Continue the political tussle around the Unions civilians , the latest updated news to date on February 1 we are told that the controversy is far from resolved. After the Family Day on Sunday in Rome, now it is up to our politicians to put an end on the matter and give their response once and for all. Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 2, parliamentarians meet to the vote on the ruling and precedent, so in fact there is still a real date for the start of voting on amendments, as well as of course not It is not even a date for the final vote on the measure. But what does it say precisely the bill Cirinnà about? Let’s see what are the main points of the draft law proposed to the Senate.
Ddl Cirinnà: the highlights for civil unions
design Law aims to regulate and inscribe in the Civil Code unmarried couples, not just homosexuals, but also the coexistence of unmarried heterosexual partners. There are 5 Highlights that the text of Cirinnà examines, adoption, civil union Constitution, Causes impediments, legal regime, Mutual assistance.
Sponsorship: – The first point is probably what most of all is dividing the political world and beyond. In it we can read the text extends to the so-called civil unions Stepchild adoption , or to adopt the biological child of either living with the couple in fact created. The text has no changes with regard to artificial insemination, but the major concern is that this point can be opened to the phenomenon of surrogate mother or other legal systems of fertilization abroad.
Constitution civil union – The second point equates in a way civil marriage to civil marriage, the two partners are register in the presence of an officer of the municipality and may also choose to adopt a single surname for both (as the wives during the traditional marriage).
Freedom of conscience for civil unions
Surely this second point of the bill on Civil unions will have made up their noses at many protesters, but of course this is a critical step to implement the last two points which are of a legal nature. First, though, it’s up to take a look at the third.
Causes impediments – The link can be established only if there are no constraints inherent traditional marriage; two partners should not be simultaneously married a third, of course, must be of legal age and in full possession of his mental faculties.
Legal status – with the civil union rights of the two partners are in all respects equivalent to those of the married couples and then apply the same articles of the civil code.
Mutual assistance – This last point recognizes couples the right to assistance health, prison, union and separation of property and so on.
In summary, the last two points are the the practice of this that in the second point is established. Parliamentarians will be called to vote by appealing to their freedom of conscience , trying to get free from dialectical partitocratiche and ideological origin. To stay updated on the next news we invite you to click on the Follow button on the top left.
This article was published on 31 January 2016 at 08:13.
“The bill is totally Cirinnà returned: not enough make-up operations.” The final message of the Family Day is clear and the many thousands of people yesterday afternoon flocked to the Circus Maximus applaud the leader, Massimo Gandolfini. The demonstration against the bill on the recognition of civil unions and the adjacent rule on “stepchild adoption” – the real issue disputed by the Church – led to the streets a more varied world of Catholic identity and activist – including Neocatechumens renewal – but also several politicians, almost exclusively of center. A banner on all dominated, “Renzi we will remember,” concept repeated by several speakers that have taken place on the stage, often with very bright tones. Next week the bill enters the vote, and the political situation will increase the pressure to the maximum. “When so many people take to the streets to express their views with civilization is a sign that democracy is alive. It happened today as happened last week, “said Lorenzo Guerini, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, who adds:” The aim of government is to listen to all, to deal with everyone and then take responsibility for the decision. On civil unions there and there will be a broad and thorough debate and then the Parliament will vote. ” Clear words that reaffirm as “the Democratic Party is determined to widen the field of rights, as has already been working and will continue to promote policies to support the family, continuing the path undertaken with the reduction of taxes to the Italian families (80 €, cancellation fee on the first house), with the baby bonus, with measures to combat poverty. We are looking for a broad consensus, but we are equally convinced that it is time to decide and we will do it. ” Next to Family Day “We defend our children” has sided Interior Minister Algelino Alfano, who at the Interior Ministry received Gandolfini, along with the new minister Enrico Costa: “full adherence to the aims of the event,” he posted on Twitter. “The hypocritical poltronaro Alfano people’s Family Day:” I am with you. ” Meanwhile, the government supports the gay adoptions, “wrote in a tweet the federal secretary of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini. Gandolfini speaks of “two million people” at the Circus Maximus, however, that according to the law of numbers it can contain up to 300 thousand since it covers 73 thousand square meters, and in the areas restrostanti, then around the Palace of the FAO and in ‘ area of the Baths of Caracalla there were no protesters. But the area was full and many families with children, but also priests and an archbishop (officially there was the sponsorship of the episcopate, unlike 2007). “Open your eyes – said Gandolfini – and look among politicians who are those who are helping us and those who obscure. When will exercise the right to vote – reaffirmed Gandolfini from the stage surrounded by banner that read in large letters “No scrap the family” – will look at the person well who we are voting even at regional or local, whether it is a person that has our common hear or not, “he stressed Gandolfini remembering the story of the mayors who backed and those who rejected the transcripts of civil unions of same-sex. “An extraordinary place”, the Democratic Party has to listen, said Giuseppe Fioroni, the only prominent member of this party majority. A few comments from the episcopate (Cardinal Angelo Scola spoke of “square open to discussion”) and the Osservatore Romano described the event as “broad participation and cross-expression of all the souls of Italian society.”
