life in London had already begun frenetic as every day. But I felt different. I felt out of place. I not at home, as I had already learned to feel after three years. Because yesterday I was a happy citizen of the European Union, far from my place of birth, but still within a country that saw me and accepted me as such. Today, perhaps, are only an immigrant whatsoever.

“Immigrant” : that word which in Italian is pronounced almost always with a negative tinge and often identified with the meaning of “non-EU”. And neither of the two terms, in fact, should mean no harm. The fact that I was a citizen in an EU country made me no less of a Moldovan immigrant, an Indian or a Chinese. How each of them, I came to this country with my plans, my goals, my hopes. But, frankly, the fact that we can be come overnight by buying a simple airline ticket – without passports – has definitely made things easier for me.

when I made the request of the NIN , the number of social security, and me are seen to accept within a week it was a relief. When scandagliavo job searches, and always read the bottom of the postscript “in order to apply you must have the right to work in the UK”, I saw it as a privilege. When I went to the hospital, and they accepted me without asking me anything except my NIN and the home address, I felt welcomed.

the Leave advocates have said too much immigration

Because today I feel a foreigner? Because leaving the house I feel uncomfortable as if people look at me with contempt? Because, despite all think about their business, and I am only in the grip of paranoia, I feel like someone does not want me here? Perhaps because in these months of campaigning for the referendum proponents of Leave talked too much about immigration, while those of Remain focused all their discussions on the economic implications of an exit from the European Union would have for the United Kingdom. And this had created in me a sense of security that he had reassured me, that made me convinced of a failure of Brexit. When all the economic experts, entrepreneurs and most of the politicians explained, with shiny and crystalline reasoning understandable even to a child, that the European Union’s output would have meant the economic ruin of this country, I could not believe this speech could not touch the right chord of the people.

proponents of Leave for me were politicians fashioned from old-growth ideas , in a way that communicated to an audience tired anchored to the past. Supporters of Remain debated with passion, charisma, clarity and consistency, appealing to the idea of ​​a great collective community that is the dream of this Union. How could things be otherwise? And yet they did. It was not an overwhelming victory, of course, but democracy is democracy. Although nearly half of the United Kingdom wanted to stay. Although Scotland and Northern Ireland have voted overwhelmingly to not abandon. This country will leave the European Union. With a chain of consequences that for now we can only imagine, but seen through the eyes of today they are not good hope for the future of us immigrants.

Perhaps I’m seeing a bit ‘too black. After all, today is a beautiful sunny day. An “event” in these parts. We go out, we try to have fun.


Brussels hurries to Britain: “Immediately the negotiations for the release” – Il Secolo XIX




Genoa – At 7 am yesterday what was now obvious becomes official: the United Kingdom voted to leave Europe . Those in favor of the so-called Brexit won the referendum with a definitive rate of 51.9% and an advantage of more than one million votes.

There’s more, because that between the EU and the United Kingdom ‘ will not be a consensual divorce , but it was not even a great love story, “as said the president of the European commission. Jean-Claude Juncker, in an interview on German public television Ard, reiterating the will to to start negotiations immediately with London in view of Brexit.

Brexit, all the news of the “day after”

record numbers for the petition of “remainers”
a petition calling for a new referendum on Brexit passed in a few hours the 2 million signatures : the possibilities to be considered are almost nonexistent, but a “bank” may get from one of the English Parliament vote .

Leave also Hill, the man Cameron for Europe
Lord Jonathan Hill , European Commissioner for financial Services and David Cameron’s man in Brussels, has resigned: i can not continue to play my role as British High Commissioner, “as if nothing had happened,” he said Hill resigning his resignation after referendum on Brexit. Again: “I arrived in Brussels as a politician who had fought against the euro and eurosceptic Europe. I’m sure that, in spite of the frustrations that led us, be the European Union was a good thing for our role in the world and our economy. ”

On Twitter the hashtag is trending “Brexitin5words”
the hashtag “Brexitin5words”, “Brexit in five words,” has become in the last hour trending topic on Twitter. So many comments posted on social media by those who are disappointed by the outcome of the referendum on Britain’s EU. But on Twitter there are also enthusiastic reactions of those who voted “Leave” and use the hashtag to express the “optimistic messages” and “British pride.”

online petition on the government website: one million signatures to get back into Europe
petition demanding a new referendum on Brexit exceeded the million signatures, 1,064,727 to be precise . We read it on the website of the British government which are published all the petitions which are then submitted to the committee to assess them to eventually submit them to Parliament.

