The Senate by secret vote was saved Silvio Berlusconi from the use of wiretapping with “Olgettina” for the process Ruby Ter . Those in favor were 120, those opposed 130 and 8 abstentions. The Senate has so distorted the decision of the board for the parliamentary immunity on April 26 had given the green light for the use of 11 conversations between the former Knight and Iris Berardi and Barbara Guerra as evidence against him.
in Classroom protests Movement 5 stars have prompted President Pietro Grasso to suspend the sitting. At the end of the vote they have started the controversy: decisive were the absences, but the Democratic Party and M5s have accused each other. l dem have said that Berlusconi was saved by grillini “such as North League did with Craxi in 1993″. The 5 Star replied arguing that the pact of the Nazarene has risen and that “the first hen singing has laid an egg.” Celebrated instead of the senators Forza Italy , but also verdiniani: “We are proud to have contributed in a compact way to the result of a vote that changed to the comes Jacobin this Senate. “
Decisive absentees: 13 senators Pd, 5 and 6 M5s Ncd
What makes the difference are the absences in the Chamber. Forza Italy and the League North present and voting in a compact way, to weigh were the empty benches of the other parties. Thirteen absentees among Democrats, five M5s, six Ncd, 2 Civic Choice, four senators for life, one of the Northern League, a Gal, two Psi, one of Italy of values, one of Verdi and one the Mixed group. For the Democratic Party they were not in the House to vote on some heavy names are in the list of missing ministre Roberta Pinotti and Stefania Giannini , but also the secretaries Marco Minniti and Philip Bubbico. There were then some members of the Democratic Party left as Lucrezia Ricchiuti, Felice Casson , Miguel Gotor and Albano Donatella . Also absent grillini Bruno Marton, Vito Crimi, Mario Giarrusso, Elena factors and Luigi Gaetti. Finally there were the secretaries Benedetto Della Vedova (civic Choice) and Simona Vicari (Ncd). Among the names listed some were committed to the mission of the Anti-Mafia Committee (Ricchiuti, Giarrusso, Gaetti for example).
To request a secret ballot, as well as members of Forza Italy and Ncd, were also four senators Pd: Mark Filippi, Annamaria Parente, Francesca Puglisi, Mario Morgoni . These have then said he had made a mistake in the heat of the moment. Among them it is also one of the M5s, Alberto Airola, who said he was wrong, asking that his name be deleted. As well as two MPs of the majority group of Autonomy: Franco Panizza and Claudio Zin . One of the League: Nunziante Council .
According to Senator Forza Italy Maurizio Gasparri plan to analyze the present and counting of the votes show that there was no mess. “They’re all out of the way,” he said. “It is very clear who were the 130 who voted against this latest abuse against Berlusconi and eight who abstained. The center-area groups have expressed 107 votes . The other 31 are easily available in the autonomies group and mixed group. After that there will be someone in the Democratic Party, far from renziano, that perhaps he wanted to express a vote against Renzi plus some sincere garantista. But the latter will have been four or five, and you can also understand who they are. Policy experts and Parliament know very well how was this vote. “
Pd:” The dirty maneuvers of 5 stars “. M5s: “The covenant of the Nazarene has risen”
Rapprochement of a piece of Ncd, see the case Schifani, a Silvio Berlusconi has had an immediate and beneficial positive effect for the former Knight, struggling with the third line of the Ruby case . With ten votes in the Senate reject the House has rejected the use of the authorization by the courts interceptions. A few minutes of the announcement, the Democratic Party bloc has chosen to attack the 5 stars highlighting them as responsible for the decision. “The dirty maneuvers of 5 stars”, said Democratic Party Senator and Secretary Luciano Pizzetti , “Berlusconi saved with the secret ballot. Like the League saved Craxi in 1993. They speak of morality but act in the shadows. ” The charge of Laura Cantini has gone further, “Forza Italy did vote 5 Star Hotel in Rome and Turin, the M5s today has returned the favor by saving Berlusconi. In the face of voters and consistency “. Immediately after the vote on Berlusconi, the Parliament voted to postpone the vote on immunity to Senator grillino Mario Giarrusso , absent in plenary: M5s Fi and have sided in favor. That was enough to the Democratic Party to speak of an axis: “Thanksgiving for the vote on Berlusconi?” Wrote Roberto Cociancich . The grillini rejected all of the accusations: “The first hen singing has laid an egg,” said Sen. M5s Nicola Morra . And on the deal Giarrusso the group in the Senate said: “The vote was only postponed for the absence of the person concerned, and we are ready to vote in favor of his trial. What agreement we are talking about? “.