Ascoli – E ‘was found dead Lidia Di Nicola, 50, the missing woman to Ascoli eight days. He was on the floor as if asleep, lying on its side in a cescpuglio. She was dressed as when he left home Friday last week with a green jacket, the leggings blacks and yellow shoes. In place the deputy prosecutor Lorenzo Right and the coroner for reconnaissance mortis. The lifeless body was in a stadrina stone, along the scalidata that leads to the fortress from the Hill of the Annunziata, 500 from the central Piazza del Popolo in Ascoli. It was the end of the stairs, where there is a slope, in a bramble. Seeds covered by vegetation, the head in the bush, pours on its side.
A preliminary reconnaissance death goes back several days ago, probably the day of the disappearance or shortly after. Before heading out for a walk, Lidia Di Nicola had left home the faith in a pack of cigarettes, and his cell phone. Her husband Bruno Aloisi had turned also to the transmission Who has seen for an appeal. The couple has a child of 12 years.
The body was found by a team of firefighters during a stop in the area. The research had never interrupted. The Prefecture of Ascoli had triggered the research plan immediately after the complaint made by her husband’s disappearance.
“It is crucial that we are many to meet us at the Circus Maximus. Remember that this is the only ‘weapon’ we have.” The appeal of Massimo Gandolfini, president of the organizing committee of the Family Day , is perhaps too optimistic about the weight that will rally today on ITER parliamentary bill Cirinnà, that in his opinion “is and inemendabile It must be withdrawn. ” Words always sharp, but less stentorian, the CEI that, at the end of the Permanent Council, speaks only of “concern” for the equality between civil unions and marriage, no other lunges, still leave you to guess which of the other tables are being dealt with by achieving another result: the elimination of stepchild adoption by the bill Cirinnà and a rewriting of Article 3. The event will have a strong internal value to the Catholic world, and will be used by some parties (Ncd, League, FDI and Fi) for accreditation with this part of the Catholic world.
Among the organizers is breathed optimism on the success of the event: coming over a thousand buses, and the target is one million people, with thousands of entire families. But not the entire Catholic world will be: will recur division dating back to the eighties, between movements on the one hand, and Catholic Action and other associations recognized by the CEI, on the other. The first parade of the Circus Maximus and among them there will be the watchmen standing, the Catholic Alliance, Cl, Science and Life, the Neocatechumenal Way, Renewal in the Spirit, the Movement for Life, the Family Forum. Catholic Action and other associations espouse the line instead of yes to the recognition of rights to gay couples, without equality in marriage and no adoptions. As requested last Monday by Cardinal. Angelo Bagnasco.
The lack of official blessing of the CEI and the prudence of the bishops, anyway arouses discontent among the sponsors of Family Day. Blogs and sites of area mainly attack Monsignor Galatino and the newspaper Avvenire, in their judgment too warm, “you will not be in Rome for a picnic or for a prayer vigil in St. Peter’s Square, but to realize the New Resistance and shouting, no ifs and buts, that the law Cirinnà not pass,” writes Joseph Rusconi on “rossoporpora”, which fears the “Big mess” between the CEI and politics.
Yesterday, the bishops reiterated their “concern” about “the assimilation going on between marriage and civil unions, with the ‘introduction of an alternative to the family. ” No reference either to the bill Cirinnà nor to Family Day, that the episcopate still looks sympathetically. Not married because the objective of the withdrawal of the bill Cirinnà (March 28, 2007, the CEI asked explicitly withdrawing say) but because the gathering can help other objectives: the deletion of Article 5, with the stepchild adoption, and rewriting of Article 3, which argues for civil unions the articles of the Civil Code that refer to marriage. On this second point we are already amendments Giuseppe Lumia (Pd) which settle the question, while the stepchild adoption there is still no agreement that satisfies the secular soul of the Democratic Party, the cattoDem and Ap-Ncd, that party will be tomorrow Circus Maximus full-strength. Yesterday’s party Alfano got various sottosegretariati and delegation to the family for the new minister Enrico Costa, which may indicate that there is an ongoing attempt to agreement on the bill Cirinnà involving Ncd. The Circus Maximus there will also be members of the League and WiFi, as governors Roberto Maroni and Giovanni Toti, the Conservatives and FDI. All looking for that half a million votes in this part of the Catholic world.
For the Democratic Party there is only Beppe Fioroni and popular, that will mark the difference from other cattoDem. The historian of Christianity Massimo Fagioni commented on Twitter “Secularism two-bit vs. the familism cattolicista. Give me back the seventies, Berlinguer, the DC and all the rest.”
Like father, like son. Enrico Costa, who will be sworn in tonight as Minister for Regional Affairs, in fact take the reins of the same department that 24 years ago was his father Raffaele.
The then Liberal MP, who became the symbol of the struggle to waste and privileges an era when even “caste” did not speak any, was in fact called by Giuliano Amato at the Ministry for Regional Affairs June 28, 1992, just hoping to engage a popular face and above all suspicion in a political strand already heralded the storm of clean hands.
Today in the same ministry is the eldest son, Henry fact, face soaring Ncd 47 more years to accomplish, former Deputy Minister for Justice. In addition, his father accounted delegation to the poorly understood Community Policies. To him, however, Renzi has entrusted, in addition to the regions, the delicate delegation on the Family. That in full storm on civil unions, equivalent to a ministry rather than in series.
This entry was posted on January 28, 2016 at 14:41. The last change is the January 28, 2016 at 21:25.