As motivation we read on the site: “ We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule remain or leave That if the vote is less than 60% based on turnout less than 75% Should there be another referendum .” Translated it means: “ We demand that if the vote on the stay or leave has an edge of” Leave “less than 60% and as a minimum condition turnout of at least 75% a repeat referendum . ” ( Here full details)

Juncker: “There will be a divorce by mutual consent”
the one between the EU and the United Kingdom “will not be an agreed divorce
, but it was not even a great love story”: it said the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in an interview on TV German public Ard, reiterating their intention to immediately begin negotiations with London ahead of Brexit.

an interview with Bild President of the European Commission excludes the Brexit could strengthen the power axis Paris-Rome-Madrid to Berlin give stressing that in the new scenario of a Europe without the UK to Germany he will touch probably “an even more important job.” Juncker also admitted his fear of the possibility that the EU will create a domino effect in which other States to enter into consultations to ask citizens their opinion on the EU permanently.

It is conceivable, said Juncker , that “populists do not allow themselves to escape any opportunity to spread their noisy anti-European policy.” However, he said he was convinced that the “harassment” of the eurosceptic populism will not have much future because “soon” will prove that “the UK was better inside the EU, economic, social and foreign policy.”

Brussels hurries to Britain: “Immediately the negotiations for the release”

Marco Zatterin

the first high cross in the atrium of the German official EU Commission has glowering and says a single word. “Scheisse.” It is not a high tone, but it represents the mood of a Europe angry at the British choice.

Dismayed by the difficulties that follow , bothered to keep up the Union in its darkest hour, annoyed by ‘ however, having her taken by surprise. Struck to the heart, the EU must initiate a necessary self-reform that can already begin Wednesday with an unprecedented summit in Twenty-Seven, historic because it had never happened that you ask an Prime Minister to sit in another room. On the table there will be a document that Paris and Berlin are writing. As well as bring to center stage the Franco-German axis, says a source, the text has a specific task: “Set the rules for Europe after Brexit.”

| the imperative to find what remains of the Union. The editorial by Massimo Righi |

From the early hours of Black Friday, in Brussels was an air of bewilderment breathed , certified by catastrophic weather-metaphors, tsunami the earthquake. When we received the news of the referendum defeat that Thursday was that it was difficult, it’s taken the whirlwind of meetings and the machine coordinate statements on a single slogan: “Do you want to go away, do it quickly.”

| managers: “it is not the time to sell the shares. safer investments with gold and Swiss francs »|

In the capital of the Union is feared paralysis . The technical concede that the fall of the markets, yesterday really heavy, could also be reabsorbed. However, they warn that an excessively long negotiations with London would push the continent into a very dangerous paralysis when the economy grows poorly. Moreover, this is a separation that takes years. “We expect that the United Kingdom Government to give effect to the decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful may be the process,” says the joint statement signed by the leaders of the institutions, Juncker (Commission), Schulz (Parliament), Tusk (Council), Rutte (current president), after an emergency meeting. Were the Luxembourg and Polish to put his face, the first to deny that “it is the end of Europe”, the second to launch the pressure on Downing Street and swear, “as my father would say, what does not kill, strengthens. “

| Savings accounts and, what should you do now |

From London it is understood that the winners of Brexit have no hurry. They look to October, after the departure of Cameron. What – is – Juncker had promised to submit by June. Instead transpires the desire to prepare the negotiations before starting really, but turn even rumors of a bold plan, which would consist in the demand for new concessions in view of a second referendum. “No way,” say the group leaders European Parliament. “Any delay would prolong the uncertainty without necessity,” added a visibly Juncker tried. The Union will be different, now. The German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, already imagines an association with the British customs. Like the one signed in 1963 with the Turks.

| Vittoria surprise of Leave, you Brexit: the British leave the EU: video, photos and news. Here’s what happened | Managers: “It is not the time to sell the shares. safer investments with gold and Swiss francs »| Brussels hurries to Britain:” Immediately the negotiations for the release “


The yard is open. Today in Berlin we see the foreign ministers of the founding countries (Gentiloni for Italy). The draft declaration calls in London to clarify and suggests to recognize the different levels of ambition of the states, words that open up the formula of concentric circles. Tonight Socialist leaders are the Elysee. Berlin Monday to meet Merkel, Hollande and Renzi. Then the Commission and Europarliament meeting. Tuesday summit in Twenty-eight. Wednesday, the formula to twenty-seven. “I wanted a different outcome,” said Tusk. The fact remains that the EU, to save himself, he decided to throw himself immediately into the new world of “minus one.”