The exchange of mutual accusations went on stage especially on social networks and to the sound of press releases prepared in haste at the end of the vote. The leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate Luigi Zanda said to be sure of the good faith of “her:” I am sure, “he said,” that the dem Group voted in favor compactly. I am much less certain that, in secret ballot, there was the same conduct on the part of groups that although they had expressed, in classroom discussions, the same position “. For 5 stars instead is the provided the Nazarene Risen: “The Democratic Party with the secret ballot saves Berlusconi,” said the team leader Stefano Lucidi, “and try to shore up his increasingly creaky majority. A sneaky way, blaming others as has happened on other occasions, played on the skin of justice, to try to make even a benevolent behavior by Berlusconi and their powerful media system in the constitutional referendum . The covenant of the Nazarene is risen. “
Fi:” It finally affirm the principles of the Constitution “. Ala: “Microscopic Compensation”
In the chaos of controversy, who is celebrating Forza Italy . “We record with satisfaction,” said the chairman of the Senate Paul Romans , “you finally say the principles of the Constitution and the right to procedural safeguards as recognized by the Code of Criminal Procedure. Guarantees are a non-negotiable value, as the House has expressly certificate, must apply to all, irrespective of any political affiliation “. Even verdiniani have spoken out against the use of wiretaps and claimed their active role in the rescue of the former Knight: “This represents only a tiny compensation,” said the deputy chairman of Alliance liberalpopolare – Autonomy Riccardo Mazzoni , “compared to the injustice amount that was consumed with his summary expulsion from Parliament. It was a vote of freedom of a strong act of guarantor who has finally put an embankment without this judicial order against a great political leader. The spectacle of the justice-reproach that the ” guilty of what we are passionate about not at all: we are, in fact, are proud to have contributed in a compact way to the result of a vote that changed towards drifting Jacobin of this Senate. “
The Ruby ter process and the intercepts between Berlusconi and Iris Berardi and Barbara Guerra – The eleven interceptions between Silvio Berlusconi and two of the so-called ‘Olgettina’, Iris Berardi and Barbara Guerra, will remain the acts of so-called process ‘Ruby Ter’ but may be used by prosecutors as evidence only against girls and not the former prime minister. The process sees charged 31 people, including the leader of Forza Italy, Ruby Heartbreaker and twenty girls. According to the prosecutor of Milan, Berlusconi paid to witnesses while he was celebrating the Ruby process , ended – for the former president – with a conviction at first then able canceled forever from Supreme Court that acquitted him.
On 16 April, the Board had rejected the proposal of Enrico Buemi presenter to ban the use of all eleven interceptions and therefore the demand the judge in Milan has arrived in the Senate. For the judge in Milan, Stefania Donadeo , eleven calls “appear relevant” because it would demonstrate the “negotiations” to bestow “the two women of money” and give them “real estate” in exchange for some sort of “procedural fairness” against him. It is tapping that date back to 2012, when Berlusconi was still a senator, and that were made in another study with an alleged scam in the center of public funding, archived. However, those calls were later recovered by investigators and included in the file Ruby ter. The judge explained that the measure is so-called conversations “random” , that the prosecutor could not have foreseen “that would have intercepted the Parliamentary” and therefore had no obligation to ask for time authorization to Parliament.
“There should be no impediments elements” authorization by the Parliament so that they enter the proceedings, because Berlusconi, meanwhile, “has been revoked” from office. In the nine pages of the request to the Senate the investigating judge also reconstructed some passages of intercepted phone calls between April and August of 2012 “in full swing nell’istruttoria hearing about processes” on the Ruby case. Conversations in which the “urgent demands” of the two young people, in the past, guests of the evening to Arcore , “the fulfillment of the obligations of bestowal than promised,” Berlusconi “subordinates” their “procedural approach”. Former Knight, in fact, asked “explicitly to Barbara War to persuade Iris Berardi to revoke the constitution of civil party” and call on 12 April 2012, the showgirl “to Berlusconi confirmed he would put ‘the its good offices’ to convince ‘the crazy’, “that Berardi,” to abandon the chosen path. ” And from the diary of the Brazilian, reads the order, “showed even more clearly how and why Berlusconi should fear the deposition testimony of the same, since there is an explicit reference to a relationship between the two types of prostitution when Berardi was still minor. “
the two ‘Olgettina’, having as plaintiffs in a trial of Ruby Faith, Minetti and Mora, withdrew their constitution . And in interceptions, as he wrote to the investigating judge, Berlusconi “did not hesitate to order the War” to withdraw, calling the revocation “that thing ” them. So much so that the two girls “were then addressed by way of a free loan (…) of two houses worth around one million euro each .” And if war was still in its pressing demands of money for “being able to allow a ‘deserved’ holiday a month,” Berardi, May 15, 2012, rejected the proposal of Berlusconi a job from a “switchboard” because “it was not prepared to work per thousand Euros per month “. And on June 22 the former premier also promised “to Berardi financial assistance for the purchase of a van.”