On the cabinet reshuffle: the Council of Ministers today named three deputy ministers and nine secretaries , they swear that tomorrow at 21 at the Quirinale. And Prime Minister Matteo Renzi showed Enrico Costa (Ap-Ncd), until now Deputy Minister of Justice, to the post of Minister for Regional Affairs. The oath should happen already tomorrow evening, around 19. Green light the CDM also the film reform, the bill on the reorganization of relations of self-employment and the delegation with measures to combat poverty. Resources, said Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Claudio De Vincenti, will come from appropriations already approved in the Stability Law.
Zanetti deputy to MEF , Bellanova to Mise In addition to the name of Costa as Minister for Regional Affairs, here are the other executive boxes that were filled: Enrico Zanetti, the current undersecretary of Economy, was promoted to deputy minister; Teresa Bellanova, until now undersecretary of Labor, will be the new Deputy Minister of Economic Development; Mario Giro from Undersecretary switch to vice foreign minister with responsibility for cooperation and development; Enzo Amendola (Pd) takes the place of the Tour as undersecretary at the Foreign Ministry; Ivan Scalfarotto by Secretary for Reform becomes Deputy Minister for Economic Development in place of Carlo Calenda; the place of Scalfarotto goes to Dorina Bianchi (Ap-Ncd); Congressman Antimo Cesaro (Civic Choice) becomes Undersecretary for Culture; Gennaro Migliore (Pd) and Federica Chiavaroli (Ap-Ncd), each member of the other senator, to become secretaries Justice; Simona Vicari (Ap-Ncd) passes from the undersecretary to Mise Undersecretary for Infrastructure. Also formalized the appointment of Thomas Nannicini to Secretary to the Prime Minister: it is no coincidence that the appointment has come in the day of the launch of the Jobs Act for self-employment, which in fact bears his signature.
Antonio Gentile returns undersecretary Back in the structure of government also Antonio Gentile (Ap-Ncd): the former Secretary for Infrastructure, which was forced to leave in March 2014 after being accused of having lobbied to prevent the Hour of Calabria came out (no longer on sale) a story that involved his son Andrea, was appointed Secretary for Economic Development.
Yes to the bill cinema, Renzi directors meets four Oscars Nominations aside, the CDM has approved a bill to reform the film that will introduce a number of Also new in both tax and investment in the sector. These include a tax credit regime that will come from 15% to 30% of the total cost of production, and the extension to the audiovisual (fiction and documentaries) of the tax credit for investors from outside the sector. At Palazzo Chigi, lunch, Matteo Renzi met “symbolically” four Italian directors Oscar winners Bernardo Bertolucci, Giuseppe Tornatore, Roberto Benigni and Paolo Sorrentino. With their Culture Minister Dario Franceschini.
Rome – Launched the government reshuffle. Eventually the CDM appointed undersecretaries missing for months in the team of the government Renzi: eleven secretaries and deputy ministers and a new minister, Enrico Costa (Popular Area) Regional Affairs, but serves the appointment by Presidential Sergio Mattarella. Tomorrow the Prime Minister will indicate the current Deputy Minister of Justice, to the Hill. Costa will swear to the Quirinale to 19. For him, among other things, is also prospetterebbero powers to the family in addition to its entry into the control room for the South.
Promoted deputy ministers Enrizo Zanetti (Choice Civica), Economy and Finance, and Mario Giro (Democracy solidarity) Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Afari. Teresa Bellanova by Secretary to the Minister of Labour was given the title of deputy minister at the Ministry of Economic Development. swear tomorrow at 21 also Thomas Nannicini , Secretary to the Prime Minister, Enzo Amendola Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Justice Ncd reach the Federica Chiavaroli and the Dem Gennaro Migliore .
The Keeper Andrea Orlando phoned Chiavaroli and Best to congratulate them. In the next hours will be set a first meeting in Arenula between the minister and the secretaries to take stock and draw up a work program.
Dorina Bianchi (Ap) appointed secretary of the Ministry the resources, the cultural activities and tourism. Antimo Cesaro (Sc) takes the place of Francesca Barracciu as Secretary to the Ministry of Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism. Simona Vicari by Secretary to the Ministry of Economic Development goes to secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
Under-Secretary for Economic Development has been named Antonio Gentile Area Popolare’s return to the government after resigning in March 2014th followed the controversy over his alleged pressure on some newspapers Calabria.
The new deputy minister of economic development will Ivan Scalfarotto . The decision was announced, although it does not appear in the official statement of the CDM. Scalfarotto replaces Carlo Calenda, the new Permanent Representative to the EU. It ‘a political decision, which will become operational after March 18, when the neo-Italian representative in Brussels will be entered fully in charge in his new role, based on the time frame provided.
“The appointments made Today the Council of Ministers, in addition to intervene on those positions vacant for some time, will represent a definite strengthening for the government’s action thanks to the human value and professional men and women indicated. To the new Minister Costa, Under Secretary Dear, next Deputy Minister , and colleagues Secretaries area popular extend my best wishes for a good job, “said the president of the group in the Senate area popular Ncd-UDC, Renato Schifani.
The Council of Ministers, after months of waiting, has appointed new secretaries while the new Minister for Regional Affairs, Enrico Costa of Ncd, swear tomorrow at the Quirinale. The chair of the Regional Affairs was vacant following the resignation of Minister Carmela Lanzetta the Democratic Party. Among the new vice stands the name of Dorina Bianchi (Ncd) that will go to the Ministry of Culture with responsibility for Tourism. Ivan Scalfarotto (Pd) takes the place of Carlo Calenda as deputy to the Ministry of Economic Development. Enrico Zanetti (Civic Choice) is promoted by Secretary to Deputy Economy Minister. Enzo Amendola , Head of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Party, became undersecretary at the Foreign Ministry. It Thomas Nannicini , professor at Bocconi and current consultant Renzi at Palazzo Chigi, becomes Secretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for economic dossiers from jobs act for VAT registration.