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Friday, June 24, 2016

The Brexit and tripped grandparents to the younger generation data: beaten young graduates – BBC

L to Decrepit Alliance won. He preferred the past to the future, memories of dreams, the illusion of common sense. This includes the “little Englanders” of the province and country; citizens less educated, on which the information slip like water on feathers of pelicans at St James’s Park; nostalgic people of all ages, unable to resign themselves to evidence. This: Britain, for some time, is great in name only. It is a normal country capable of admirable companies.

Brexit is not one of them, it seems purtroppo.Brexit , first of all, tripped in a generation. Among the British over 65 years, only 40% voted to remain in the European Union (Remain). Among voters up to 34 years, the percentage rises to 62%. Among young people between 18 and 24, those in favor of Europe are 73%. The grandparents have decided the future of the grandchildren.


Brexit, what changes for Europe (and the world) on immigration, finance, economics, politics, academia, research, food and school sport




The recent past is the temptation of nations in difficulty. There is something reassuring in the habits, of course. But giving up the big projects in favor of small consolation is silly. Europe is – was – a big project, also for the UK. The young Englishmen, perhaps, have not been able to convince the previous generations. Certainly they have not been able to get excited about. They were not lucky: they found on their way leaders clumsy (the Conservative David Cameron); irresponsible leaders (the Labour Jeremy Corbyn, the protagonist of a scandalously inefficient campaign), leading cynics (Boris Johnson, who dreams of being Churchill and is likely to become Trump).

What happens to him? What will happen to their peers on the Continent, now at home in London? The English boys – to understand their ability to study, work and movement – will have to understand what conditions will be imposed to the Kingdom (dis) Kingdom European Union . If the damage is not yet quantifiable, uncertainty and anxiety are already certain. Young people in this country are accustomed to travel, live and work anywhere: thanks to English, academic pathways, in a commendable provision exploration. For them, everything will become more difficult, if not impossible (think of the Erasmus program).


From Cameron Johnson, our report cards


David Cameron / 3


It tells Jenny Shurville, 29, a graduate student in art history (with a thesis on twelfth-century drawings of Vercelli): “My research lead me frequently in Europe and depend on free cooperation between institutions in the EU and in the UK: it will be compromised? Not to mention the horror: the catastrophe that has dominated the campaign of Leave, of course, it is acceptable by many of my fellow countrymen. ” James Norrie, 28, a graduate student in medieval history: “I see practical policy consequences. Among the first: my pounds, when I will be working in Rome, will be written down? I’ll have to take an Irish passport? And then: my generation, especially in London, took it for granted that we live in a cosmopolitan country. Unfortunately, it does not. Discover it was a slap in the face “.

And for the Italian youth? Brexit, before being harmful, painful, like a separation in the family. Europe and London have helped them to grow; and now, inexplicably, they are divided. Everyone will ask his time, everyone will expect loyalty: it will not be easy to satisfy them both. He wrote Marta Rizi, the young Roman actress with whom I shared the stage for “Life is a journey» (Studies in Oxford, drama school in London), “Brexit is a mourning for me. It collapsed the house where we have become European and world citizens. It hurts”.

The new Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan , yesterday launched an appeal entitled concern ( “Do not Panic”). It wrote that one million European citizens living in the British capital – mostly young – “are welcome” and the metropolis’ will continue to be the city of success it is today. ” The question is: how? The mayor insists on the need to remain in Europe’s single market, while leaving the European Union, perhaps did not read carefully the art. 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which states that ‘each Member State may withdraw from the Union, in accordance with its own constitutional requirements. ” Paragraph 4, however, provides that ‘the conditions of the withdrawal’ and ‘future relationship with the Union “will be decided by the European Council” without the participation in the discussion of the Member State which withdraws. ” In essence: the UK will have no say. Maybe it will be reduced to sign a series of bilateral agreements.

