Genoa – At 7 am yesterday what was now obvious becomes official: the United Kingdom voted to leave Europe . Those in favor of the so-called Brexit won the referendum with a definitive rate of 51.9% and an advantage of more than one million votes.
There’s more, because that between the EU and the United Kingdom ‘ will not be a consensual divorce , but it was not even a great love story, “as said the president of the European commission. Jean-Claude Juncker, in an interview on German public television Ard, reiterating the will to to start negotiations immediately with London in view of Brexit.
Brexit, all the news of the “day after”
record numbers for the petition of “remainers”
a petition calling for a new referendum on Brexit passed in a few hours the 2 million signatures : the possibilities to be considered are almost nonexistent, but a “bank” may get from one of the English Parliament vote .
Leave also Hill, the man Cameron for Europe
Lord Jonathan Hill , European Commissioner for financial Services and David Cameron’s man in Brussels, has resigned: i can not continue to play my role as British High Commissioner, “as if nothing had happened,” he said Hill resigning his resignation after referendum on Brexit. Again: “I arrived in Brussels as a politician who had fought against the euro and eurosceptic Europe. I’m sure that, in spite of the frustrations that led us, be the European Union was a good thing for our role in the world and our economy. ”
On Twitter the hashtag is trending “Brexitin5words”
the hashtag “Brexitin5words”, “Brexit in five words,” has become in the last hour trending topic on Twitter. So many comments posted on social media by those who are disappointed by the outcome of the referendum on Britain’s EU. But on Twitter there are also enthusiastic reactions of those who voted “Leave” and use the hashtag to express the “optimistic messages” and “British pride.”
online petition on the government website: one million signatures to get back into Europe
petition demanding a new referendum on Brexit exceeded the million signatures, 1,064,727 to be precise . We read it on the website of the British government which are published all the petitions which are then submitted to the committee to assess them to eventually submit them to Parliament.
As motivation we read on the site: “ We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule remain or leave That if the vote is less than 60% based on turnout less than 75% Should there be another referendum .” Translated it means: “ We demand that if the vote on the stay or leave has an edge of” Leave “less than 60% and as a minimum condition turnout of at least 75% a repeat referendum . ” ( Here full details)
Juncker: “There will be a divorce by mutual consent”
the one between the EU and the United Kingdom “will not be an agreed divorce , but it was not even a great love story”: it said the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in an interview on TV German public Ard, reiterating their intention to immediately begin negotiations with London ahead of Brexit.
an interview with Bild President of the European Commission excludes the Brexit could strengthen the power axis Paris-Rome-Madrid to Berlin give stressing that in the new scenario of a Europe without the UK to Germany he will touch probably “an even more important job.” Juncker also admitted his fear of the possibility that the EU will create a domino effect in which other States to enter into consultations to ask citizens their opinion on the EU permanently.
It is conceivable, said Juncker , that “populists do not allow themselves to escape any opportunity to spread their noisy anti-European policy.” However, he said he was convinced that the “harassment” of the eurosceptic populism will not have much future because “soon” will prove that “the UK was better inside the EU, economic, social and foreign policy.”
Brussels hurries to Britain: “Immediately the negotiations for the release”
Marco Zatterin
the first high cross in the atrium of the German official EU Commission has glowering and says a single word. “Scheisse.” It is not a high tone, but it represents the mood of a Europe angry at the British choice.
Dismayed by the difficulties that follow , bothered to keep up the Union in its darkest hour, annoyed by ‘ however, having her taken by surprise. Struck to the heart, the EU must initiate a necessary self-reform that can already begin Wednesday with an unprecedented summit in Twenty-Seven, historic because it had never happened that you ask an Prime Minister to sit in another room. On the table there will be a document that Paris and Berlin are writing. As well as bring to center stage the Franco-German axis, says a source, the text has a specific task: “Set the rules for Europe after Brexit.”
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From the early hours of Black Friday, in Brussels was an air of bewilderment breathed , certified by catastrophic weather-metaphors, tsunami the earthquake. When we received the news of the referendum defeat that Thursday was that it was difficult, it’s taken the whirlwind of meetings and the machine coordinate statements on a single slogan: “Do you want to go away, do it quickly.”
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In the capital of the Union is feared paralysis . The technical concede that the fall of the markets, yesterday really heavy, could also be reabsorbed. However, they warn that an excessively long negotiations with London would push the continent into a very dangerous paralysis when the economy grows poorly. Moreover, this is a separation that takes years. “We expect that the United Kingdom Government to give effect to the decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful may be the process,” says the joint statement signed by the leaders of the institutions, Juncker (Commission), Schulz (Parliament), Tusk (Council), Rutte (current president), after an emergency meeting. Were the Luxembourg and Polish to put his face, the first to deny that “it is the end of Europe”, the second to launch the pressure on Downing Street and swear, “as my father would say, what does not kill, strengthens. “
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From London it is understood that the winners of Brexit have no hurry. They look to October, after the departure of Cameron. What – is – Juncker had promised to submit by June. Instead transpires the desire to prepare the negotiations before starting really, but turn even rumors of a bold plan, which would consist in the demand for new concessions in view of a second referendum. “No way,” say the group leaders European Parliament. “Any delay would prolong the uncertainty without necessity,” added a visibly Juncker tried. The Union will be different, now. The German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, already imagines an association with the British customs. Like the one signed in 1963 with the Turks.
| Vittoria surprise of Leave, you Brexit: the British leave the EU: video, photos and news. Here’s what happened | Managers: “It is not the time to sell the shares. safer investments with gold and Swiss francs »| Brussels hurries to Britain:” Immediately the negotiations for the release “
The yard is open. Today in Berlin we see the foreign ministers of the founding countries (Gentiloni for Italy). The draft declaration calls in London to clarify and suggests to recognize the different levels of ambition of the states, words that open up the formula of concentric circles. Tonight Socialist leaders are the Elysee. Berlin Monday to meet Merkel, Hollande and Renzi. Then the Commission and Europarliament meeting. Tuesday summit in Twenty-eight. Wednesday, the formula to twenty-seven. “I wanted a different outcome,” said Tusk. The fact remains that the EU, to save himself, he decided to throw himself immediately into the new world of “minus one.”
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