At Justice, where Costa is leaving the post of deputy minister, come Gennaro Migliore (former Sel past the Democratic Party ) and Senator Federica Chivaroli of Ncd as secretaries. The Calabrian Antonio Gentile Ncd, who had been forced out of the Ministry of Transport, is now compensated with the second vice chair of the Economic Development Minister. Antimo Cesaro of Civic Choice goes to the Culture to replace Francesca Barracciu . Mario Giro (Civic Choice) is promoted by Secretary to Deputy Foreign Minister with responsibility for cooperation. The council of ministers in charge of government reshuffle began discussing the enabling law on cinema and the audiovisual, says the report accompany the measure, for the first time since ’49 that a systematic discipline of film and audiovisual productions rationalizing investment measures planned for these areas. It is also planned for the reorganization of the performing arts. The measure was developed by the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini.
A fund of 400 million a year for film
Among the titles of the bill Franceschini there are the “Fund for the development of investment in film and audiovisual ‘powered by an allocation of not less than 450 million euro per year; the strengthening of the tax credit; enhancement of cinemas with regional incentives; the introduction of a “Code of the show” for the live show. “These interventions – continues in the report – are necessary and urgent, in front of, the current economic and financial context of the national audiovisual sector”. THE bill to combat poverty Undersecretary Claudio de Vincenti has announced that the government has also approved other bill of “great importance”: the delegation with regard to combating poverty and the bill on self-employment.
shadow carousel
The new faces of the government
January 28, 2016 (modified January 28, 2016 | 21:14)
Finishing touches to “rimpastino” government which, as he said himself, Matteo Renzi, is expected during the day. The CDM this afternoon, convened for 17, it may already be the onset of Enrico Costa as Minister of Regions. The premier, however, has been stressed that the issue is in the hands of the head of state. The new minister could climb to Colle in the early afternoon as Mattarella pledged at 9:30 with the opening del’anno judiciary and 12 with the Emir of Qatar.
Renzi said yesterday, after the Senate laxciando vote of confidence that the new secretaries will be “six or seven.” Some of these are now known as Thomas Nannicini new Secretary to the Prime (with the guidance of the new Economic Council of Prime Minister’s office) and Enzo Amendola ready to go by Deputy Minister at the Foreign Ministry.
There should be no hitches then for the return of Antonio Gentile for Transport. Development could go Teresa Bellanova (maybe replaced Labour Filippo Taddei), but continues to speak of the removal of Luigi Casero balanced by the promotion of Enrico Zanetti Deputy Economy Minister with responsibility as heavy as the one on taxes. In totonomine to replace Carlo Calenda but there is also Guido Sottanelli. If instead of the Costa Justice was the name of Gabriele Albertini, it is still perhaps replacing Francesca Barracciu of Culture, where circulated the name of Antimo Cesaro.
It ends, as in the forecast, with the rejection of motions of no confidence and with a double set of shots by Matteo Renzi, one that invites the opposition to continue, essentially, playing with tools unrealistic (“keep to your controversy, grab hold of the mud”) while the government “thinks the good of Italy” and one, more specifically, to Silvio Berlusconi which sends roughly means that the ranks of FI are becoming increasingly scarce while also suffering from internal bickering.
is archived so (178 no, 101 yes, one abstained, the majority for the motion 141 FI-League; 174 no, 84 yes, one abstention, for the majority 130 M5S) the question distrust in the Hall of the Senate, with the prime minister who defends Maria Elena Boschi by allegations of conflict of interest for the case Etruria and that claims to the government not to look in the face of excellent names or friends of friends. “If you want to send home because the government has made the decree on the popular go ahead. We are proud to have made a reform that for 25 years the Parliament should have done, “Renzi marks.