shadow carousel


Brexit, British newspapers on newsstands Friday


The testimony this morning, rained (of “Italians”, on social and elsewhere), Giovanni Crovetto, Milan, 32, past eight in London, working in the financial field: “I regret that many, younger than me, are likely to be denied the opportunity to experience the opening to the future that I saw ». Maurizia Carrera, Turin, 29, Motion Graphic Designer: ‘As I may exercise the profession before being forced to find a sponsor to work in the UK? Brexit limit the influx of young people. We Europeans will lose the opportunity to live in a city that has opened the minds of many. ” David Pagliaro, Trieste, 24, works for a think tank: “I am in London for four years and do not hunt me away tomorrow. But things change even at the level of feelings and emotions. I never expected that our generation had to see to increase the boundaries. ”

sad days, expect this city . London does not know the gentle decline that awaits the rural England, destined to become a poor Switzerland, flat and the sea. But the losses will be: opportunities, business, European appearances (replaced by Indian arrivals, Chinese and South Americans, presumably). A collective defeat. The most international cities in Europe forced to change course. The new destination has decided the Decrepit Alliance. And nobody knows what it is.
( He has worked in London, Stefania Chial )

June 24, 2016 (edited June 25, 2016 | 00:07)



Because Britain has voted to leave the European Union – The Huffington Post

I’ll sit here in the early hours of the morning this Friday, listening to the results of the referendum as they arrive, and it seems that those who had campaigned to Britain came out of ‘European Union have managed to achieve what seemed impossible. There is no denying that the establishment has done absolutely everything possible to keep Britain in the European Union, and yet somehow the message of those who proposed to escape, a message of hope, of optimism for the future of Great Britain as an independent nation, return to a genuine parliamentary democracy, was in tune with the people.


the message on twitter on the morning of vote: I know it will be many to struggle to understand what happened. There will be those who will liquidate the vote since the work of racists and bigots. I consider myself very lucky to have lived an unconventional life, and therefore I am fortunate to know people from all sorts of backgrounds. Being a writer, I like to listen, because I know that the best stories, the best characters are based on truth. In recent years I have been listening to many different people; rich, poor, unemployed, self-employed, disabled, people with all kinds of ethnic background, and paying their listening, there are two things that were obvious.

The first is that all of them were surprisingly well informed. Internet has democratized information, so governments can not presume to be able to lie or manipulate at your own convenience. People take and goes in search of the facts themselves. I spoke to a wide, unusual range of people who have even given the time to read long pieces of the Lisbon Treaty, a document that once would have been for the exclusive use and consumption of public officials and lawyers of international law. And people with the facts in hand would never have been convinced by the EU trademark – that is, the idea that the European Union is intrinsically good and right. They had access to a sufficient amount of information to know that the EU is not all jokes and jokes, and that under it has consumed a period of tremendous difficulties and decline.

The second thing to myself become obvious it is that people knew that he was losing their democratic rights. This affects not only the EU. They feel the pressure of globalization, the lobbying, the zero-hour contracts, welfare cuts. They see the individual become more and more tiny cog in bigger and bigger machines. Democracy is the only way we can protect ourselves from these huge machines, and many people are particularly aware of the fact that the EU membership has led to a compression of our democratic rights.

Cameron: “i resign. New Prime Minister will lead the negotiations”

If waking up you will feel disappointed by the vote for the exit, and you’ll want to blame your fellow citizens as bigots and racists , you will not have missed the point, and run the risk of doing a disservice to your country. If we yell from one slogan on both sides of a groove, there will never be a way to understand each other. There will never be a way of coming together to build a better future, then it is ultimately what we all want. Go talk to someone who has voted to quit the EU. Confront them, and what you’ll hear from them will be very different from the way they were represented during the campaign. Most of those voters who I got to know speak of equality, rights, responsibility and democracy – and I know many, who voted in that sense. If you still find it hard to understand why the people voted to leave, I can recommend the following articles, you can find them here and here. And then my articles, you can read here and here.

This article (click here) instead I wrote immediately after the election of Jeremy Corbyn, begging him to let out the Labour Party from its dogmatic EU membership. At the time, I do not think they were in many to have understood what was at stake. Labour should be grateful for the vote to leave, which may have saved the party from the worst humiliation, the next general election. I applaud those Labour MPs who campaigned to get out. I know how difficult it is to defend what you believe when the majority of their peers are placed on the other side of the debate. I also welcome those conservatives who have defied their own government by voicing concerns of the majority of people in Britain. And despite not approve of their tactics, or some of their messages, I applaud all’Ukip for having fought so hard to make this referendum a reality.

One of my American followers on twitter asked me how come so many people in the UK struggling to understand the motives of a vote to leave, and I have found myself comparing it to the birth of Beat Generation . There was a time when the American mainstream simply could not understand the movement of the counter-culture, and I think something similar happened here. There is a huge change that is affecting Europe, driven by the increased access to information, from the perception that our politicians have deceived us over and over again, and the feeling that we are seen simply as cogs in the service of powerful machines. There is a deep conviction that people deserve better, that the status quo simply is not enough in itself. What seems certain is that our exit from the EU will trigger demands for reform throughout the continent.