The voice rises in pitch when he says that” there is no conflict interest in this matter but only the attempt to have saved one million account holders, seven salaries. If you want to send us home to this, do it. We would never have destroyed parts of economy to make a political struggle against the government. Before your party squabbles there’s interest, and you should remember it. “
Redefined the matter of the dispute and the deployment in the field, the Prime Minister passes to more targeted messages. To 5 stars, for example, which reminds us that “in this country who pays wrong but the judges decide, not you, and after the three sets of proceedings.” And “the fourth grade that is not the Blog Enlightened ‘or Beppe Grillo. “This is the government that has the police Banca Etruria with no regard for the full names of the board. For us there are friends and friends of friends, “he assures the prime minister who then gets to the heart of the political struggle of the discussion today when he observes that” it is stated that there would be a conflict of interest: I believe that on these issues we should have courage to speak the truth because faced accusations lowest and most miserable, and that is that there is a different treatment for someone, you have to have the courage to look at the reality. ”
After the 5 Star, it’s up to Forza Italy, “You – says Renzi addressing the benches blue – you are divided, you are less and less. The newspapers will count no, but if you counted the yes, you will see that they are less and less because of you there is a great division. ” Not only that, there is also substantial political liquidation of the role of Berlusconi: “We wait patiently in the moderate center – says Renzi fact – we can return to a language that is not that of ideological opposition that, in a case like this leads you to do battle without realizing what was the banking system in Italy. “
There are also tips controversy even in the opposite direction. Like when Quagliariello says: “I submit myself to the separation of powers and even wonder what would happen if they were the protagonists of several disturbing events reached the attention of the CSM, and for which we are sure will be exercised all the rigor possible. I avoid even maramaldeggiare and note the evocative – is the thrust of the former minister – is an editorial by Ferruccio de Bortoli, some time ago, compared to the events we read about in recent weeks and being discussed today in the Senate. ”
the storm subsided international statues of the Capitoline Museums censored as to not offend the host Iranian Islamic sexual phobia , the premier Renzi will say that it is still worth it, given the economic results that the Italian government collects in terms of investment and exchange. But the fact remains that from around the world poured in sarcasm and questions about the ease with which Italy has folded, or perhaps even preceded, the demands of the Iranian delegation sent to inspection at the Capitol. The French have preferred to skip the dinner in honor of President Rouhani rather than giving up serving wine at the table. It will be said that there are precedents of allegations to avoid incurring the wrath of guests sessuofobiche Islamic or even the Catholic hierarchy (in Turin were covered with posters of an exhibition of the painter Tamara de Lempicka when the pope arriving on a visit), but this time the gesture of submission to the will of Muslims has not gone unnoticed. And now, inevitable, comes the clash between the government – which is said in the dark and angry – that the Superintendent declares alien, and the Ceremonial of Palazzo Chigi. While Rouhani, of course, welcomes the Italian censorship. Civil rights, as always, no one dared to talk to the Iranian president who Renzi will return the visit in a few months. Warm fronts still open: there is a law that allows the sale of Ilva and the workers are in great excitement to what will happen to them when selling in some Asian giant. The government has promised a meeting. Front Rai will be fired the executive who did anticipate the stroke of midnight on December 31, live on TV. Hard hand, but in a company that does not yet positively influenced by the riformetta launched in recent months. Banks: the agreement reached between the Minister and EU Commissioner Padoan Vestager allow banks suffering from bad debts out of the whirlpool, without the aid being of the state. And approaching mergers between some small and medium banks. But not without sacrifices for the same lenders. In fact, bank stocks suffer on the stock exchange. Civil unions: there is an agreement with the opposition to thin out the amendments in exchange for more time for discussion.
ROME – The vote on the ruling and the precedent presented by the opposition to the bill Cirinnà on civil unions sleigh next Tuesday, February 2nd. Tomorrow we will only incardinamento text and discussion of precedent and rulings. This was established by the conference of leaders of the Senate.
But the big news comes from the Northern League, which, as stated at the end of the group leaders in the Senate Gian Marco Hundred, is ready to withdraw “90%” of the more than 5 thousand amendments the civil unions bill. According Hundred, the decision comes from “a gentlemen’s agreement between the PD-F League” in which, simultaneously, the withdrawal of the amendment ‘kangaroo’ in the text before signature Marcucci presented civil unions.
” For the next week there will be a general discussion of the bill on civil unions – said Hundred – But it was not indicated nor a start date of voting on amendments, nor a final date of the final vote of the measure “. And then he added: “The battle has just begun we can vote our proposals in defense of children”.
A policeman was killed Wednesday morning in the doorway of his home in Carrara (Massa Carrara) in a street of the old town, not far from the hospital. The murderer, according to preliminary information, after firing would have fled on foot and then turned himself in Prosecution.
The information is still few and fragmentary. The victim says the Corriere Fiorentino, is Antonio Taibi, 47, an officer of the provincial command of Massa Carrara. From what transpired would be the cleaners to have found the man’s body after he heard shots of gunfire. Still not known the exact causes and dynamics of the murder. To shoot the gun shots was a pensioner who has played at the door of the police officer and was presented as a professor, then fired, instantly killing the military. Now it is being interrogated in the prosecution.
January 27, 2016 (modified January 27, 2016 | 10:16)
This article was published on 25 January 2016 at 16:59.
To defend the identity of the family: this believers have the right and duty to intervene. It still must be reaffirmed the unity of the bishops on the centrality of the family. Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of CEI, speaks to the “parliament” of the bishops: a much-awaited speech to the approach of the Family Day on 30 January organized by the Association Catholic traditionalist against the draft law for the recognition of rights for civil unions .
“Never fails the identity and unique” institution of the family said in the opening address Cardinal, who a few days ago with a statement at the end of Sunday Mass in Genoa had in fact expressed support to the event , this line different from the general secretary of the Italian Bishops Conference, Nuncio Galantino. Today, in the opening address he used tones very cautious, and never mentioned the Family Day, which also – partly as a result of her statement – is receiving support from many Italian bishops agree on the line of a Church “interventionist” policy issues. But prudence prevails today: “Our every word, as always, want to be respectful of the roles,” he said. And on sensitive issues cites Pope Francis: “There can be no confusion between the family willed by God and every other type of union” and “Children deserve to grow up with a father and a mother. The family is an anthropological fact, not ideological. ”
After his statements happened a fact that likely had an impact: the hearing for Francesco Bagnasco – it happens every time, before any permanent council – which was to be held Friday was canceled. No official confirmation, but it was clear that this was a clear message of Bergoglio, who have long repeats as bishops, which also must be present on the issues that touch people, they do not have to enter the arena, as happened so resounding with the Family Day 2007 or the referendum on assisted procreation in 2005.
About the show only an indirect reference: “Believers have the duty and the right to participate in the common good with serenity of heart and spirit constructive, as solemnly it reiterated the Second Vatican Council. It is up to the laity “to include the divine law in the life of the earthly city. Shoulder their responsibilities in the light of Christian wisdom and with eager attention to the teaching of the Magisterium. “
According to the cardinal,” we must never forget the identity of the family and its importance for the stability and economic development of the country, as well as the essential role played by the education of future generations. ” That the family is a voice from “revive” because “inexhaustible treasure and universal heritage”, asking whether “protected, promoted and supported by policies truly incisive and consistent.” They are the condition “to help – as already happens in other countries – the birth of children.” The birth rate is in fact “a decisive signal to evaluate the status of a country, and therefore should be considered to be all better.” In addition, “more and more they come to the surface – in the sense of the people – the love and the belief that the family, as required by our Constitution, is the foundation and center of the social fabric”, a “point of reference”, the ” place to receive and give warmth, where out of himself to meet each other in the beauty of complementarity and the responsibility to generate new lives, love and grow. ” Thus, “each State assumes the duties and charges to the family based on marriage, because she recognizes not only their future, but also its stability and prosperity.”
This article was published on 25 January 2016 at 20:17. The last change is the January 25, 2016 at 23:06.
Alarm terrorism returned to Rome. It was found in Anagni with a toy gun man (that according to preliminary information would psychological problems), which triggered the alarm for an hour and a half to Rome’s Termini Station around 19. Man It fits the description of the alert that triggered the alarm in Rome, has been controlled by a police officer not on duty on the train to Anagni, which verified that the one he had with him was a weapon toy. The conductor, in fact, it would signal to the off-duty military who did not know the alarm tripped at Termini; the latter intervened, has checked and verified that it was a weapon toy, complete with a red cap, and let it go. Man, hat and jacket celestial, an Italian 40s, would then come down to Agnani. The police are looking for him now. If the man is tracked will be sued for false alarm. The man, Italian, had been captured by a security camera ( See photos ) showing him with a light blue jacket, dark pants, white hat and blue, pointy shoes and a gun held in his hand at his side. Sighted by some subway passengers, who raised the alarm, the man, in their 40s, reached by train Anagni.
Shooting circulation trains to Rome Termini The station is slowly returned to normal after a security alert lasted about half an hour and issued between the tracks by police. A few minutes before 20 police officers and security personnel of the station were whisked trains passengers who were waiting on the sidewalks. Initially all trains were stopped waiting for instructions.
Access to the station reopened to the public Twenty-five minutes or something more than concern for travelers, who were made up on the trains waiting. No ads from the speakers of the station, behind closed doors on the trains. Stationary traffic, as far as you could understand being closed on the train. Even access to the station were reopened to the public, but with strict controls by police and carabinieri. The stores, which had been closed during the evacuation, have raised their shutters.
Metro regular The Rome metro has always worked fine. Despite the Termini station had been evacuated after the warning, the races of the two metro lines A and B, which cross at the railway station, have not been affected.
Rome, January 26, 2016 – “Children are not a right and must have a father and a mother.” This said the CEI president Angelo Bagnasco, on the issue of civil unions to the permanent council of the Italian Episcopal Conference.
The Cardinal pointed out that the family is a “treasure chest of relationships, generations and genres, of humanism and of grace” in which “there is a jewel in the crown: the children. But never a right “, and added that” their true good must prevail over any other, since they are the weakest and most exposed: they are never right, because there are things to be produced; They are entitled to respect and above all, security and stability. They need a complete microcosm, in its essentials, to breathe a definite breath “and quoting a speech by Pope Francis in 2014 noted that” Children deserve to grow up with a father and a mother. The family is an anthropological fact, not ideological. ”
On civil unions Bagnasco recalls that the bishops are united and compact “in sharing the difficulties and trials of family and reaffirm the beauty, the centrality and uniqueness: insinuate conflicts and divisions means not love nor the Church nor the family. ” “We dream of a country – he added – to family size, where respect for all is lifestyle, and the rights of everyone are guaranteed on different levels according to justice.”
“The believers have the duty and the right to participate in the common good with serenity of heart and constructive spirit “. It is up to the laity “to include the divine law in the life of the earthly city. Shoulder their responsibilities in the light of Christian wisdom and with eager attention to the teaching of the Magisterium. “
” We feel the duty to raise the voice of the family, inexhaustible treasure and universal heritage, to be protected, promoted and supported policies truly incisive and consistent “.
And the family as provided by the Constitution “is the foundation and center of the social fabric”, says Cardinal “Therefore every state assumes the duties and charges to the family based on marriage, because she recognizes not only their future, but also its stability and prosperity. We hope that the collective consciousness will never lack the identity and unique to this institution. ” “The founding fathers gave us a treasure precise, we all have to appreciate and cherish as the dearest and most precious heritage, aware that – said Bagnasco citing the words of Pope Francis – ‘there can be no confusion between the family willed by God and any other type of union. “
The family is a “treasure chest of relationships, generations and genres, of humanism and of grace” in which “there is a jewel in the crown: the children. But never a right. ” This was underlined by the president of the CEI, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco added that “their true good must prevail over any other, since they are the weakest and most exposed: they are never right, as there are things to be produced; They are entitled to respect and above all, security and stability. They need a complete microcosm, in its essentials, to breathe a definite breath: ‘Children have a right to grow – it has found the president of the CEI citing words of the Pope – with a father and a mother. The family is an anthropological fact, not ideological. ”
On the issue of civil unions, said Bagnasco, there is no division among the bishops. “The bishops – said the president of the CEI, Cardinal. Angelo Bagnasco – are united and compact in sharing the difficulties and trials of family and reaffirm the beauty, the centrality and uniqueness: insinuate conflicts and divisions means not love neither the Church nor the family. ” “We dream of a country – he added – to family size, where respect for all is lifestyle, and the rights of everyone are guaranteed on different levels according to justice.”