As for Britain, I sincerely hope that the European issue has been resolved once and for all. Although the referendum has put a period at issue, however, this does not indicate the beginning of a huge process of change. We must make sure to leave the European Union in the right way. We must be vigilant and ensure that the process is handled appropriately, and that our output is treated with care, in harmony, not only with our European neighbors, but also with all the nations that make up the United Kingdom.

Instead of being afraid, the people that is at the two extremes of the debate on the referendum must be found to seize this enormous opportunity. We have an unprecedented opportunity to reshape our social landscape, political and legal, and I hope that the British to unite to work together with the shared aim of building a better future for us all.

(…) The first thing I want to do in a Britain reformed will get some sleep ‘. And when I wake, I pray that it was not all a dream.

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This post has been published for the first time on the Huffington post United Kingdom and was then translated from English by Stephen Pitrelli


Brexit, MEF: limited effect on Italian economy. Renzi: “Changing EU, but it is our future ‘- Il Sole 24 Ore

Extraordinary meeting this morning at Palazzo Chigi on the outcome of the British referendum, which sealed the exit of Britain from the European Union. At the summit, convened by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was attended by Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan, the Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Marco Minniti and the Governor of the Bank d ‘ Italy Ignazio Visco. “We have to change it to make it more human and more just. But Europe is our home and our future, “he tweeted Renzi (who had a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande to agree on how the EU should move) after winning the ‘Leave’ in the referendum in Great Britain.

“Investment policy and anti-Brexit employment ‘

MEF: limited effect on Italian real economy
” The release of UK Union European Italian will still have limited effects on the real economy. The strong fundamentals of the companies
will soon prevail on the volatility of the financial markets. ” So the MEF in a statement after the meeting, chaired by Minister Pier Carlo Padoan, the Committee for the Protection of financial stability, who stressed that the fundamental “of the Italian banking system remain solid.” He added that: the market for government bonds “is stabilized by the programs of the European Central Bank and the adjustment path of public finances pursued by the Government.”

Shock Brexit of Europe and markets. Cameron resigns. Bags crumble and pound

Gentiloni: hard time, but alarm for EU
“We are facing a very difficult moment for Europe. Although there has been a long-equipped to deal with the consequences of this decision, not us
hide the difficulties of the moment. ” But politically this “should be a wake up call for Europe.” This was stated by Foreign Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, at the Foreign Ministry, who spoke of “serious decision, which we respect, of the British people to leave the EU.” Gentiloni will be this afternoon in Luxembourg to attend the meeting of EU ministers initially planned to diaffari European level. The foreign ministers of the six founders of the European Union countries will meet Sunday in Berlin to assess the consequences of the British referendum vote.

Postponed direction Pd
Meanwhile, the leadership of the Democratic Party, to be held today at 15 to comment on the outcome of the vote in local elections, has been postponed in light of the outcome of the referendum in Britain. Postponed to next week.

Prodi: sign of malaise throughout the policy
“This Brexit is the largest of the malaise signal to Europe, but of the entire policy that is It made anywhere today. ” He told Vatican Radio the former president of the EU Commission Romano Prodi, who called for a reaction “More Europe that solves the problems.” He added: “People do not hate Europe, hate this Europe. They hate the management of these years, they hate a policy that they do not understand. ”

Growth, debt and deficits: the effects of Brexit on Italy

Rosato (Pd): sad day, more fragile all Among the
first to comment on the outcome of the British referendum was the Democratic Party leader in the House, Ettore Rosato, who wrote on twitter: “sad day. Brexit undermines the hope of growth and peace. All more fragile and vulnerable. From here it leaves for more cohesive and strong EU “.

Salvini: very good day, now let’s see what happens
commends the Brexit leader Matteo Salvini League. “Today is a great day. Now let’s see what happens, “he said the secretary of the Northern League to Radio 24. He added:” The conscience of citizens has proved stronger than the bankers. Europe now has before it the opportunity to rid the European Union. Enough with the salons of the bankers, we rifondiamo Europe. It ‘a great pity that our Constitution, which is anti-democratic, does not allow Italians to vote in referendums on international treaties. “

Brexit, because in any case will not be a Lehman

Read more

Toninelli: increasingly strong wind cambiamenro
the M5s did not hide his soddifazione, despite a recent post on the site of Beppe Grillo will be softened eurosceptic tones and is not He was quoted the referendum to exit from the euro ( “the Movimento 5 Stelle is in Europe and has no intention of abandoning it – it says -. we are fighting to transform the EU from within”). “The British have chosen the #Brexit. He won democracy and lost Europe of banks. The wind of change is getting stronger, “he wrote in a tweet the deputy of the M5S, Danilo Toninelli, that Parliament followed at the forefront of the matches of the constitutional reform and the electoral law.