” Believers have the duty and the right to participate in the common good with serenity of heart and constructive spirit ‘, he adds the president of the CEI, but did not explicitly mention the Family Day on Saturday. The archbishop reiterated, however, that belongs to the laity, as indicated by the Second Vatican Council, “to include the divine law in the life of the earthly city. Shoulder their responsibilities in the light of Christian wisdom and with eager attention to the teaching of the Magisterium. “
” We feel the duty to raise the voice of the family, inexhaustible treasure and world heritage, because it is protected, promoted and supported by policies truly incisive and consistent. ” And the family as provided by the Constitution “is the foundation and center of the social fabric,” said the archbishop of Genoa. “For this reason – he added – each State assumes the duties and charges to the family based on marriage, because she recognizes not only their future, but also its stability and prosperity. We hope that the collective consciousness will never lack the identity and unique to this institution. ” “The founding fathers gave us a treasure precise, we all have to appreciate and cherish as the dearest and most precious heritage, aware that – said Bagnasco citing the words of Pope Francis – ‘there can be no confusion between the family willed by God and any other type of union. “
“Do not give up defending the national interest.” Matteo Renzi told speaking Europe in Mantua, adding that Italy “must be one for which we do not feel vindictive logic, we do not make a tantrum, but demand more Europe. The national interest lies in correspondence European dream. “
Anyone who claims that the European problem is Schengen, that we must close the borders” not only takes a step back, but betrays the idea of Europe “: this is convinced President of the Council reiterated the rejection of the fear that terrorism seeks to bring and against which the antidote is “culture.” “Who calls into question today the idea of free movement in Europe says a life based on fear” so those who question the Schengen “betrays the same European identity”, stressed Renzi. The premiee then announced that Saturday will be a visit to Ventotene, explaining that “after meeting next Friday with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Saturday, we’re going to Ventotene with Franceschini to say that the great European ideal needs to be preserved and balanced “.
” Persevere and serbatevi a better future, “then quoted Virgil Renzi, and all he could do to Mantua to indicate what should be the motto of Italy. A burst of positivity important because “reforms – said – in themselves are of little use. No need to change the country if the country does not find its function in the world, “and for that culture is an essential element. “The place of Italy – he continued – is the guide of Europe that is not only the bureaucracy but also passion and courage.”
In the stability law a measure that will have the most immediate impact is the release of the Stability Pact, then osservatoo Renzi, adding that it is about two billion resources. “At least two billion – he said – already unlocked in the facts.”
“The Senate for the third time voted its overcoming, what he did not believe anybody but beautiful,” said the president of the Council. “It is the policy that exceeds its self – he added -. A sign that Italy has set in motion. ” “If 2015 was the year of reforms, 2016 will be the year of the values. Italy returns to ask for values to Europe, “said the president of the Council. “We need this Italian after all the reforms of this world has the knowledge to say that are of little use if this country does not find its place in the world. And this culture is not impossible, “he said.
” We do not resign ourselves to live in fear, “he said Renzi still talking about terrorism. The prime minister then explained that the Sabbath is turning to Italy not just to make a “sightseeing tour” but for the fact that “the terrorist attacks symbols of our identity.” “The goal – he added – is to undermine our way of life or force us to live in fear and we do not resign ourselves to live in fear.”
In Mantua Renzi, accompanied by Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini, made a private visit to the Palazzo Ducale. It was a short private visit after a meeting he had at the Teatro Bibiena attended by councilors and mayors of Mantovano at Mantova Italian capital of culture 2016. rendezvous, where in addition to Renzi and Franceschjini, is He spoke from the stage the mayor Mattia Palazzi, were present among others the bishop Monsignor Roberto Busti and the president of the Province, Alessandro Pastacci.
Militants pro and against the bill on civil unions Cirinnà warm muscles ahead of demonstrations by both sides already. And …
The stakes of the Pope on civil unions Renzi: the law is not put off
On the day when comes the stance of Pope Francis Prime Minister Matteo Renzi insists that “the law on civil unions is no longer …
Unions civilians, in the Democratic Party fight the total lay-Catholics. You try the agreement on pre-foster care
A small crack. Among the 67 amendments proposed by the Democratic Party at Palazzo Madama only one may be able to overcome the impasse on the stepchild adoption. He …
CITY ‘OF THE VATICAN – There will be no direct support to the Family Day, but Papa Francesco, a week after the street demonstration, explains: “No …
“A law takes on some points and if we do not find the understanding we have to go to vote in free ballot.” Matteo Renzi, to RTL, reiterates …
Civil Unions, mobilize squares: the weekend shows the opposite of yes
Militants pro and against the bill on civil unions Cirinnà warm muscles ahead of demonstrations by both sides for gi …
Francesca Flack: “We clearly on civil unions
“On January 28, the Senate will return to the Italian text of the law on civil unions. The controversy is hot, I feel a lot of wrong information, that …
Rome, the return of Marino, the former mayor speaks of civil unions (with the tricolor flag)
Here, Ignazio Marino. The former mayor peeps on Facebook, but to intervene on civil unions, launching a petition online. Everyone is wondering if …
Civil Unions, Pascale is the clash between Berlusconi and the law renziana
I doubt the President Mattarella, the possibility of a referral or even a back of the government on civil unions will manage to save a …
Civil Unions, Bagnasco: “The real problems of Italy are other”
A demonstration “shareable” and purpose “absolutely necessary.” So Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco has defined the …
The background / “Next, the question of seriousness.” But Renzi risk numbers
ROME – We are well placed Catholics renziana inspiration, to create problems for the premier secretary. Shouting “No to gay adoptions, the children are not a …
E ‘clash in the Democratic Party over civil unions after the publication of a document signed by the Catholic component of the party asking you to drop …
The center is compact on the bill no Cirinnà (“we support civil unions, but not to the text as it was written,” said Berlusconi), the …
The clash on so-called “civil unions” is back to red-hot. In theory, the Senate debate is expected to open in three weeks. But just …
civil unions, the Democratic Party split proposal dem bad-but the government pulls straight
Democratic Party and centrist reconfirm their positions about the bill on civil unions and, in particular, the rules relating to the adoption of children by the …
“I have no doubt left, the progressive left. It’s not that they are like the elevator when it suits the left comes to …
Gay Adoptions, move Pd: reform along with M5S
BEHIND THE ROME The draft law on civil unions will return in January 26 in the classroom of the Palazzo Madama, where popular area will continue to give …
MARSCIANO Barbara and Letizia have registered their civil union in City Hall. A full-blown ceremony, the town council hall, to celebrate the …
Civil Unions, Alfano exults: the Council of State gives me reason
“After a year of controversy #ConsigliodiStato gives me reason: mayors can not transcribe #nozzegay and it is up to the Prefects supervise. Fine!”. I tweeted the …
Civil Unions, Forza Italy to freedom of conscience
Tomorrow night, at 19, in the hall of the groups of the House, will be held the meeting of the joint group of the House and Senate to force Italy to decide the line …
For the second time in Italy, after the appeal filed by two women, the judge has given the go ahead to the adoption of a child from the companion …
Civil Unions, Renzi is a priority but no walls
A prioritÃÂÂ where you need common sense and listening, trying a drop point between now and 2016. The Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, the aftermath of a …
VATICAN CITY – “I wish that my voice came to the Synod that the Synod Fathers could orientate positively about gay. A pair of …
Unions civilians still soto shooting Vatican. “The family is another thing,” he said today Cardinal Agostino Vallini, the Pope’s vicar for Rome, saying he was …
civil unions, the government dampens: Adoption of freedom of conscience. Ncd: good
“On the stepchild adoption there are different opinions and cross, on this issue probably the Democratic Party will leave freedom of conscience. There will be no rupture of the …
“I ask that the policy is not cross-eyed. You can not think of a government that is investing a lot of energy for these particular forms of unions and the fact is …
Civil Unions, M5S: ready to close, but the Democratic Party does not want
“I asked to start discussing the proposal Cirinnà close Tuesday and Thursday, the Democratic Party does not want to, so they have a chat.” Gianluca Castaldi, …
New battle on civil unions. “We endeavor to reach an agreement in Parliament. Let the intersection with Ncd, is an effort we have to do. But …
civil unions, new confrontation in the majority. Pd port bill in court. Ira centrists: a stretch
New battle on civil unions in the majority with the centrists who oppose the arrival of the bill in the House and the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi that now pulls straight ….
civil unions, is again clash. Alfano: no to gay adoptions. Pd: bill immediately in the classroom
The civil union bill in the House immediately after the ok for reforms, but without the agreement with AP. This is, in essence, the outcome of the long summit at Palazzo …
Rome and civil unions, top-Renzi Alfano
Interior Minister Angelino Alfano and the parent Ap the Senate, Renato Schifani, arrived at Palazzo Chigi for the summit on civil unions with the …
It seldom happens but when it happens you understand better who wins and who loses. We are talking about the reform of the Constitution, whose examination, contrary to what …
High voltage in the majority on civil unions. The Democratic Party intends to accelerate, but the centrists are holding.
“The new text on civil unions will be in the House at the …
The battle on civil unions could apply the break in the New center. The Democratic Party intends to accelerate: Today will be announced the presentation of a new text …
Forty-eight hours to approve civil unions in the Senate. On paper, after the scheduling of the final vote on reforms to 13 October, is the challenge that …
Nicholas Emanuele and a son born in Canada, “We will teach diversity ‘
JESI – Their child was born in Canada due to GPa (gestation for others). It’s a year and a half and two dads: Nicola and Emanuele. Two very private people which joined …
civil unions, the way the bill in the Senate. Renzi, “OK by the year ‘
Launch of the sitting of the Justice Committee with the start of voting on amendments to the bill on civil unions Cirinnà. Earlier, the office of …
Majority divided on civil unions. The bill Monica Cirinnà (Pd) ruiprende its course Wednesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but the democrat and …
Civil Unions, Cirinnà: “You work to change, but not the least rights”
“It is true that you are working hypotheses of change, but it is said that changes are to the downside. Accept some changes art.1 and 3 instead of quote …