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pd, Orfini in the viewfinder. Guerini but defends him: Madia wrong. From Rome to Turin showdown – The Republic

ROME – The electoral drubbing ago toppled the Democratic Party and shakes the majority renziana who leads the party. A few days after the vote in local elections, and on the eve of the decisive national leadership on the agenda for tomorrow, it opens the yield of internal accounts in Rome and Turin, the city symbol of defeat. In Turin on Fabriano Morri Secretary he announces he will not be standing for re, opening the way to early congress. And a similar script could go on stage in the capital, where the Commissioner Matthew Orfini finds himself the victim of friendly fire area renziana. To ignite even more climate we think the responsible Civil Marianna Madia, who in an interview to Repubblica asks its Orfini the head, which is also the president of the Democratic Party. But it is also in the clash renziana, with Deputy Secretary Lorenzo Guerini which freezes the minister: “I always keep a sculpted Alda Merino sentence in mind that says, ‘I like those who carefully chooses the words to say’. I would recommend all more sobriety in the statements. Orfini has assumed responsibility as commissioner of Rome after Mafia capital and did so with great commitment and determination, of which just goes thanked. ”

The case is emblematic Orfini. The lunge Madia against the Commissioner is the sign of a conflict within the majority who leads the Democratic Party: “If the cap is he – attacks the minister – then step down. We can not afford obstacles to change.” Heavy words, because they come from a member of the government close to Maria Elena Boschi, as well as an iron renziana. Rough concepts that follow the equally heavy Michela Di Biase, Councillor Capitoline – wife of Dario Franceschini – tops the list of preferences of the Democrats in municipal: “We come from 18 months of receivership post Mafia capital during which, instead think about giving answers to citizens, we are busy – perhaps too much – of the party. Orfini and sub-commissioners have not had a real relationship with the local administrators of the territories. they have not fed a real discussion on the things that were used. ” Reply to the accusations, however, Guerini, opening up a front between renziani: “I think it is extremely wrong to put the question in this way, that is demanding the resignation of the Commissioner.”

No doubt a concentric attack against the leader of the Young Turkish, which calls into play all of the Summit balances that drives the democratic Party. Tomorrow the case will be plunged Rome on the table of the National Directorate and Orfini already has in mind the strategy to reply to the accusations: if necessary, it will say available to anticipate the Congress of the Roman Pd, expected at first to October. And remember that by statute it is the Department must determine that accelerate the income rationem, or leave to be taken immediately after the constitutional referendum. It is likely that you decide to up the tempo, the example of the provisions of the executive dem group of Turin. There the Morri Secretary not be standing for re, and the assizes dem – fixed for the beginning of 2017 – will be brought forward to September. The climate is fiery, as evidenced by an open letter from the young deputy Enzo Lattuca: “Dear Renzi, often it seemed that the Democratic Party for you to be a burden and a nuisance. Since you Secretary, we have reached the pinnacle of correntizzazione. I would who ever return along the way to change this country. “

hot Dossier are planned for tomorrow’s meeting. Not the only ones, as the manager of the Democratic Reforms Emanuele Fiano sull’Italicum ensures that the prime minister “will have a reflection in the Directorate.” In many await help from Renzi to understand the line on the election law, and to understand if indeed the premier slegherà his stay at Palazzo Chigi by the outcome of the referendum on constitutional reform in October. It is preparing to press him the left of the party, which will meet this afternoon to review progress in the battle sight. The internal opposition will ask the Prime Minister a step back from the secretariat and a new horizon for the government. “Orfini? We are interested especially the executive’s policies and the Democratic Party – swears David Zogg, iron bersaniano – As the demand for resignation of the Commissioner, it seems to me that corresponds to a widespread feeling in the Roman party. Decide Renzi, however, because we do not want this issue to distract from the very rugged mountains that we have to climb. ” Even harder, if possible, the bersaniana Roberta Agostini: “It seems to me normal that Orfini take a step back – says the deputy. It would be a gesture of humility, which is useful to open a real discussion”.

municipal 2016
Administrative 2016
Pd Direction
Matteo Orfini
Matteo Renzi
Fabriano Morri